Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 297

Because it is a strong ninja, plus a full-speed road. Before dawn, it successfully arrived in the border of the fire country.

When the border is reached, the people find that their estimate is slightly offset, the goal is not the country of Taki, and the country of the iron, it is not the country of the land, but is in a marginal clip. .

This is a ninja in the Ninja World, and with the ninja as the main power of the main force, like a small country like the field, in the eyes of many people, it is a lamb that stays at, as long as you wish, you can slaughter it at any time. .

Because the country has no formation of hidden villages in the country, even the prototypes are even.

It may only be a big name of Tianzhi, and he will pay some of his wandering ninja as his bodyguard.

The country of Tianzhi is in the north of the fire, the west is the country of the country of the marti, and the east is part of the territory of the country of Tang.

If you really want to say, in fact, the territory of Tianzhi is not small, at least a small country like those countries like the country, it is much more.

Moreover, the back is on the sea, can engage in fisheries, although the national economy can't say special excellent, but in the case of consuming a large number of national treasury financial resources, the country's economy is still good, and it can be self-sufficient.

Of course, all the premise is built in that the country is in the state of the country, and every year will pay a lot of money to the country of the fire, regardless of "Protection".

And the people still heard that the big name and fire of the country seem to have a certain blood relationship, and this relationship is not far.

In fact, in the world of Ninja, the names of many countries have certain blood relationships.

In order to make the descendants more pure, they often marriage each other.

So, the national name in the whole ninja world is actually from a ancestor. This is probably the so-called, the world is my house ...

In short, the big name of Tianzhi's big name and fire country is extraordinary, so the country is a firm allies in the country.

Some people will ask, since there is such a relationship, why does the country's great names do not build their own hidden villages, let themselves have certain self-insurance, but to hire some strength is not a strong wandering ninja?

First of all, there is a point to explain that it is not the name of all countries. It is supported for the hidden villages in our country. There are even a large name of many countries. In their opinion, they seem to be tools, hidden villages is the tool library. They don't necessarily need such a tool library.

A large amount of financial allocation in hiking in Hiki, is it used to eat and drink?

As for saying that the ninja is a big name?

In their view, the occupation of the Ninja is low, just like the hand, where is it bold?

It is precisely because of this high-tech and high-quality concept, so many big names are not used to their hidden village.

The most typical, the name of the country.

Every year, the financial grants of Sand hiking are constantly cut. If it is not sandy village to fight, there is a ninja like three generations, four generations of windings, it is estimated that the third endurance battle is over, sandy The village will be wiped from the layout of the Ninja World.

On the contrary, it is the famous country name, and the annual allocation is not less.

But the country like the country is a lot, and the big name of Tianzhi is one of them.

In his opinion, it has a large amount of money to build a large amount of money to build his own hidden village. It is not to use these money to enjoy the music. Building hidden village is completely wasteful.

And the national name of Tianzhi is still famous, so that he will make money, but give him money, it will become his friend.

"This task is in the country of Tian?"

Going directly through the wooden border into the country, thinking about it in his heart.

There are not the basic hidden villages of Tianzhi, but also don't say there is a guardian for the border. It is simply simple to enter the country.

After entering the country, their actions are finally slow, and the sky in the distance is finally exposed.

"Trimming an hour, restore status, the next time you can fight."

As the arnisher of the captain, I said that the basic warning line and protective measures began, and the three people were restored in the knee.

So hurried, no matter what to say, it must be huge.

He has gradually begun to be familiar with the root of the task mode, that is, all actions listen to the command, let you sit, let you stand, this is estimated that after they were brained, the thoughts have been perfusion.

The so-called "root", there is no name, no feelings, no past, no future, the heart is only mission, the big tree in the wooden village is deep, this is "root" Will.

At the beginning of the establishment, it was for wooden leaves, but slowly became a tool in the group.

Decaying is not a little bit of small roots under this big tree, but the main part of the connection with the ribbed trunk.

A hour of time is too fast.

I don't know how others's state, the people are almost returned to the best state.

"Is there any combat that happen at any time? It seems that the country should have something happening." The people think about it.

Under the leadership of Angan, a group hide through the dense jungle, and various ordinary people are difficult to walk, whether it is a cliff or a cliff.

No one knows their whereabouts, arrived in the alpine forest in the country of the country.

"Night fox, investigation surroundings, collect information in the town."

African waves makes everyone stops, and the night fox commanded to be specially responsible for perception and intelligence.

The night fox did not have a debtor, but he opened his arm. The two blacks were darkly like a rich black "smoke" from his hand and quickly scattered in the woods.

Seeing these "smoke", hidden people who are hidden in the face are slightly narrow.


Oil family!

The root of this code for night fox is a member of the oil female family, although it is slightly surprised, but it is also reasonable.

Among the root members, most of them are some orphans, and they are recruited into the roots, and the cruel training is selected, and some qualifications have been selected into ninja, and cultivate into the root killing tool.

And those who fail to train, some will die directly in the training process, these are all ruthlessly abandoned.

As for those "lucky people" that did not pass, but fortunately, they were all sent by the group to send people to the fire, sent to various countries, let them survive, if they can live, if Can't live, there is no loss in the roots.

The Ninja World has a different war in size, and suddenly there are some old orphans, and no one pays attention to it.

People who survive, as long as the root is willing, they can activate them at any time, and become a very small part of the intelligence network that is covered throughout the endurance.

The people who used to be "lucky" are one of these "lucky people".

However, in addition to recruiting these orphans in the root, the group will also see some young people with a good potential, recruit them, and use them after brainwashing.

Among them, there are some disciples of families.

The degenerate character of the oil female family, the existence of the non-Zhang Yang is the favorite person of the Tibetan Tibetan.

They usually disguise and ordinary people don't have anything, as long as we wear a mask, it becomes the most favorable weapon in the group.

"The root ninja in the night fox is a member of the oil female family, that is, I don't know if you are a captain, and the ninja named the corners, which family's ninja? Al or simply is ordinary civilian, orphan. .. "The heart is silently thinking.

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