Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Totter Cat Chapter 287

Just don't know why, no matter what the house and the water do be left, whether it is forest, foggy, swamp or river, the danger has not completely disappeared.

This is the sixth sense of them, both have such a feeling.

I feel that there is a pair of hands in intangible, guiding the direction of the fog, guiding the forward direction, guiding their previous direction.

"This is not a way, for Chakra's consumption, it hasn't waited until the border of our arrival of the country, Chakra will consume seven or eight eight. When you have a wolf, there is a tiger, and the situation will be more difficult. The water gate said.

In order not to catch up, they are not allowed to use Chakra Road and take some difficult way.

But when they fare to pass through a complicated zone, I thought that when I had to open the fog, they would catch up very stubborn.

Nothing twice once, I can only say that the tracking ability of the mist and the trace ability, but when every time, the house and the water gate have been observed.

Originally, they thought it had been missing on her body, but she was checked out two times in front of the foreigner, and it was not that they left a mark.

This makes them amazed at the traceability of the mist.

This continues, but does not open them, but instead make itself a lot of consumption.

The house is still good, it's a lot of Chakra, and the road is different from the water door, more use of the body, and the water gates use Chakra.

If this continues in this way, people may not be opened, while the front blocks of the front blocks are in the wind, it is easy to wait.

In the case of front and back, the situation of the two will become very bad.

"It's better to take a little bit to take a little bit, it's better to take a break, restore a little Chakra, first solve the bachelor with your butt, I don't believe that we spend so many Chakra roads, how much is they still the amount.

I can't walk into the woven bag in this step by step, I have to try to break it.

Waiting for us to recover enough physical strength and Chakra, once again break through, directly over the border of the country.

It can also stay a good deterrent! "She is proposed.

The water gates thought, this is absolutely not a way, but it is better to hear the suggestions of the people, first put the back people to solve a little.

Anyway, this is always running, it is certainly not a way.

The house and the water gate immediately jumped from the tree, but also no longer hiding where the whereabouts, sit down directly on the ground, restore Chakra.

"Try this, there should be a little help."

The people handed a dark and disdicated pills that exudes the smell of the medicine.

There was no hesitation of the water gate, and I took this kind of medicine-filled soldier grain pill. I was proliferated in my mouth in my mouth. I couldn't help but frown.

The effect is surprisingly, and the body begins to gradually fever. The familiar Chakra slowly emerges from the body.

The water door knows that the teacher from the big snake pills and actions, learned from them, I don't know how much knowledge, I will also study some special formulas, each use, the effect will be good.

The recovery ability of the house is very fast.

He is not idle, immediately acts around, laying some basic traps.

Although you know what to rent, you will have no.

At the same time, the people who use psychics to summon a lot of snakes, allowing them to be prepared in the forest and do well.

Both people have easy to wait.

Soon, a team wearing a black battle suit is in the dark.

Leading dark ninja reached out to raise his fist to showcase them stopped.

Under his order, the dark ninja in several fog hiped villages immediately stopped, and it was a group of highly raised dark ninja.

"The other party is not far away, it seems that their Chakra consumes almost, but they must be careful. Since the other party can assain the financial ministers of the country of the water and retreat The strength is certainly will not be weak. "


"Second set of combat plans, action!"


Several darkness immediately took action.


Boom ...

The explosion of the two three-year-old sound, and the whole forest is surrounded by fire.

I heard the sound of the explosion, the water door closed immediately opened his eyes, and it took the body to disappear in the original place. Although Chakra did not completely recover, but the short-term battle did not have any effect.

After the explosion end, in the original dense forest, there was a unclear ruins, and the muddy village of the original action was free and full of confident, and some people had been hurt.

Because these detonators are not triggered, but the people use the spirit snake and take the initiative.

So these dark sides did not think of their own people will be ambush.

"Earth Rock!"

Just as a few dark ninja is celebrated when he succeeds in the explosion of the explosion, the cold drink came in the depths of the forest, and the place they founded in the forest.

From the grounds of them, the stone wall is standing, and the collapse is collapsed, and closely wrapped together.

If they are still alert enough, it is estimated that only this attack is just this attack, you can have a lot of people's life.

"Earth Huangquan!"

However, this voice sounded again, as if it was a position where they landed, a soft and muddy swamp appeared at their feet.

At this moment, some people's face began to suppress unwantedness.

They know that they are all in the other party, this is what they usually be very good at doing, but I didn't expect this to go to them.

"Earth Dragon Bomb!"

"Wind, vacuum jade!"

The voice of the house is also sounded at the same time.

The dragon formed by the three muds broke through the air and bite a few dark portions.

At the same time, dozens of air-cutting wind blades are also shot from all sides, and they seal the direction they want to break.

The reaction speed of the Dark captain is fast enough, and quickly printed to give a counterattack.

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