Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Totter Cat Chapter 598

It is not only to be evaporated, but it is also full of rains that are close to a certain range of rain.

It is impossible to have any effect on this spiral pill.

Half hidden body is tightening, hands print, ready to release water tolerance.

Although this spiral pill is very fast, but it is faster.

Pay attention to his movement of his movement is slightly raised.

The left eye kaleidoscope wrote a sharply.


Chapter 276, God Tibet [Search]

boom! ! !

After the spiral pill, the sword has produced a huge explosion, which has produced a good explosion like a mushroom cloud.

Huge impact waves and high temperatures directly cause all poisonous fogs being blown or even evaporated.

It is directly killed by the closer to the rain, it is also bombarded.

Even the battlefields from the far away, the mully ninja and the sand have also influenced the battle because of this huge explosion, and all the ninja on the battlefield side are amazed.

What horror destructive power is this?

Even if it is far enough, it still can feel the heat waves that come on the face, and mixed in the heat wave.

The Luo Sanda and the Millennium of the Wavelet Water Gate are dignified, they can clearly feel that such destructive power, even if they are in front, there is no confidence to resist.

The dust and movement generated by the explosion gradually dissipate, and some people will transfer more or less to this.

Because the results of the fighters of the mountain peppers and the fighters may determine the victory of this war.

Said, a shadow is from the rich high temperature wave, all the sand is almost all in the dark, and the half hidden is not dead.

And the heart of the wood rubber is mentioned.

So that you have not been able to kill halftails? What is the powerful, the name of the half-god is really inevitable.

Half-hidden feet steadily on the ground.

Just when you completely see his appearance, a thousand generations of the most hard-working power is a sudden shrinkage, and it is almost a consciousness in the mouth.

"How can it be?!"

She stared at the half hood at this time.

This hammer's attack is indeed, who is almost a dead, but the Chi Day is basically hit by positive attacks.

If it is just the remaining wave of the side, even if the rest of the explosion center, he also believes that it can break, it will be injured but should not be serious.

At this time, I looked at half-hidden appearance, and I didn't expect it.

The upper body's clothes are all disappeared, and the skin is evaporated.

But the whole right arm disappears completely. If it is not high temperature, the wound is directly burned, it is estimated that the bleeding caused by this broken arm will cause death.

Yes, it seems that the half-hidden land is the left arm that is completely disappeared with the other side of the elbow, and stir it in the ground.

At this moment, his face is also broken. Every time he is accompanied by his breath, it will spit out a poison.

All the rain fingers looked at this scene, this is the first time they see their leaders, the leader of "Half God" is actually hurt.

Not only that, in the center of the explosion, the hull of the mountain pepper is lying in this big pit at this time.

There is almost no complete skin on your body.

The mountain pepper in the mountain pepper is actually dead!

boom! ! !

It is a roaring in the heart of this scene, and it is a little bit of gray, but it is a super battle.

It is necessary to be defeated by sand and rain, but this is a serious injury. His people don't dare to be easily close to the mountains, almost given a strong intensive agent in all the wooden ninja.

This is the strength of their fourth generation of nig shadows.

Even the so-called "half god" is not his opponent.

It is only God to do it!

If the cachet is high, the sand is low, so the rain is completely lost.

Because the image of the failed myth is collapsed.

If you see the semi-hidden appearance, it is not surprising, step by step to him.

Every time he is falling, it is like stepped on the heart of the rain.

When I came to hold his arms, I looked at him as soon as I got it. I almost no feelings in my eyes.

The circle of the circle is in a piece of curved white light, and the truthfully placed in the half-hidden neck, as long as the people will further, it is the moment of the semi-sectional body.

Half-Tibet is slow and slowly looked up, hiest, looks at the people, "What is this forbearance?"

The people know that he is not a spiral pill, but in the last juncture to block him, the ability of the one-to-hand-written eye of his arm is cut off.

"Shenwei, a time-space room tolerance." The people are like.

"Time and space spikes? No wonder this" is half-tangible.

Time and space spheres are the most difficult tobach for the entire endurance. It was originally his reaction, although the spiral pills of the people were very strong, but as long as he just came out, it is still Block down.

Just he didn't expect that when he focused on the print, it was locked by the people's kaleidoscope.

If you want to say what the disadvantages of Shenwei are, it may be that the space distortion is relatively long.

So, I found that the semi-located first time chose to break, but still left a left arm as the price.

And because the spiral pills that can be intercepted, the sword fails to intercept, and the babers did not lead to the remaining wave of the explosion herself more horrible. He was not only a surface, but the internal organs were all affected by different degrees of injury. .

Otherwise, if you lose a left arm, he still has combat.

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