Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 548

Go directly out of the tent and walk toward the center of the camp.

"Voli people, haven't you rest so late?"

On the road, I met a team of a team patrolling in the camp, one of which shouted the name of Volize.

The people wrinkled and frowned, and saw a few people in the patrol squad and gently issued a sound from the nose.


Subsequently, the head does not continue to move towards the camp.

Looking at the spare of him left, there is no doubt, just after the people turned, and their eyes did not cover up with disgusting looks.

"A civilian ninja, what is so arrogant, or if you look at the students of the Ai adults in his young, can talk to the Ai people, who will take him serious?"

"You don't say, his strength is still good, that is, it is too smelling for people."

"Don't say, don't you know him? Parents died in the eight-tailed hand, for the bones of the Eight-Tail, and the character of him now can understand."


Several people's words are in the ear of the house.

Obviously these people know this Volize, from his reaction, it should not be able to see your own disguise.

Let the people are more satisfied with this identity. It is the identity that he is not very acceptable. It can help him save a lot of trouble.

This person itself is also a very lonely person. Others think he is proud, in fact, it is not good to communicate.

As for saying what they said, the son of the three generations of Lei Ying said that this is true, because they are young when they are young.

But actually just like this.

From his memory, he knows that he is not familiar with Aigen, and he has not said a few words after they graduated. Ai, especially in Chilaby, the tail of the eight tail column is the "ratio" of Ai, even more.

A face, a word, not talking about another camp area.

Later, there were some people who recognized him, but as long as they didn't speak, everything was very perfect.

In this way, the original seemingly difficult to cross part is actually perfectly perfect for the identity of "happening".

However, it is impossible to continue, after all, his real identity has not been able to come to the whole camp.

When you want to enter the internal area, it suffered.

"Volize small captain, now this time, you shouldn't appear here." A standard cloud of compliance, plus his dark skin color, so that he hides unusually unusually hidden in the night.

With his voice, there are two ninja in an instant, and the three people present the horizons and will surround him.

The eyes of the people glanced at them, and finally locked the eyes on the front of the person.

I habitually crumpled, cold channel: "I have a very important thing to report to the three generations of Lei Ying and Ai people."

"Is it a very important thing?" The young brow is also a wrinkle.

I heard the people said so, he didn't dare to attitude so tough.

What is very important thing to do so if he enforces it, there is a bad consequence, it is still worth affordable.

"In this case, you will wait here, I will notify Ai people." Said, the cloud is going to leave.

Two people behind people also relaxed because of his words.

Noting that their movements and reactions, the eyes are condensed, the right hand is gently shake, I don't know where to take out a silver short blade.

Under the irradiation of the moonlight, it is a cold light that is cold.

Hold the right hand of the circle and gently wandered behind him, followed by the fastest speed close to the cloud that just turned to leave.


I grabbed his shoulders, from the eyes of the people, there was a small space whirlpool, and people who didn't have a sound in the Kwei space.

Then, the body retreats quickly, two hands grasp the shoulders of the two people, such as the law.

They just saw a shining light, then the neck is cold, it seems that there is a warm thing that is sprayed from the throat, but I want to talk for a while but I can't make a sound.

Quickly solved three people, and the frown of the house was not relaxed.

The nose is gently smoked, "I still left bloody smell, it seems to speed up speed, solve it with force, and I should have come before they are awakened by bloody!"

Handling these two people, the people who have disappeared and disappeared, and they rushed towards the camp center at the fastest speed.

Internally patrolling, there is less than the outside.

First, these patrols are stronger, two because people living in this area are not weak, not very worried, will encounter attacks.

Basically, it is also true that some people have risening this life, and I have entered the center of 5 or six thousand clouds, this is not a light in Mao, looking for it?

After all, this kind of task almost equal to the death, and no one will release the Ninja of his village.

Of course, except roots.

Just even if the roots of the ninja, it is close to here.

However, the people have done such an accident today.

Because of the midnual space, his body is almost in a state, even if the perceived ninja, if there is no special means, he cannot perceive him.

And those "lucky" happened to see him, all have been sent to the Shenwei space without exception.

Since getting this hoistry written in the eyes, the people feel that this kind of power is sometimes making a fan.

It is also no wonder that there is a chance to change your two eyes into an eye-catching eye, he doesn't do it.

Sometimes, a role in an eye is not necessarily better than the Great Kaleido blood circular eye.

"Fortunately, such an eye falls into my hand, if Kakasi, if it is not a written eye stabbity.

His kind of Chakra is suitable for using three hooks.

As it is close, the people need to be more careful.

However, he finally saw the tent of the three generations of Lei Ying. The whole camp covers the largest area, the biggest tent in the big head, and there is no doubt that is the three-generation Lei Ying of the total command.

If the two maps are really in this area, then it is definitely in the tent.

The relief suddenly stood, relying on the dim light illuminated by one moonlight, and gently print.

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