Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 605

This is what the people really let Luo Same cannot refuse.

Even just a short-lived cooperation with the guards, Luo Sand can clearly feel how much help will give him a crane to him.

If you can fully master the guards, it is a thousand generations of high rights of sandy villages and competition to say that the leaves are no longer his opponent.

"You help me completely control the crane?"

I heard the problem of Luo Sand, and the people laughed.

He knew that Luo Sa is moved, then it is simple.

"At least I am a perfect column, what do you think?"

The people are now the only perfect column power of the ribbon, even if the eight tail column is Qirabi, and there is a lot of gaps with him.

Luo Sand is silent.

This silence lasted for a long time.

However, the people are not anxious, after all, this is not a simple decision, Luo Same agrees with their conditions, will definitely suffer from the high-level Qiyin Village of the Qianyuan.

Just think that he thinks this exchanging value is not worth it.

But with the people's understanding of Luo Sand, Luo Sand will definitely agree.

He is a person in such a person.

It is about three minutes, and Luo Sand, who is struggling in the heart, is ultimately a little unreasonable stop protocol amount of the consent.

This is directly to be sandy village in the defeat party.

Luo Sand will definitely bear great pressure, and it will not be decided. He naturally has considered it.

The people will return to him, "When the time is coming, I will naturally appear, I don't have to doubt the credibility of my words."

Signed a series of seemingly unfair treaties, Luo Saica Shen faces the full blessings, and there is no way to return to the camp of the sand.

Then, the cheerful cheers from the wooden leaves, and the sand is low.

The expression of sand is very ugly, gloomy, such as water.

However, in fact, think about it, why will Sandy Village provoked this third endurance battle?

It is not because the contradiction between multiple factions internally cannot be resolved because the death of the three generations of winds cannot be chosen to alleviate the pressure.

Now, the internal contradictions are resolved, and many sand is still on the battlefield. Although this is not a happy thing, but it also alleviates the fiscal fiscal, which is not very abundant, this is not much. A bad thing.

Moreover, because the results of the second endurance battle caused that sandy villages themselves need to pay for the mandate income for five years.

Although these conditions are serious than the last time, it is not much poor.

In this way, it is possible to get it.

Everyone who is thinking about how people think about sandy village is of course not intended.

Anyway, the war is over, and there are so many benefits of wooden leaves, or it is also a war bonus, this is the vast majority of wood ninja.

The absolute turnover that can appear is still because of the emergence of the people, to twisted the situation with a part.

Single to kill the half-god pepper half-hidden, stop the attack of the original rain, and forcibly arrest a tail crane in the battle with a tail guard and Luo Sum.

Such a result is enough to make all the wooden ninja admire.

For the fourth-generation rigs of this in a hurry during war, they all admire themselves.

Two days, the Warring Battlefield, which plagued the Woody National Battlefield and the National Battlefield, and the war of the long-term years of the year was finally ended.

This is almost equal to the declaration of the third party's endurance war has entered an end.

The fog hidden village can almost ignore, as long as the battle between the country and the cloud, the third endurance battle is the real end.

The sand is very low, so the morale is going to play a horse, and the thousand generations don't think that sand can win.

With a country with a sand, withdraw the country, leaving almost a thousand sand, standing in the country border.

The district of wood is also arranged in the arrangement of the people and Luoji, leaving almost a border of the country where the ninja stationed in the fire, withdraw from the country of rain.

However, compared with the country of Taki, the country of rain is not so good.

Although the country is miserable, it is unswerving from the rock village from the end, so the war is over, the mute is still a bit conscience, giving a certain support in the country of Taki and the Thain Village.

The country of rain is not the same.

Under the leadership of the half-hidden, the United Rice leaf is against the sand hidden village, and finally the anti-water against the anti-wooden leaves, which makes it no good feelings on him.

It is already very good to send people in the rain.

It can make them choose to get back, mainly because the position of the rain is too embarrassed.

In the country of contact with the country, the country of the country and the country of the earth will be accepted and guarded by the other two.

Therefore, the country of rain must be independent.

But it doesn't mean something.

Ended the final celebration feast of the war victory, after returning to his own single tent, evoked the root ninja headed by the dragon horse.

"Longma, put the most powerful in the rain, the highest power, the highest strength," "


As if I have prepared it, I will not be a minute, I will take a head and wear a rain, and my body is somewhat embarrassing. Some wolf is coming in.

Because half-hidden death is too big for these rain tolerance, when this person sees the people, it will expose the fear of the expression.

"What is your name?"

Zengji Pills. "

This rain is still more honest, and what you ask for people.

"Do you want to do the next leader in Yuyin Village?"

Wen said, Zengji Pills are angry, and it is incredible.

Through the simple information given by the dragon horse, people know that this Zengji Pill is a rain to endure, and it is also a half-hidden guard team, which has a low position in Yuyin Village.

It is also a favorable competitor of the next Rin Yin Village, but it is not the most favorable competitor, especially now it is still arrested.

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