Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Tritics Chapter 521

This long-term reincarnation brought him a small impact, but he also noticed the changes of the outer surface of the long door, he did not believe that the long door can also summon the outer road to fight.

"Then I can only have a long question." Tree also picked up.

The two people were in the heart of the blood, but they had to put out a cloud of light winds, but they were dead.

The only festiveness in the hearts of the group is that the people are likely to die under the horror of Chakralon attack.

After determining the retreat, they didn't stay here, and a few times disappeared in the rain.

And the residence of the group is now in the face of the huge Chakralon.

The long did not pursue the group hidden and half-hidden, the faucet direction stared on the house with Xiaonan.

Chakra Long did not initiate an attack, because he was standing next to him, Xiao Nong still standing.

Small South is likely to be injured.

The people looked at this Chakra Long without fear. If there is any other attack, he may also be afraid, but now the soul, the second end is also a hipster.

Laughing and said to Xiao Nang: "He now maintains this Chakra Long for a while, it will lose more life, as a friend, isn't you ready to stop?"

Xiao Nanyi, her tears on her face have not dried up, I can't help but flow again.

"Long door, stop going down! Stop, don't take me, you will take the hotel and don't take me!"

When I heard Xiaonan, she couldn't help but took the photo.

"I said, the more you open, the more you can't relieve the control of this Chakra Long, it is really ignorant young girl."

After the trough, the people grabbed the hands of Xiaonan, and then chained her again, cold channel: "Turn all the surgery, otherwise I can guarantee that this girl is only three seconds."

I heard the words, and the Chakra Long, who was hosted, suddenly moved.

The long gates who have been supported by the Mikai are slowly restored.

Then I saw that the huge Chakra Long suddenly disappeared disappeared.

- -

The black metal rod connecting behind the long door should be snapped, but those black metal bars are still in the back of the long gate.

After losing Chakra's maintenance, the outer road is also ending the spirit and disappears.

Grab the hands of Xiaonan, the people once again launched a paragraph, with him appeared in the basin.

Close up close, make Xiaonan's situation to the long door more clear.

Looking at the skinny, you need to barely stand the long door, in the eyes of Xiaoshan, tears can't suppress.

"The long door" shouted.

The weak pole slowly lifted his head and looked at the tears slowdown to slowly reveal a smile not very nice.

"Small south, you are fine." Just just from the voice, he can hear him very weak.

Xiaonan said that she didn't speak, she swallowed her throat, she could only bite her lips crazy, and tears were crazy.

"Who are you? What is the purpose?"

At this time, in the three people, the only stay is still calm, and there is only the Nishiko.

Honestly, Niko does not know how he should face the people, after all, in the first place, the feet of the house saved him.

It is said that it is h holds small south, but in fact, Xiaonan is still in good condition.

After listening to the problem of Biko, the people slowly shake their heads, showing some helplessness, "How can someone want to care about it is not very important? Don't care too much about my identity, because it doesn't have any impact on you. "

Wen said, helping the Night's eyes of the long door.

He knows that the words of the people are very reasonable, and from the state of them now, it is really not his opponent.

"As for the purpose, it is actually a very short, I just have to make a deal with you, in order to show my sincerity, so saved you.

Because only you, it is the leader that best suits the organization.

The long-haired personality is too weak, and Xiaonan it does not have too many main points. It is you, the eyes and abilities are good. You can indeed led the text to a higher position. "

For them, they have made a simple review.

I heard the long gates and Xiaonan looks on his comment slightly slightly, because the households pointed out their shortcomings.

"What transaction?"

Baiko did not relax the praise because of the praise of the people.

Today, he has experienced the unfortunateness of the soul, just because he is too easy to believe in others, so it will lead to today's crisis.

The people reached their fingers finger the leader, "his eyes"



Baiko and Xiaonan almost refused at the same time, Miko is even more eye-catching.

He has made a decision in his heart, and today it is dead here, and must protect the long door and Xiaonan.

Although this is the decision he just made.

Just don't know why, he felt that the mask was faced with the leader in the face of Yuyin Village.

If you are helpless, the lifted hands have not been put down.

"I said, can you listen to me?"

Biko, I went to my head, but he did not let go of the vigilance, and he has tailored his hands with his hands. It is ready to throw him at any time.

Of course, the people also noticed his actions, but there was not much to say.

"The husband is not guilty. He is guilty of his eyes today. The ability of the eyes has been seen in the group of half-Tibet and wooden leaves. How big is the possibility of more people know?

And On the eyes. "

It's just the first time, I almost have a half-life, the words of the people, and the gods are not doubt.

"Two eyes are not what he can bear, but there will be a lot of eyes.

So, I change this girl to you, are you calling the long door? Give me your eyes! "

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