Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 370

In the huge pit below, the center, a huge gold block below, and a small sand is slowly flowing from it, slowly agglomerating to form a person's appearance.

As the appearance is gradually formed, the appearance of Luo Samena is presented in front of everyone.

At this moment, his heart is full of shocking. If you don't just let him give up the gold sand, turn it with ordinary sand to protect yourself, the big thunder of the front hard steel, it is estimated that it is can't live.

Although the ordinary sand grain is also a silicon crystal like glass like a transparent in an instant, but at least it is less than electricity.

After the sand is hidden, it is barely escaping.

I stood on the ground and hoped that people were hoped, and I murmured: "Is this the strength of woodal cute?"

Wooden cat!

Luo Same did not deliberately depressed his voice, in this huge thunder, the whole audience was angry, and as the ninja heard his words did not surrebe.

They know another identity of the people, the leaves of the leaves!

After the wooden leaf white teeth, another wooden dark ninja using a short knife, the whole endurance, a non-small-owned wooden cute, did not expect this person in front of him.

The other party not only specializes in using the knife, but also a horrible until the radiosae.

With the words of Luo Sand, the ninjas of the wood leaves, also know the code of the people in the dark.

After the woody white teeth, the only secret in the two years, maintained a hundred percent of the task completion rate, and that in the dark of the wooden leaves, she owned the exclusive dark ninja!

"Wooden cat !! Wooden cat !!"

"The cat adult !!"

"The cat adult !!"


At this point, the code "Cat" code is only well known, as the woody white teeth, after a shocking battle, it is well known.

It's almost different from the white tooth. It is a trick to kill nearly thousands of sand, while white teeth is to be enemy three and three famous shadow strength, and successfully kill two people.

From the record, it is still more convincing.

And each other can also see that the people use the advantage of lightning in the sky, otherwise this will not be so powerful.

This is the difference between the white teeth and the cat.

However, at this moment, the leaves need a hero that it is necessary to shock to his country, and bring more confidence in the ninja, bring more confidence.

At this moment, the people have undoubtedly become such a person, just like the role of woody white teeth when the second endurance battle is.


Thousands of teachings are also in powerless sounds in the ear of many Ninja in the sandy village.

It seems that so weakness is helpless.

In fact, even if the loss of sandy village is so heavy, the overall strength is still not inferior to the leaves, and even a little bit of small advantages.

However, the pattern can be gathered again, but the mysteria is not so easy to raise it again.

The way to enhance morale is not no, even it can be said to be very simple, that is, it will cause all the culprits of culprits to give it off, or give away the general command of the wooden leaves.

Just say it is simple, but there is no one in the game.

I expect Luo Sand that is already defeated by the people?

Or has you been dragging a thousand generations from the big snake pill?

It is impossible.

The only thing that can be done at this moment is to retreat, organize people, and then launch an attack.

It is estimated that the fear of their heart is not so easy to be erased in a short time.

Fortunately, this sandy village loss is the biggest loss and a neutral troops, but although there is a loss, but it doesn't think it is as big as it is.

And my anlealing ability is much stronger than that is much better, in the thousand generations, after finding the main bone, quickly act, gather the troops and human hand.

"I have to take care of it and make it as much as possible to retreat!"

On the one side of the millennium, back, while also coordinating all the sand tolerance.

"I said, the elders are old, are you too ignore my existence?"

Big snake pills and hoarse sounds.

I saw a snake inadvertently shot from his cuffs, biting on the army army.

A crisp sound sound.

I heard the sound of the big snake pill, and I looked at the thousand generations, especially staying on her arms, then I should be bored by the poisonous snake.

At this time, there are two small holes, and even the venom is still there, but did not see the blood, even even the new Snake Pills were developed, and there was no injection to her body.

I grabbed the big snake pills, the Qian Dynasty controlled near the pine ten times quickly retreat, led the sand to retreat.

Seeing the thousand generations escaped his own attack range, the big snake pill is not angry, but it is revealed that he means a deep smile, that means that he is a little exciting tongue reached out again, gently squatting ourselves slightly dry Lips.

"This old woman is really interesting, I am going to start with myself, I started to appreciate her."

Hy muttering, witnessing thousands of generations.

And the people in the half empty also slowly dropped, opposed to Luo.

The face with a smile, the mouth is slightly opened, and the export type is ....

Cooperation continues!

I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I don't help but I don't help but I don't stand the eyebrow.

For the words of the people, and the cooperation he mentioned, the original Luo Sum is completely disdainful, but at this moment, his inner heart is shaken.

Do you work?

Just flashing this idea in the brain, I was directly throwing out of the brain, but now I don't think about this, escorting the land of the sandy village, making up for the loss of his defeat is the most important.

The three thousand people of the sandy village raided the three thousand people of the wooden leaves, but they still defeated, and the number of lost people was higher!

This is definitely a huge loss, which is difficult to shirk liability.

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