Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 593

After all, every small country can have a Top of the top of the rain to have a Top of the Top of the Thape, which can be at a certain extent.

However, with Yin Yin Village, the Alliance Treaty will not mean that the ninja will return all the ninja to the wooden leaves, and at least one thousand ninja anti-stone compliance will come back to the horse.

However, there are at least two or three thousand wooden, ninja, can return to the wooden leaves.

For a long time, the ninja can live back to the wooden leaf, which is more important than how much credit is more important.

The number of ninja in the wooden leaves is a lot.

Although there are many ninja that they can't return, but the space of the ninja is more, so they can carry out a certain degree of rounding, and as long as the third endurance battle is complete, they can come back.

The peace of the third endurance war now has already been seen.

Originally, this signing should not be a very happy thing, because the woody ninja died in the hand of the rock is not known, but this black pot has been back, and the day is also "resignation" .

It can be such that the wooden ninja in the battlefield in the country is not particularly excited.

But today's signing process is not going to, and their noodles and rock villages suddenly began to single-handed, and in a very excited, blood, the blood is pressed.

The final contracting process turned into the wooden leaves to sign the contract with the rocky village became the signed and signed, and the organizers were also signed directly because this battle was.

This makes the leaf ninja suddenly have a feeling of frowning.

Everyone feels all the feelings, everyone is like a victory.

In the next few, most of the wood ninja returned to the village, and then arranged the Nara deer to arrange, and the people took the trend of the treasurer.

It seems that when it is not a hard thing, it is not a difficult thing.

Some things, as long as people who will do it can do it, as long as the strong strength, it is enough to shock everyone's power and the prestige in the heart of the woods, it is enough.

"How? Although the war here is over, you should still feel the cruelty of some war."

The people smiled and looked at their two disciples, whether it is water or a bit of a look.

As a person, the people must know what they have faced, what is seen.

It is estimated that these days should be a few days.

Originally, the water is still good, let the children who only have three or four years old are a bit early, if the general child is likely to leave a psychological shadow, I can see a general child?

Whether it is water or a meal, the people have never regard them as a general child, complete them as a ninja that can face all situations.

"Teacher, is it so cruel?"

This time, the water is not open, but it is a relatively innermost time to open.

Sleeks, the expression has become serious, "Yes, war wars, how old is it, it is so cruel.

All if you can, if you have your ability, you must try to avoid the war, give the leaves, bring peace to the entire endurance. "

After finishing, the people stared at the two little guys, and the old cheeks were sighed.

"Water,, you are not ordinary people, I believe that you can feel your talent and potential, so don't put your goal to get how much strength, how to help Uzhi Wave .

To put your eyes, you have to stand in a village's angle to see a thing, and even stand at the perspective of the entire endurance.

Today's the endurance is too messy, all parties will be miscellaneous. If there is a chance, we should think about how to bring peace to this whole tolerance.

Even sometimes sacrifices some, pay some, even kill some, as long as it is to walk in the right direction, all everything is worth it.

You see how high the height of the world is standing, and it represents how much you have. "

Nowadays, the water and meal are just the correct value of the teacher, I naturally "guidance" is naturally "guided".

So what is "all for your younger brother selfless dedication" this narrow life value.

My brother is worth a few more money?

You have a more bright future!

I heard the people who rose to the world to the world worldview, the eyes of the water and the eyes of this time panned, which are full of enthusiastic and worship.

"Teacher, is your idea to bring peace to the world?" Waterway face forward, as if he suddenly recovered from the scene you saw.

His people nod, watching two little guys, "Are you willing to help me?"

"Willing!" The water stopped immediately.

"I am also willing!" The sound of the voice is also mixed with a little tender, but it is full of firm.

"Hahaha, good! I believe that two of you also have the ability to change this world."

The house is very happy at this time.

Well, successfully give two little guys "Square" worldview, don't entangle what family, village, brother, help your teacher bring peace together to the world is the most correct.

Give these two little guys, and the people have risen from the height of the fire to the whole world.

Plejectly became an idol in their hearts, although the heart was originally an idol, but this is even more determined.

For a time, the people were happy.

I still want to continue, but it is a glimpse, and the expression on my face slowly agglomerate.

The swing is to the two: "You first prepare it first, go back with the wooden army."


Two little guys went out with a look.

The house is gently biting the finger.


A petite whole body, white cat appeared in front of him, and a small reel in the mouth of this cat, and did not say it after handing to the hand. Directly relieved.

If you don't care, you will slowly open the reel.

First, it's a subtle change in the expression, but I laughed.

But it is not a happy smile, but a smile filled with anger, anger laugh.

"It's a half-god, I thought that someone sent you a half-god name, just thought that he was God?"

At the same time, a black shadow quietly appeared in the tent of the people.

"Come in."

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