Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 476

The height of the people, one meter, is obviously not enough before him, even if the canmon ghost is about two meters, and it is also phased compared with him.

Looking at him as soon as he looked at him, the face of the ghosts of the watermelon, "Mr., don't know what to call?"

"Three talents." The people who are standing, and I will give you an outward.

"Sancai Mr., according to the orders of the ginema, including the fifty fog, from the 50th fog." The watermelon mountain river ghost smiled and put the right hand on the chest, slightly.

"Sancai Mr.!" The rest of the ninja is also a slight shouting with his appearance.

His people nodded, the sight crossed the puffergirl, looked at the cortical ghost behind him, pointed to him: "What is your name?"

Suddenly, the people didn't think that the chanmon ghosts were not surprised, because he had induced the sight of the house before, and if he was hidden, if he had never placed himself.

I respectfully said: "Mr. Sancai!"

"From today, you follow me."

The people don't swear, and I will talk directly.

I heard the words, the martial arts ghosts, looked at the ghosts of the watermelon, with the eyes of the question.

He is a belief in the ghosts of the watermelon, and his freedom cannot be the Lord.

The ghosts who heard the people's words were cold, wrinkled, looking at the people.

If you don't say anything, the smile on your face remains unchanged.

Watermelon hill river ghost is tightly pinching his fists, and the heart is evil: "Let you be arrogant!"

The radix will restore it again to a smile, look to the mortal ghost. "Since the gentleman said, you will follow the gentleman, protect his safety."


Waiting to the consent of the ghosts of the watermelon mountains, ghosts will no longer hesitate, nodded to the people, silently got words, just like he stood in the waters of the watermelon.

But the people know that the ghosts cannot be taken so easily, as long as the Watermelon Mountain Holler Ghost, he will once again become the sword in his hands.

"But if the watermelon mountain river dolphin is dead?"

The people think about it silently, and the smile on the face is getting more and more obvious.

Both people are calculating each other.

Moreover, as long as there is a chance to get along with the ghost, the people think about their flickers ... ! The words "sincere" will definitely understand him with emotional.

After all, there is only one role in the hands of the sights of the watermelon mountains.

That is to kill all the companions of the task to perform the task after the mission failure, and strive to expose the task information.

Just in this way, the cant ghosts that were not tired of being taken because of the long-term phase, but they were more disgusted by others.

Rejection, crowd, disgust, etc., all feelings that ghosts feel from others.

He is very confused, don't know what you exist for what, what he exists is for what, he only knows his mission is the task of completing the mission of the ghosts of the watermelon, which seems to be the only direction of him.

The more you have to do these tasks, the more you don't understand what you exist, the more you don't know what you exist, the more you want to do these tasks to let yourself forget.

It seems to enter an unlimited vicious circle.

The first thing that is ghost is the first unstead of disgusting him, even though did not show it, his first impression of the people is very good.

Moreover, sensitive he can clearly feel that the people 's values ​​are not pretending to him, but from the heart.

With different moods, the people and 50 fog have left the country.

It is a person who is coming, it can move directly at sea, but there are more than 50 people, and others' Chakra cannot be as beyond him, so they can only take the ship when they leave.

Fortunately, the pokes of hidden villages are more powerful to the boat, almost everyone can rudder, and in the blessing of the water, the vessel's navigation speed is also fast enough.

As a special person, there is a separate room as a sightsee of the sill.

Although I didn't send the true letter of the day to the three-generation water shadows, I didn't advise the three-generation shadows to declare war in Yunyin Village, but they can borrow five in his hand. Ten fog, it is already a good result.

The first thing to do after the ship is to tell this information, so that the high-rise and loaf of the wooden leaves can make them feel relieved and better with this action of the people.

And when he was doing these, the mortar ghosts were standing outside the door, just like a loyal bodyguard.

Since his mission is to protect the house, then if it is not necessary, he will not leave a half step.

After finishing these, the people opened the door and screamed in the ghosts.

Looking at his unique outer shark's appearance, you know why he is not taking each other.

The mission is only part of the reason, and his appearance is also part of the reason.

"Sit." The people reached out to showcase the ghosts.

Wen said, ghosts, he is still in the first time.

In general, some people find him talking. It is very serious, which is as easy as the people.

But the ghost is only a little hesitating, or it is still in the old man.

"Ghost, is it a little confused?" The people gently swayed hands, as if she took some special rhythm, but she carefully saw that it was just ordinary swing.

This time, I really let the ghosts live, he doesn't know what the problem is asking, but why is it so conspicuous in the hands of the sudden people.

The people laughed and laughed, "I know what the task of the main implementation of the watellite mountains, I also know what this task will give a person."

At this time, the ghosts feel that the eyes of the people are like looking through everything. The words also seem to have a special magic, let him feel the feeling of relaxing,

In this regard, just because the people show some small means, whether he swinging the arm or talking, sound, etc., there is a relaxation, a relaxing feeling.

This is a kind of illusion, an invisible illusion, an influence of subtlety.

Of course, in the words of themselves, it is actually hypnosis.

There is no substantive role, and there is no obvious illusion or anything else, but it can make some people naturally relax their vigilance.

Sure enough, the ghosts have made what decisions have been made after a period of time, and slowly open.

"I don't know what Sancai knows what, but it is true that there is a matter of hope that Mr. will give me doubts."

In fact, ghosts are a very good person in normal character, and it is also a very polite feeling when speaking.

These are all he emphasized from a small self-cultivation.

I didn't think about it. If I still can't talk, it is not there to have a living space?

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