Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat No. 506

That is, he is now on his face with a mist and dark mask, they can't see his expression.

However, watching the fog on his face, the dark mask, the mist, the mist, feel more ridiculous.

All kinds of water-covered rushing, hand sword, bitter, detonating, etc., all take his face.

boom! ! boom! ! boom--

"Is it successful? Did you get rid of him?"

So much fog is attacked, even if he is strong, can't you resist?

Notice that the movement here is, and the mortal ghosts are worried about the smoke center.

In his meritorious kung fu, a piece of water will attack him, fortunately, it is scattered in time.

"Don't worry about him, his strength is not what you need to worry, pay attention to your opponent, hurry to kill people, I have a hunch, you have to zoom in, you can't catch it again, I am afraid it will catch up." If the corner is speaking, it will beat it again.

On the understanding of the people, the ghosts and his gap are definitely much larger than the ghosts.

If you hear the corner, the ghosts, there is no reaction, just see the smoke that the people attacked.

I saw that the people still stood in the same place, and outside the body, wrapped around a layer of cyan Chakra cited.

At first glance, it is like a human rib bone, and an arm that is completely composed of the bone.

There is a relatively large gap between the bones and the bones, but it is like this, all of the attacks just can't cause any injury to the people.

It looks like these skeleton protected him.

We are witherted this scene: "This is one of the tops of the neighborhood, one of the sneaks of the people? What is this?"

And he has the same doubts, and there is just those who have launched an attack.

"Is this what it is?"

"Why is the attack all in effect?"

"This is impossible!" A closest fog from the reorders did not believe in this scene that I saw in front of him.


A crisp sound, his bitterness does not hit a huge cyan bones, and there is no such thing as a bitter, and the bones are like something.

Standing in the middle of these skeletons, looked at the person who had no bitterness.

This should be the first person in this world to try to use a bitterness?

Looking at this bones and Chakra layers, a very peaceful feeling hit.

"This is what is the strongest ability of the kaleidoscope writes the power of the eye. It is a horrible defense." The people silently silently silently.

That's right, this will be able to win the bones wrapped up.

Although it is not a full body, it can only be considered by the most basic, but this defense ability has been reflected.

Even if it is a matter of initial form, even the people's appearance is not present, even the head is not, there is only ribs and one arm.

However, the people are already very satisfied.

This is what he has used to use the kaleidoscope to write the eyes, it is very difficult to use it.

The heart is moving, that only blocks the arms of the protection of the protection, and grab the fog that has just rushed.

Gently hard, in a scream, it is chemically made of blood fog.

"Since you are so persistent to the blood fog, then I will send you a real bloody!" The people were smirked.

This state is not strong, but this defense is quite considerable, and the people can completely ignore the attack of the flexible.

For a time, entering the unmanned environment.

Next, just the scream of the fog to nain.

The ghosts gently swallowed the mouth, he found that he was as if it was, and they did not match it at all.

I thought I can kill a few people with infinite Chakrado, but I saw the people's featuring questions. He completely abandoned this idea after the brain.

Note that the corners of the ghost expressions are loud.

It is still too big. He didn't think about what he didn't think about from his head.

He knows that since he thinks about the game, he represents him a victory, otherwise it will not present this ratio.

Just ask you, how is a human beings, weakness, and an Altman?

Although this is not a full version of "Otman", it is also "Altman".

The strength of this group of fog has not been able to compile with the people, and now people are open, which is undoubtedly the ruins of the mist.

It is aware that the situation is not pairs, as a blue, the troops commanded, has begun to retreat to the mist.

Unfortunately, they want to go, they will not let them go.

In their rear, a huge red python surrounded by a huge shape.

It is being arranged by a harassment of the harassment of the fog.

Before and back, plus the ghosts and corners, this group of fog is almost no possible possible.


PS: Tomorrow is a new month, hibiscus is full of face, please take a monthly ticket for the next month, thank you.

Chapter 243 chapter Yin Yang Balance [Search Moon Ticket]

In the case of the three people plus the red teeth, there is no moving in the fog, and they can't stop them at all.

In addition, the three don't care how to protect your own defense, this is even more likely to attack.

If you have the initial stage, you will be able to don't die, and the ghosts will also pass the muscles to help him quickly resume injuries.

Three unliked movies, destructive power is too horrible.

Finally, the two hundred mist of this group of offensive, only one person left, that is, the old cards left by the people deliberately left, the old cards in fog hidden villages, with very high status in the fog hunger.

Enevitably removed.

The body is gently shaking, and has to be said that there is still a lot of consumption of the kaleidoscope writes.

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