Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 328

After a few years of effort, it is very confident that all cats are very confident by a faster and efficient communication, and all cats in the whole endure are in his mastery.

But this is almost the limits. If you don't build a pair of ethnic groups, I am afraid I want to continue to expand, it is more difficult.

Recover your thoughts, listen to the corners of the country.

Because the number is more than, it is better to hide, so there is no attention to the attention of the leaves.

"Now all income is all appropriations from Tianzhi National name. If you want to continue to expand, or we have our own pockets, or add some income services to the organization.

However, it is, it is, it is, it is not a long-lasting, so I suggest to develop some business and increase income.

We recruited so many people, not to raise them, it is better to let them go out to do some tasks, even if they just do some bounty tasks. "

The corner continues: "And, our organization is almost a year of more than a year, shouldn't you have a name belonging to your own?"

Listening to the corner, there are so many, and the people have determined one thing.

That is the corner, this guy is really ideal for the big management, especially the management of money, very sensitive, one point will not overcome.

It is also unfortunate that the original is in the middle of his lost to Payne, and after the addition of the child, it has become the only candidate for the financial finance, and he is indeed meticulously completed.

"Do you have a name?"

The people think about it, slowly shake the head, "It is not the time to have the name only, if you show it in front of others, it is like a wandering ninja, it will not cause too much reaction."

"As for the source of funds, the task of the underground bounty exchange is indeed a good choice. They can only complete the task alone, but now they can complete the team, with the information we offer, and each other Collaborative ability, task success rate will definitely be higher.

This may become one of the main income in a short time.

However, it seems that the calm tolerance will come again, and the third endurance war will only explode, when we really make money.

Earn war is definitely the best earning, we can take some big hidden villages with the identity of mercenary. "

The corner is nodded, and the people who will be remembered in the heart.

I have been in contact with the people for so many years, and he gradually has become used to listening to the row.

It is not to say that he doesn't have a master, it is just because he is in such a long time, which has become accustomed to him, and a keen sense of smell for some major things.

Therefore, the two said that cooperation and slowly evolved into a model that was mainly based on the people.

After all, I haven't missed it from cooperation now.

"Yes, not just us, I heard that the country has a named", the leader of the rain is the organization, and their leaders have potential. If there is a chance, you can contact it. "

The people suddenly thought that in this time, the organization should be established, and have begun to recruit troops, and promote their "peace" concept.

"Is it just touch? Do you want to absorb them in?"

"No, you can contact it, those people, there can be stare at ..."

Just don't cause the attention of the person, so if you don't want to have a little class of classes that you can get up in Tianzhi State.

This is a key moment, which can play a big role in a weak base card left by the entire endurance.

As for this card, anyway, no matter what price, they don't have to pay, the red sand will go to the opposite of Sandy Village, when they are pretending to do it.

There is no effort, there is a probability of high-reward things, and the people think it is necessary to try it.

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Chapter 174 is taking the team [ask for subscription, monthly ticket]

Task share reels, dark masks, people returned to leaves.

There is an office that appears in the daily day.

I took the task share reel of the people, and the sunshine, and the smile is exposed, it is like a bright bloom.

Since the joining of the house, he did not let him down.

Although it has always completed the task alone, but there is no failure, no matter how difficult and complex tasks, it can be done well.

Even if it is a bit less clear, it has now had the strength.

But there is no doubt that his strength should be at least an elite hierarchy.

The talent visible to the naked eye has been achieved in some advantages.

For this decision left by the people, so far, it is a matter of the most correct decisions in his life.

Although because of the occurrence of the white teeth incident, the people have indifferent to their attitude, but this is in the eyes of the day, it is also reasonable, after all, the relationship between the people and the flag is good, it is Because his excessive indulgence will let the flag of the flag of such a vest.

The people who are full of complaints are also a matter of reason.

This is not confirmed by the value of "Fire will" imported into the brain of the people?

However, dissatisfaction in my heart is dissatisfied, but the task of layout is meticulously, this is enough to see the day, it is enough.

After that event, the entire wooden leaves don't know how many ninja is full of complaints, but time will slowly dull.

Nowadays, these people are almost all all have been moved with "sincerity", no matter what they do, they do not change the heart of the wood.

One and a half of the dark life, it has already made the people to understand the black leaves, especially the root of the roots, many more dirty things need the dark part of their own hands, this for the secret, the inner impact should be not small.

In the view of the day, the people should also understand their own hard work.

"His people, this year and a half dark life, how do you feel?" Asked the sky.

The people are silent for a moment, reply: "This is the ninja."

I heard the reply of the people, and the days were smile, and the smile was revealed.

Indeed, this is the Ninja.

Receive tasks, perform tasks, complete tasks, delivery tasks ...

In this way, do not need to ask the reason, do not need to ask the process, only need to start and end, two time points, and should have become, just this.

After experiencing the dark life of the leaves, the life of the people should be more cherished for the life of the wooden sunlight.

This is the idea in the heart of the sky.

"I still can't live in the dark ... You go back to rest, give you a few days, take a break."

It's been a long time in the dark, and people's character will slowly face the darkness.

I nodded, and the people turned around.

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