Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 526

"This way, I will solve this thing, three generations, I will give me Kakasi, and I will handle it."

Regardless of your exiting is unfair, whether it is Asma or Kay or the evening, it is unfair.

Then there is only another way to find a way.

I heard the people said so, I will take a slim, I nodded after I heard it.


Then, he looked at Asa 3, said to them: "You go back first, just come back to the battlefield, take a break."

Three people nodded.

Before they got out of the office, she suddenly told them. "It's hard today everyone is free. I invite everyone to eat, Kay, you will call Kakasi and let him come together."

"Okay, teacher!"

Kaiwu's smile in his sign, the teeth are still so bright.

Determining the three people have left, and the people will look at the daily day.

The two did not speak silently for a while.

Finally, it was still seated by the .

"I thought..."

"I thought I didn't come back?" If you fly, if you say that you have finished saying, the people will interrupt the contest.

Although it is interrupted, he really wants to say this.

Nodded slightly.

The people loudly, "Oh ... If you are so worried about the three generations of uncle, you should not let me go out for him to do tasks."

He didn't believe that the arrogance of the Japanese people didn't know what the group is character, and the two have such a obvious contradiction. He is not possible to kill himself.

In the case of the relationship between the group and the arrival of the Japanese, even if he is dead, the number of groups is only a little punishment. After a period of time, it can be safe.

It's really white when you arrive.

That is, the strength is strong enough, if you change your strength, this time you can't come.

"What happened this task? I asked the group, he didn't say, this time, the root member of him, is even more than one."

How to deal with the relationship between rocky villages in the group, there is not much to ask for a lot of money.

Because this is the way they are cooperative.

"The country of Yuzheng, the group hidden in the rain of the rain, the leader of the rain, the leader of the rain, and set up dozens of ninja a rain, a new life, a famous organization."


The name of this organization, I have never heard of the day.

The house is nodded, continue to say: "Unfortunately, they estimated the errors in the eyes of this well-organized leader, thinking that they can make each other's soft ribs can make each other to fan, but unfortunately broke out all the ninja Kill, rain, and roots of Ninja.

In the end, there is only half-hidden and two people, and it is estimated that they don't know if I am lucky. "

When the day, I thought I thought when I was coming back. Therefore, the words that I guarded the door of the wooden leaves were not a letter of ignorant, but the arrival of the Japanese and the group were really quarreled.

Slee people certainly know what they quarrel.

You can have problems here.

If it is someone else, it may feel that the people are originally important in the hearts of the day, and even don't hesitate to quarrel with him.

If you want to think about it, if you are really dead, if you are dead, you will have a rising day of the group?


It seems that it seems to be very heavy, this is not worth mentioning as compared with a person's life.

If the people are really not coming back, how will the Flying Japanese to deal with Tibetan?

It is estimated that the root and the group hide for a period of time when it is time to death.

Sometimes it is so ironic.

It is precisely because of the anestition of this time, it will make the group have become more and more unscrupulous.

And his behavior is also the cause of the people feel more and more cold.

If he doesn't know, even if he knows that he may be damaged, it is just a quarrel. Who is the next victim?

For the kind of cold and exclusive, the day is also felt, he also knows the reason.

But ... Some things don't know why you can handle it.

I fly to the day, I went to the huge window in the Huang Ying office, and I was recruited towards the people.

After the man was heard, he walked over.

Looking at the side of myself, I have grown out of the old spots, and the smile is gradually long.

Looking at the bustling wooden leaves, I deeply sucked a fresh air of the wooden leaves, as if all the troubles have smoked.

"Every time I feel confused or worried, as long as I stand here, I feel that the pressure on my body disappears, and I will be put into work again, and I will not feel tired."

The people didn't return, just silently looked at the leaves at this time.

Although because of the war, the street at this time looks some depression, but from these shops, these dress can imagine how prosperous leaves during the peace period.

After the emotion, I will look at the house, I look at his eyes, full of sincerity:

"She wants, I know that your heart is full of grievances, and you know that you are not small for me.

I want to thank you, thank you can endure it, not to choose out.

Some things, standing in your point of view, standing in your point of view, thinking about it, it is unfair, and the treated treatment is not fair.

As you get older, I can obviously feel that I am more and more exciting, and many things have not been as decisive. I also lead to no part of the power to be hidden ... "

At this time, the day of the day, it is indeed from the heart, and the people can clearly feel clearly.

He touched, but it is just touching.

"You are old, three generations." The house is standing on the fence of the window.

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