Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 251

Because of the seal, it is excessive Chekra, which is also restored in a fast speed.

It is not even only the recovery of Chakra, and there is also the injury in the internal organs in the body. It is not completely recovered, and it is rapidly recovered at this moment.

Have to say, this feeling is addictive.

It is no wonder that the original China Lingxiang finally disrupted Chakra because of too many people.

Because people who bite, they will only feel the kind of cool, but they don't know the pain that Liangxiang will suffer.

Fortunately, the people are still a sensible person, feel the filling Chakra and the restored body or, some love is reluctant to release the mouth.

Lingxiang original ruddy face is also slightly pale.

The eyes have gone a little apologize.


The spirit shakes his head and didn't speak.

In fact, when she chose and she left, she thought that she left the grass hidden village, she would become a private bottle that was independent from the original public pill bottle.

However, she also wants, no matter how to say, become a private bottle, but also better than becoming a public bottle, at least one person doesn't matter how it is sucking, and will not absorb it.

Just she didn't expect that she didn't know her ability, but she didn't treat her as a tool to supplement Chakra, but really as a friend.

It is said that the employee of his cat house is, in fact, the spirit knows, this is a friend.

Otherwise she said that she didn't want to be a registered ninja for the wooden leaf, she would not force her to become a ninja.

All the people's Chakra recovered.

The seal on the scroll continues, wraps around the arm, and even the evil method seal is sealed together.

Continuous Chatcla extracted from the collected soul.

At this moment, his hand is like a container, and the white part of the white is filled with the water-based cells and the wooden segments, and the black part has become a bottle cap, outside is surrounded by seals The bandage forming the bandage is a wrap that makes the entire container more stable.

Feel the seal molding, the previous arm called it, it seems that the feeling of bursting is gradually stable.

Slowly release the control of the two tail Chakra, leaving only the scribe Chakra from the soul.


It is finally stable, there is always a feeling of playing yourself to die. "

The people have long spit out a breath, and the pressure in the heart is relieved.

At that time, it was actually helpless. If you don't have a thousand-handed cells, it must be killed by the corner.

"Directly did the experimoctive body of the thousand-handed cell cells, except for the Zhiso sphere, no more people?"

Just Yu Zhibo sphere is because there is a foreign road magic to hang, don't worry, but also condense into a fairy. "

If you don't ridicule yourself.

The cells between the thousand-handles are very strong, but they are in front of the seal before they are not stable.

Can you slowly become familiar with this feeling.

Of course, it is more than the sky.

Then, the people ticked their left-handed index finger, a thumb and thick wood, slowly spread from his palm center.

It's almost long and short-lived and stopped with his short knife.

A wooden branch falls in the hand.

I quickly smiled.

The left hand is ingenious, the wood branches are flexible in their hands.

"And the left hand becomes the whole look, how do you go to see people?"

I saw that after the two tail mode was released, this distinct color looks more obvious, although the two-tailed crucible of Chakra has dispersed, the part above the elbow is no longer black.

But the elbow, the entire joint becomes black, and under black, all become pale colors, even the nails become white.

"Do you want to learn a nail polish?" The heart silently silently tier.

"No way, only disguise."

Said, pick up the white cloth on the beach, starting from your fingertips a little bit.

Finally, the part of the elbow is all wrapped in white cloth.

But tell the truth, the Ninja World may be because the world atmosphere is too depressed, so many small and shaped people will have some kinds of people, the arm is brought into a bag, which is a clear flow in the Ninja world.

And this dress, how much is there a feeling of adult two pillars?

"Liangxiang, okay? This is a special supplement, you can help you quickly recover."

Looking at the screams, I am sorry to put down the sleeves, and they will be hidden behind them.

Silently taken the pill and eat it.

She is also a medical ninja, and she also understands the situation in her body, so I don't have anything to be polite.

"This task is completed, but those stray cats have not been completed, so I have to go out again."

The people stand straight, feel the body that is almost completely recovered.

Although the cells between the thousand-handles are almost his life, they also have to be recovered by most of him.

This strong vitality is really horrible.

Plus yourself restore their own state and Chakra through the energy of the survivor special body, almost returned to the best state.

Lingxiang has not said anything about the decision of the people, she is very clear about the people, one, the decision made by the people, he does not need to say more, and there is no possibility.

Silently prepare the various things in the cat house, ready to welcome a large number of cats.

But the people don't leave immediately.

Extend the right hand, the thumb is gently and the forefinger, a small mark is instantly formed in his hand.

The eyes are bright.

"Sure enough, the body is also higher than the adaptation of the thunderous Chekra."

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