Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 246

Can you play this?

Is there a bottom sign?

The corner admits that he really regrets at this moment.

However, he doesn't know the real situation in the body, otherwise it will be killing now!

One minute is less than a minute, the left hand includes the part of the elbow, which has been allocked by the cells between the killer.

It is estimated that he will wait for a while, he will become a tree like the group.

"Can you achieve this, big beautiful!"

After the body is completely restored, you must suppress cells to continue to expand, otherwise you must give yourself to die.

Under the schematic of the house, the second end completely released its own control of Chakra, and the whole right handed it to the people himself.

Fortunately, I have seen what is yin, peeling out from the second tail of Chakra, and the rock and the water and the soil.

"Stop it!"

At this moment, the lucky goddess stood again at this side, the cells between the killer, the dilatory inhibition, and it was still stopping the expansion of continued phagocytosis.


Long spit out a breath.

After inhibiting the expansion of cells, the people finally retrieve the control of the body again.

Gently smashed your left hand.

There is a very strange feeling.

Obviously the right to control or the touch of the hand is very obvious, and there is not much difference with the right hand, but you can clearly feel that there is an energy that doesn't belong to your own.

Very powerful power!

Unprecedented powerful!

Just just a left hand who is suppressed, there will be such a powerful power.

It is no wonder that there will be so many people who are crazy to pursue the cells between the mail.

"This kind of power, why will the group still die in the second pillar?"

The first thought of the people in the people.

The second thought is, "How to get a two-pillar with the prince, play a handle, and install a prosthetic that is made of thousands of hand cells."

Then, the thought is a pale and there is no hair left hand, the finger is gently tick.

A small tree in front of a front is rishes the earth.


The people are in the heart.

However, in the body's water attribute Chakra and the earth attribute chamra donate some excessive.

Of course, the people are only shocked, but they don't know that the person opposite him is scared.

"I am! It's really wooden!"

The corners are all eye.

He didn't know what happened in the body that had just happened, but he saw the hurt in his body to recover the horror rate visible to the naked eye.

And hooked the fingers at will, and a tree grows from the ground.

He was originally thoughtful before the people, and the disappeared gorgeous tree was what he made, just a joke, now it seems to be true!

"The tree before, is really what you get out ?!" The corner is boring, and the tone is a bit excited.

His eyebrows are picking up.

"Children's unbranched!"

The corner is silent.

Have to say, after the resentment of cultivation, the sky is not afraid, it is not afraid of death, it will not die, madly make a bountiful task.

But he used to face the thousand-handles, and the unbeatable strong wooden worm has given him a great psychological shadow.

I didn't encounter the wood after the death of the killer, I didn't expect to go to the dog today.

The heart is in the heart, and his reason is still overcome.

If you don't solve this wooden fade, you will really don't dare to see the sun.

"I do not believe!"

The fire is hard!

Wind is full of blood!

Two masks releasing the combination tolerance.

The burning flame plus the hurricane's blessing.

The house is in one second.

"Wooden Wall!"

Teng Teng

A row of wooden columns are bent from the ground to form an arch, protect yourself.

Combined tolerance

The powerful combination of the Power of the Combatischers is also seen, but the defensive power of the wood spindle is out of his imagination.

Several wooden columns are only somewhat signs of burning, but they are guarded in it and have not suffered any injuries.

It's really wood!

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