Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Rotating Cat Chapter 366

The voice falls, the golden sand of Luo Same is quickly moved, and it is almost necessary to wrap the people.

Nourishment ...

On the body, there is a fine thunder pattern on the circle and the circle, and it will be refunded quickly quickly.

In a series of roll jumps on the ground, barely avoided the gold sand track of Luo Sum.

"Since this is the case, then you can only let you understand, in addition to and me, you don't have any other choice!"

Looking at the relief of his own attack, Luo Sai brows wrinkled.

I looked at the sky of the dark clouds, and the rain of the rain was the same as the use of sand surgery, and the Ninja using magnetia was produced.

Although the gold sand does not want ordinary sand, the water absorption is particularly strong, and a large amount of rain will lead to a sharp drop in mobile speed, morphological changes, and the damage to the gold sand, but the impact of gold sand is equally small, but the effect is not so big.

Luo Sand started printing.

A small group is condensed under his feet and let it slowly suspend in half.

"Magnetic gold sand waves!"

Under his control, Golden sand is condensed in half of the air, shot from the very fast speed.

Fortunately, she was prepared, and she was also printed in the moment of Luo Saha.

"Water in the water shift!"

At this time, the rain in the rain is continuous, and the power to use water is not inferior to use on the lake, and once the water flows here, the ninja for the remaining sandstorm is also a variable weakening and control.

Spray a lot of water flow from the water of the house, form a raging waves, and collide the gold sand waves of Luo Sand.

The flourishing flour of golden sand collides with the endless water waves.

Water waves are quickly defeated, just like impact on the reef.

However, if the people itself, I didn't think about it to use this rush to embrace the magnets of Luo.

Just, this is rushing on the gold sand, no matter how much, these gold sand will bring moisture, mobile speed, action change ability, and destructive power, and even even grasp the ability, there is no doubt.

Luo Sand also understood the purpose of the people, but he did not panic, and calm the print again.

"Magnetic gold sand square!"

The golden sand rushing to the house quickly agglomerated into a long piece of album, and the sand iron of the three generations of winds, it was a wonderful work.

It's too late to kill, and the house can only take a short knife, and the front is welcoming.

Almost a contact, the people will be strongly impact.

Compared to iron, gold has higher density, stronger hardness, and weight is also heavier.

No sand iron is so fast, but the impact is absolutely stronger than the sand iron.

If you have to meet a hit, you will feel the throat, and a blood slowly slid from his mouth.

Seeing the hand, Luo Sa's face raised a smile, "How? How is your secret surgery? Can you increase your physical speed and strength? How? I don't need it today?"

When I heard Luo Sand, the people didn't be angry, just gently wiped the blood of the mouth.

Although today his physical fitness is again strengthened, but it is still a small burden using eight union.

In such a battlefield, he does not want to excessively consume your strength and physical strength in order to fight against Luo Sand, and you will need to face anyone.

Eight-door armor, the best is still used in single-handed, this chaotic composes, once you go, you don't know how you die.

Insurance, the people have more insurance.

Chapter 189, Thunder, Controller [Subscription, Month Ticket]

"Tongling's technique!"

A tiger size, long-blue animals who have been almost like cats are summoned.

The summoned small blue, the people actually be closed directly, in the hustle and bustle, full of Chakra wave, to feel the fluctuation of natural energy.

It is a chaotic Chakra, natural energy is notgered, even if the people are quiet, they will absorb, natural energy will not be so fast.

If it is the previous house, in this case, in such an environment, it is definitely unable to absorb the natural energy of the mystery to the body, and the transition forms Xianke Chakra.

But now he is not more than before, the crisis caused by the left hand's thousand-handed cell cells, and its own cells have blended some of the cells between the thousand-handles, and the perception of natural energy, and The control of natural energy has improved.

Even the natural energy absorbed into the body, and the transformation into Xianke Chakra, the use of the fairy power used in the past, has a huge progress.

Although Luo Sand as an opponent does not know what to do, it is certain that it will not be able to let go of the house.

The gold sand that condenses the accommodation album once again hits the people.

But it is no longer a house, but it's a huge small blue.


I screamed in an instant, and my body was wrapped in red and black Chakra.

! !

The cat clamps, the gold sand of Luo Same is directly taken with this moment.

This powerful force makes the Luo sand eye that looks at this scene, and some is incredible.

However, he thinks, he remembers, why there is a feeling that Chakra on this cat.

Is this not a tail of Chakra and energy fluctuations?

Although there is a great difference in Chakra and Chakra, which is two tails, but this is the same as the immersing of the beast, but he is also seen, even if it is not seen.

This kid, seal the tail beast in a psychic beast? !

The first time in Luo Same is flashing.

However, he will soon also expel this idea from the brain.

I don't say that it is a precious tail of any village. Will it be controlled by such a ninja to a psychic beast, just the pride of the beast, will not allow yourself to be sealed In the body of the spirit beast.

And even if it is really forced to be sealed in the body of the spirit, they will not agree with the spirit of the beast to use their power.

From the giant cat summoned from the people, after using the power of the tail beast, after the tail beast coat, it still maintains reason, which is obviously not the action of being dominant by the strength of the beast.

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