Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 224

I nodded in the quiet place, waiting for the words.

"You remember, the planner is a good wine, but she is easy to control her own drink, so you have to stop her from drinking more, I can't stand it, she will cry, she won't be what. "

Wen said, mute, but nodded.

"Also, the card sister is best gambling, but the gambling is not good, the gambling is not better, she goes to the casino 100% is lost, so if you have money, you must remember the percent of them. Ten as a cost of life, don't let the card sister will pay the money, you have to be a white meal. "

Said, from his own endurance package, the house has taken out the envelope that has been paid to the day after completing the task, quietly stuffed into the hands of the muzzle.

"These, it is a few of us as a disciple. It must be firmly grabbed in their own hands. These money is for you. If you don't encounter any difficulties, don't use it, the most important point, no matter How do you say that your sister says, don't give this money! "

! !

The voice just fell, the figure of the people disappeared in front of the mute.

Quietly squat on the door of the wooden leaves.

Silently gently swallow the mouth of the water, looked at the promenade that still kept the punching posture, and he felt that she was refreshed with the agency.

"Silent, don't listen to the boy."

Nodded in the stiffness, although the surface promised, but the silence felt that the things that had just said to her may be a real master.

When I came to fall in front of the place, the master reached out, and the middle finger is bent, and a "play a flash" look.

The people immediately scared to close their eyes.

But immediately, "playing a flash" does not fall on his forehead, but it is a humid, soft and soft touch appears in his forehead.

The apeer kissed ... His forehead.

I don't know, she really wants to be pro, is a rope tree, or add a coat, or the people itself?

Slow open your eyes.

The order is gently put the house into his arms, whispered in his ear:

"Tibetan is not a good deal, when you deal with him, don't think too much, don't overclock his commitment, if you can, it is best not to contact him.

Also, this reel is what I left for you, the open scroll needs very detailed Chakra, which is not possible to control the control of Chakra.

Remember to practice well, don't think that your Chakra is more, you can smith in Chakra's control, sometimes Chakra's control is more important than Chakra. "

After saying, the program was put on a reel of the house, and he took the silent, holding her vertical leaf.

The housekeeper looked at the hand, listened to her, and finally gave him a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the program was officially left on the wooden leaf, and it was estimated that there will be no longer in a long time.

And the mountains in the whole wooden leaves are also officially available.

Silently shaken your head.

Walk towards the position where the music is located.

The mood is not very good, you need to use delicious ramen to make up for the inner heart.

I barely recovered from the "sad" of the mountain, immediately entered the cat house next to it.

Now, in the Cathouse, no matter what the facilities are complete, all kinds of equipment and cat cages are all put, the lack of cat, the cat, and a qualified clerk.

However, these, I believe that I can fill intact soon.

Entering the laboratory, there are a lot of shadows that are busy, nor to bother them, sit down on the chair on the side.

Take out the reel given by the board.

In this reel, it is definitely what you can't record. It is very likely to be very hidden, or you are a master, the secret of her own development, or her valuable insights in medical. , Her medical tattoo research hand.

In short, it must be very valuable.

Close your eyes and slowly enter your own Chakra into it.

It can clearly feel a huge seal on the reel. If you want to open this seal, you need to control Chakra to explore the same seal key like the labyrinth until you find the export, but also need Chakra extreme control. Force, there is still a certain luck.

In addition to medical niphon and her monster box, the operator is also the same in the seal and styles, otherwise it will not be able to study the yin seal, and the styles of Baifei involve sealing and printing.

Anyway, her grandmother is also from the whirlwood of the whirlpool, and there is also a lot of seal from the small teaching.

After a few times tried a few times, I found out really.

"Is my Chakra control or too weak? I can't show the second generation of hard vortex, because of the palm of Chakra, is it too weak?"

Carefully collect your own endurance packages carefully.

I would like to open this reel, I am afraid it takes a long time.


"Little arrogant, let's let go of the soul."

The second end is flashed, the mouth is slightly, and an almost no soul is spit out from its mouth.

Chakra slightly on the house, the second end, the surface of the floating surface, the eyes are also slightly flashing, turning into a blue and yellow look.

And the soul that I can't see, but I was completely presented in front of him, just like a substance.

He didn't look at the sophomore, showing his soul intensity.

In the world, most people's souls, when they have just died, but they may maintain a certain knowledge, but the time is long, slowly began to become a crocked.

Especially those who are not enough soul, or is Yin property Chakra is generally even without people, and its soul is generally relatively weak.

This is not the first soul of the researcher, and it is certainly not the last one.

Pick up a special container from the experiment, and a special knife.

This small knife is made from small blue nails to extract some special ingredients, and its hardness may be less than a general knife, but it can touch the soul.

Gently peeled off the next handful of the soul, put it into that qualities, and can store the soul's test tube.

"Small Blue!" The people shouted, and a blue white cat jumped out of the corner, a look of sleepy eyes.

"It is yours."

I heard the words, the little blue nose was gently twisted, and some of the eyes of the sleepy eyes were bright, just like the second end, one of this soul into the belly.

"" Took the stomach.

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