Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 239

And this film is exposed under the sun, it has become more transparent, and even there is a sign of melting.

The body that was originally burnt, and it was also stripped from its original body, leaving only a good body.

I am so embarrassed.

The short knife in the hand falls a knife, and all the tentacles are all cut by him.

It is said that the content of the water in the parents accounts for a percentage of ten ninety-seven. Now it seems that even the size is so huge, it will be inexhaustible.

"His people, in their body, central office, have special things." Quietly squatted in the second tail opening of his shoulders.

The house is looking at the direction of the second tail, and there is a fist size in the middle of the transparent jellyfish, it seems to be transparent, just with a slightly silky light blue, if the eyes are not enough Ok, it is estimated that it is difficult to find it.

It seems that it feels the feelings of the people, the speed of the jellyfish is accelerating.

But no matter how fast it is, on the shore, this movement looks like a turtle climb.

Don't hesitate to go forward, find the position, short knife.

The water that is still hidden in the body flows out of the body. There are some dry bodies. At this time, it becomes the same as it, more transparent and gradually melted.

Reaching out of the second tail found, the round ball of the slap size came out.

The jellyfish that was originally still in the peristalist, and the moment of exactly the body was completely lost.

Gently pinch the pinch, it feels like a balloon that pinching a filled water.

Not too dare to force.

"Do you know what this is?" Asked the people.

The second end stared at the transparent sphere in his hands and looked at it. Finally, he still slowly shake his head. "I don't know, but I can feel a lot of Chakra fluctuations, and the current released by the jellyfish, It is also from the middle, or all of its life activities start here. "

His people nodded, he also felt the energy fluctuations in Chakra.

Slightly hesitating, the palm of the palm, only the only True property chamra is released.

It is not too powerful after Torunda Characle after touching the ball.

The eyes are bright.

"This world is magical but not only those who have special people. There are also these gorgeous treasures, which can be studied, and maybe you can take some new things, no one is drumming. thing."

This sphere is hurt.

"Solve this, then you should do it." The people laughed with the second.

"Be careful!"

But I didn't expect it, just prepared, the little two tail of the shoulder immediately slammed the voice.

The face is changing, and the body is in the body, I don't know where the attack will come from, I can only wrap the whole body with Chakra.


The three suffering is almost on the ground, if it is not a second-tail reminder, it is estimated that these three suffering will not be nailed to the ground, but inserted on him.

"Well?" Slightly with doubtful sounds.

I hope to the direction of the attack.

At the same time, the second is whispered in his ear: "The other party is very fast, and it will be hidden. If it is not to launch an attack, I have some difficult to find it.

His people, the strength of the other party is very strong! Very strong! "

I first felt that the second tail was so serious.

It is also the first time, for the coming, I used two "very strong" this adjective.

The other party seems to be confident on his strength. After exposing the whereabouts, there is no cover, but it is slowly moving down towards the people. It seems that you will escape.

In such a one-on-one situation, turning to escape to expose your own back to others, absolutely the behavior of life, especially in the face of such hierarchical strength.

The people who have been wearing a big hazag, the towering neck is blocked all.

With the face mask with Kakasi, but there is no handsome ingredient in the opponent.

The baubles represent the ninja in the forehead, the white cloth wrapped the rest, and left two cyan eyes.

When the people saw that the forehead of the forehead, they directly represent the emotion of the village, and when the body was very familiar, it was consciously contracted under the pupil.

I can't help but feel a bitterness in my heart.

"This guy is terrible, giving me the feeling of being inferior to your cheap teacher's big snake pill!"

The two eyes of the second are deadly locked, telling the information it perceived.

The bitterness in the heart is even more, it knows more about this horror in front of the two.

"I know, I know this person, but I didn't expect why this guy appeared here, why did you encounter him!"

I feel that I have been too embarrassed to have time, I have consumed it all.

It's hard to make a task alone, and I will encounter him.

However, even if Yishibo Ji Cheng and Nara Ji do task with him, there will be no changes, the most is dead ...

"This is really trouble ... enjoy the golden people, the corner!"


At this time, it is still the corner of the full-time bounty!

Elite Ninja, who used to homony.

But now the rebellion has become a rebellion.

His people still hang on the list of underground bounty exchange at this time.

And the bounty is definitely higher than a Asa, just even if he has been going to the replacement, but there is not much person dare to move him, and if you dare to do it, it will not be unexpectedly becoming the heart he collected.

I have encountered him here, there is a kind of feeling of a dog.

This is a person who lives to the present period from the initial generation of the thousand-handed post. It once couraged to directly assassinate the universal column. Although it fails, it will be able to escape from the thousand hand. I have already explained the problem.

Take the first secret land of the hike village, and the cultivation is successful, there are five hearts on the body, and the original owner of each heart can use, unless the five hearts are destroyed, otherwise he is not dead.

Sometimes, it is quite doubtful. Since this world is a secret motley, it is like Red sand, it will make yourself to get the eternal life, the big snake pill does not learn from it, It is necessary to use a shortcomings that have obvious shortcomings.

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