Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 317

The flag on the face is squeezing out a griety, as well as a cloud.

"Uncle Shu, how to become a model now?"

Some people have a little unimaginable. Once the murderey does not blink, it is called the existence of Shura, and it actually appeared so soft.

As an over-big explosive era, people who have experienced online violence, and more than those who are so easy to be influenced by public opinion, there are few less understanding.

Describe the words of people, this is the glass heart!

The flag patio is swaying, nothing.

"Don't you understand this is that someone is in the layout of you?" The people looked at him, couldn't help but wrinkle, couldn't help but drunk.

Wen said, the flag is like, and his face is stronger.

"Are you talking about group?"

His people gain.

"you know?"

I also react, the flag wood is not a small role, he is the minister of the wood, the high weight, must know that the Tibetan is a person, knowing this matter, who is going to help.

The house is stationed, silently look at the flag and patina, gradually understand.

In fact, he became a sample, the outside public opinion is a part of the reason, and the wooden leaves have indeed died because of him. It is another reason, but the true effect is the biggest, maybe it is not as a day.

The person who once respected, trust, standing in the highest position of the wooden leaves, was acquiescing this happening.

This may be the most stimulated by him and the deepest damage.

Obviously, from the head to the end, it gave people the will of the fire, but after others follow the will of the fire to save the companions, they suffered from all the questioning or even spur.

Some people want to target him, but the people in the nig shadow are clear.

Even he knows this is doing this group, and I don't know if I am in the day?

This kind of harm to a person's belief is the greatest.

The collapse of the belief is sometimes accompanied by a person's fall.

For a time, the people don't know what to say.

It seems to feel the sorrow of the heart of the flag.

From a strict consciousness, the flag is a member of the fire.

Just didn't think that it would be like this.

The people pulled a chair and sat in front of him.

At this moment, this situation is really alive, and it is not big for the impact of the flag.

In his body, I felt a sadness of my mourning greater than the heart.

The silent atmosphere is dispassioned between the two.

At this moment, there were some sounds outside the homestead, and it was getting closer and closer. It is getting more and more obvious.

"Flag wood is violated by Ninja Code ... causing leaves to face huge losses ..."

"Xiongtai, also believe that the flag should not save him, should be based on the interests of the leaves, the Code of Ninja!"

" ..."


This ninja named Xiongtai is the Ninja, which is the flag of wood.

The face is changing.

I saw the flag and patina in front of him, and it was originally a little pale face, it became more pale, and even it was pale.

Uncle Shu ... "


Suddenly, when the face of the face, the flag is like a pale face, from white turns red, a fresh red blood overflows from his mouth.

Press his last straw!

For the flag patio, he has a companion saved by such a big pressure, but at this moment, he stood in his opposite.

The feeling of being betrayed by the companion, it is enough to crush any one of the state of mind, not to mention that this moment is very fragile flagpot.

"Uncle Shu, I have a proposal, you may wish to listen, anyway, it has become a look, you have no longer lost again."

The bracelet is slowly lifted by the weight of the flag, and there is not much emotional fluctuations to the house.

With the final trial, "this ..."


On the other hand, the arrival of the day and the two people are still in the office.

I heard the sound of the sound outside, the expression of the two changes at the same time.

Even the sunset, this sound, the content, officially proved that this matter is exceeded by him.

Group Tibet has not listened to the end of his order!

And still left a final card!

"Lao Ge, you are really playing." The face is gloomy.

The day of the sky, the lips, Chakra touched in the body, the white robe on the body did not work.

Some somewhat is straight, as if he has recovered him.

Hand holding the hand of the pipe, "" sounded.



The seven octades appeared in front of him and

"Root!" Cold channel.

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