Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Totter Cat Chapter 264

To know, Dikai is maintained by his body, and it is actually so much injuries in his physical strength.

The people stretched out their hands gently touched Dikay's body.

"It's a strong tendon meat. Sure enough, even if it is also practicing body, there is still a gap between people."

It is also cultivating the Thunder Chakra model, and the people also trained the Metai high-intensity, there is a second end in the middle, and from the body, it is still more than the body of Dikai. .

And this is still not counted in the case of the Lei Chakra mode.

The people themselves do not have the True Attrach, which has improved through science and their own efforts, and there is a congenital disadvantage in the Terrestrial.

Dikai today's thunder Chakra model is unknown, but from his efforts, it will not be weak.

The house is cultivating the thunderstormula model, just in order to strengthen his body, because he is itself a trifling method from the cloud, it is not developing its truly power and role.

But Dikay is different, since he has been cultivating the Ray Chevraka, naturally it can be fully utilized, there is a matching attack and defense.

Of course, there is more than this, there is also a gap between the ninja world.

The night can't see.

Single from physical, there are few more advantages.

"The flesh of development is really full of vitality and explosive power." The heart sighs silently silently.

At this point, there is already a fifteen-six-year-old Dikay, the best development age of life, single order is from the height, he is not inferior to the general adult.

The development of the body is one of the main reasons he can quickly improve the body.

Dikai feels a little fur in his heart, don't know why, today's doctor seems to be ... look is a bit strange?

Fortunately, people reacted in time.

"Cough, this injury is still quite serious, give you a little medicine, go back to rest for a while and continue to cultivate, let your body slow down."

Dikay showed his own biceps, pulling the voice: "My body, doctor you can rest assured, although give me a little more powerful, it is fine! I have to live!

The old man said, as a man, you can't say that you can't! "

I am preparing for the dishmanship, I heard him, the movements in the hand suddenly stopped.

Silent point, it will be reached by the hand of the accelerated repair.

Ok, since you like "fierce medicine" so much, give you a little more, guarantee that you will fierce!

I don't have a few more than a dozen times a night, and I will finish it.

Think of this, pick up next to it, the original owner is marked as ...

"There is a special purpose, the drug is over, caution!".

Directly grab a lot, let him feel enough in one room!

"Okay, old look, how to do it, now I still do it."

Fortunately, I was afraid to wear it, and some reports and cases written by this doctor saw that there was any abnormality that Dikay found.

After the drug was taken, Diki was directly left directly, preparing to continue his cultivation.

If there is a task, the people are pretty to see if Dikay will become a slave.

Waiting to Dikai left, then no one came again.

The house can also take a good study, the cases and information of the cloth ratio.

It can be seen from the case that the cloth is not in the body, and even the body is still very excellent.

It is just that there is a problem in his spirit.

The identity of the eight tail has made him suffer too much pressure, as well as eight tail as the tail of the beast, which is full of negative emotions in Chakra, and invisiblely brought a lot of mental stress.

Many people's column strength, or most of the people, because this negative emotions that can not be brought to the beast will be taken away again and again.

Buji, in many people's column, it is already very excellent.

If it is not to be hushed in your heart, he can become a harmonious column force that is better than Bichirabi.


After a long time, I finally gave the cloth than to wait until the night came.

Give the first feeling of the people.

This is a very moderate and modest person, with some other people in the cloud fortification.

"Doctor, the last medicine was finished, I came to take medicine." Bunby said.

The people are nodded, and they will send prior prepared medicines to him.

The cloth is more than a glimpse, "and the previous drug is not the same."

"Yes, this is my new drug I have studied according to your situation, will make you feel more peace of mind when you sleep at night."

In this regard, the cloth ratio is no doubt that the drug he has eaten is not a kind.

"Thank you."

After a brief, I knew it.

Determine the departure of the cloth, hidden in the big snake pill in the house, slowly climbed out, still keep the appearance of the snake.

The people looked at this spiritual snake and said: "I just gave him the illusion of illusion that I specially made, I really made him more peace of mind when I sleep at night, but the control of the tail be minimized. The perceived ability of the surroundings will also decline.

So next, you will see you, the teacher of the big snake. "

Map into the snake pills of the snake, swim in the direction of the cloth.

After completing your own task, the people did not leave immediately.

Although it is very simple to say that the hospitals in Yunyin Village is very simple, but there are still some features.

Especially in the thunder Chakra model, there is enough research on the injury caused by the cultivation of thunder armor.

What is the most reliable, it is what he found from the doctor's archives, which is a special medical nipwork of Yunyin Village, and it is also his previously tried.

Through thunder Chekra stimulates the body of the victim, activate the cell activity next to the damaged place in the body, accelerate the recovery of the wound, and remove damaged and necrotic cells.

This kind of medical niphon makes the people look bright. He used current to stimulate the cell accelerated recovery, but he had a good idea, did not have a complete system, did not expect Yun Yin Village, the medical tattoo backward, but it can be this It is best for them to take out some unexpected gains.

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