Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 277

The death of the white teeth.

This is definitely one thing, losses, and affected by the whole leaves before the nine tail.

Even in the future, the rebellion of the big snake pill is not serious.

From the deterrence of the two, the prestige of woody white teeth is undoubtedly more powerful than one of the three tolerances of the big snake pill, and the three endure added, and it may also be able to do with white teeth.

Of course, this is now this time period.

After many years, the white teeth passed the world, and the weapon slowly came down, and the three endured fermentation, deterrence, of course, will be more and more stronger.

But in now, the deterrence of the big snake will definitely be the name of the white tooth.

The deterrence of Shanda Village can even exceed the flying day of the third-generation noodles.

And the most important thing is, don't look at the surpass of the whole endurance, what is not happening, but this is just a surface phenomenon, and the power savings in the major hidden villages, the war may explode at any time.

At this time, I lost my teeth, it was definitely lost to the big snake pill after the end of the Third War.

Just don't know how to enjoy the two candidates, you can't see the key.

Will it be in time?

"If there is a chance, do you want to save?"

Pillow head, welcome the reserves of the sunset red home, the brain is entangled, if you have this option, do you want to do this.

If you have done, what will happen, if you don't do it, what will happen again.

"Forget it, wait for the opportunity to intervene, and then consider this thing."

PS: The update was late at 11:30 yesterday, and the setting is automatically updated later, and then control it early in the future.

The 155th chapter of the assassination task is going [Subscription, monthly ticket]

"Such a place full of water, it is really a bit not very habit."

In the rich mist, the people stand on a tree and hold the huge trunk with one hand, say slightly.

"There is no way, the country is in the sea, now in the morning, there is no way to have such a big fog."

A person shadowed next to the house, slightly a little alifted golden hair, and a little helpless in the sound.

Wavelet water door.

"I said, you are too calm, I am nervous, can you think about our mood?"

The voice is falling, and the three body leaves are as if they are, they sound like it is very nervous, but only lazy is in the sound.

For the three people who have appeared, they don't care about them, just turning to see the water gates, the words are full of "true" doubts, "Water gates, will we follow them? We are so obviously like coming Does the thigh? "

The water is shrugged, and the three appears behind, they are all familiar, and each other is known to know the roots. "We are different from their tasks, just get together to enter the water."

"Hey? Is it not the same as our mission? I thought that the Three-generation Uncle had already considered us, let the legendary pig deer butterfly belt we lie down this endurance." Whether it is in the expression or a sound, it is full of regrets, it can be seen from the heart.

The three people come out, is the current generation of pig deer, Nara Luoji, Qiuding, and Hill.

All the old familiar people with the house and the water doors, the relationship between each other is quite good.

After all, the people who have lived in Nara Lulu have lived for a long time, and they have a super high family position in their home, and even once become the general existence of the devil in Nara Luzhi.

Even if it is now because of the smooth opening of the cathouse, the people started successfully, and it has become a famous commercial new star in the wooden leaf. Every time I, I will return to Nara to eat a meal, beautiful name, " Nara continued to guide Nara Luoji for his family.

In this regard, Nara is of course very welcome.

After all, their family has become a loyal supporter of the people's cat house. She is a single one, and I bought three cats directly. It is a big customer.

Just pity Nara Luojing.

"Please, don't talk to yourself every time, it's easy to make others think so, the result is a chaotic saying."

In this regard, Nara Lulu has an experience.

He has recently fighting with the people. Under the encouraging of the people, he finally defeated Nara Luojing as an end.

Although he is not a positive battle of Ninja, he is blended, but it is necessary to know that he has become a ninja.

When the people just came to the wooden leaves, he was already endured, but when the people became special, he was only in the end.

Even if the people have begun to prepare for the endurance, he is still just endure.

This time, the five people in the country, they act together, just like the water gates, just because they just right, their tasks are different.

However, the water gate did not oppose the words of the people, and the speech of the thigh.

Even now, the people are especially endured, the water gates should also participate in the endurance assessment, in front of them, it is still in the existence of the thigh.

Of course, this is the premise of the people, the two people are not exposed.

Don't look at Nara Luo Long, Qikao That is still in the mountains, just to endure.

Even one of the three people, and the monk is single, it is absolutely playing, even if they are unbelly, but the result is still almost almost.

Once they gathered together, they become a pig's deer butterfly, and it is estimated that the people will come by them.

Even if you endure, in front of them, it is not necessarily inexpensive.

This is a combination of strength boundaries as long as it is combined.

The name of the pig's deer is already existed before the wooden leaves are established.

Nowadays, the three people composed of pig debres are the fifteenth generation pig deer.

Nara family, Qiusong family and mountains, in the war period, the very close family is not only them, but also the same relationship is very good.

Although there is no three families in the flying family, but the flying one family is often the witnesses of each of the three major family of pig deer.

It is also possible to be awarded a grant of a pig deer butterfly.

This is a very close relationship.

When the killer, the Qi Zhi Boupeng was brought to the Mi Zhiwei, and the Yisiyi family built Woody Village, it was first to persuade the flying family, and successfully brought Nara, Qiudao, and Mountains in the mountains. Wooden leaves.

It's really just that the talents of the jackpieces are just just.

Therefore, the cooperation between the Thinity is from the beginning, reasonable cooperation, plus reasonable combination, and there is a real birth of the pig deer butterfly.

Of course, the relationship before the pig deer is not just because they miserate each other can cooperate, and some reason is that their three tribes will be complementary from the family level.

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