Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 571

The root is originally a branch of the dark part, which is a department that provides talent to the dark.

Just, as the group is getting more and more strong, the means is getting worse, causing the root from the branch of the dark, but in the actual power, it is actually equivalent to the entire dark department, and even the dark department.

The root ninja execute command only looks the result, does not look at the process, even if the secret of the secret, they sometimes have not been placed in their eyes.

But the palm of the root is also a group, and the order is also his, and his crime is actually not too much relationship with these members.

So now just put them on preparing to conduct trials, investigations.

If you have any questions, you can let them go back to continue your life.

In the original world, the roots were also disbanded by the flying day, but because the roots were all listened to the group, even if they were dissolved, the power in the group hiding still did not change.

Enter the room.

I saw that dozens of ninjas that wearing root costumes were old and old.

Even some people look scattered, just like a sculpture.

No task, no command, this is their usual state.

These are often some people who have been cultivated from small, brainwashings, and various special training methods, which lead to them just task machines.

The root of the ranging range, the people are also earned.

What is the rest of the people in addition to a small part of the person's eyes in addition to a small person?

Remember the root ninja with fluctuations in the eyes.

Roughly swept a circle, and the eyes are bright.

He also saw a few people familiar with.

Among them, it is undoubtedly a person with a black sunglasses, and a purple look like a meridian texture.

Oil fauce!

It is the partner of the big snake pill in the root period, with strong strength and is the right arm of the Tibetan Hidden.

It can be recognized by the big snake pills as a partner, and the strength of this oil faucet is absolutely weak.

In addition to him, the people also recognized the oil girls, and the age of the mountain is still small, but it has a high cultivation price.

The handicon written eye is rotated.

With a space distortion, Zhun Group has a slight stuck in this room.

"Town Hidden Adult!"

Seeing the Tibetan Tibetan, original or sluggish or lagging root ninja, almost simultaneously shouting.

Even if the oil female dragon horse is not a powerful ninja that is completely brainwashing.

This is the reason why the people have always been hot roots.

This is the most ideal ninja in his brain.

"Let's get up."

The group is slowly opened, and the only one of his eyes, the texture of the kaleidoscope is hidden.

The kaleidoscope standing behind him slowly rotated slowly.

After cracking the seal in his brain, I want to completely control him, and I am not a hard thing for the people.


I heard the group's command, everyone stood up.

Action is neatly drawn.

The next thing is going to do.

Have a group, with all the information about the root, mastering the various curse of them can control them.

Half hour later.

"People among people!"

The housekeeper walked in front of the group, looking at the dozens of roots in the ground, and Huao is his current strength, and the heart is also slightly slight.

This is the benefits of listening only from the command.

"From today, the root is temporarily hidden into the wooden people, waiting for my order." Huntang, the eyes of the eyes. "

There is such a power, one of the capitals that he and the capital of the day.


The roots of Ninja shouted respectfully.

Remove the Quest in the Queen Space again.

In the next, many roots will come back from outside, and there is still a role in Tibetan, etc. It is impossible to let him appear, but no one can interfere with the roots of the people.

The 266th chapter is forced to see the palace [ask month]


Under the care, these temporary root ninja actively cooperate with dark partial interview and investigation.

Because it is indeed that there is too much contact with the group, they are only acting in accordance with the order, so regardless of the dark part, it is impossible to convicted, only release.

At the same time, under the order of the arrival day, a comprehensive investigation was performed on the original root base.

It's even a lot of crimes that are unacceptable and belong to Tibetan.

The tags were whipped, the higher the reputation of "Adventure", and the prestige between the people who arrested in the masses, at the same time, the prestige of the prestige of the leaf management headed by the day, the more Big.

It is more ugly to know that the news after the news is more ugly.

He knew that the group has made a lot of things, but he didn't expect to be so excessive, far beyond his imagination.

Single is a private and other countries, other big Yin Village exchange information, even some insider intelligence, and even the task scrolls related to the information trading of their own village ninja, there are hundreds, a bookshelf can't put it.

And it is also found, the group is connected to the three-generation Lei Ying, the task scroll of the leakage information.

This is almost completely washing the suspects of the people.

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