Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 188

Originally, the team should be a master, but the agency is preserved in the room because of probularity. Therefore, the task of the team has become a Nara deer.

There are also big snake pills and fengishi, and they don't have to worry about their own safety.

In addition to normal deaths within the scope of the Chinese tolerance exam, there is a little harmful, believe that the deterrence of the big snake pills and flag patterns is quite excellent.

I will talk about some soul chicken soup again. After some big truth, I will dismiss everyone.

"Deer heart, people, you have two."

Nara's heart is slightly lazy to stand in the same place, and the expression of the people is slightly stiff, straight straight to the place.

Some strange appearances also caused Nara 's deer heart, carefully staring at the people to see for a long time, talented, showing surprising, even amazing expressions.

After all people left, Yuan Fei Zizhao took out the pipe to ignite, and I took a bite.

Looking at it, there is a slightly stiffness, and the eyes are amazed, and I have a little helpless.

"Almost? Do you plan to take this state?"

I heard the sound of the arrival, "the people" body actually issued the sound of "" gear rotation, followed by drilling a slender blue long snake from his mouth, until the snake After opening your mouth, the real house is in front of the two.

The face is laughing, and the people are sorry to grasp the head. "Oh, mainly, it is only just to get out last night, some are not too habit, I believe it will try a few days, I should have no normally. "

The surprise of Nara deer is not asgent but did not converge because of the emergence of the people.

"This is ... ? Plus ... Shadow?" Nara's deer is somewhat not to be sure, "If it is not the three generations of adults remind, then they stand there quietly, I really can't see it. Is there such a trick? "


The people who have their own noses are somewhat satisfied.

I saw the Nara Deer, and I said that I said:

"I am afraid that I still don't stop, the special material, imitating the human body, a spiritual beast that is unsweound, plus his own shadow.

Combining Tongling beasts and transients, the image of shadow and the intensiveness, and even a certain medical and secret.

Good guy, your child is really enough, actually really letting you integrate these things so ... "

"The exquisite use of shadows and imagination of immunized entities!"

The house immediately across the way.

Nara Deer: "..."

Hear this name, the expression is slightly : "Cough, just refer to the entity."

Two eyes looked at the eyes of the day, in the end, the people were still defeated.

The entity is .

Name is not important, it is important.

As a rival, this eye is not said.

This entity is . It is the inspiration you get from the future of Red Sand and the inspiration of the book he abandoned.

The role is to specialize in this time to cover the entire endurance.

The special material manufactured, the sturdy level did not say, and then use the shadow to collect small blue and transformed into the transaction. Construction of the entire appearance, and there is not much difference with the ordinary human body, then hide the inside of the embarrassment, Transmit Chakra and release tissue.

It is a pity that there is no information about people in the book, and the use of people in the wooden leaves is too amazing, and they may be grabbed as a heterogeneous.

Otherwise, this is the case, the effect is absolutely more excellent.

However, no one is ,

Cloning people, the living experiment may not work, but only the use of cells is only the use of cells, and the people should feel that there is no problem.

Otherwise, a simple mechanical structure, in just a month, the fighter, the fighting force is really, only the material is high-grade, a little sturdy, it looks like a person, can not use tolerance, body Surgery may be the limit.

And the self-explosive devices are installed in the various parts of this , and the houses hidden in the embarrassment can be operated and detonated at any time.

It is a little bit like adding a lot, and the red sand is hidden in the look of the crimper, and there is also a little image with the snake of the snake.

"Do you want to use this to endure exam?"

Nara Leen Head After the explanation of Flying Japan, I finally understood that the people had taking out a vivid thing.

Sleeks nodded calmly:

"Yes, I am a column, the people of the leaves, and there should not participate in what the cavalry test is to be taken, and it is still in such a dangerous environment. If it is really exposed, it is even for life, this is not just just It is a loss of one or two people, which is the loss of the entire wood. "

Looking at a pair of reluctant people who want to look like a look, Nara's heart is somewhat can't say.

However, the fear of the sky and heard the worry of the people.

"This Chinese finish is set in the country of rain, there is a town of Shuimao and your teacher, the leader of Yuyin Village, the leader of Yuyin Village is half-tibble. Also pay attention to the situation of the tentative exam, from the perspective of security, it is unloraity.

So I will agree to let you and Ni Ni.

It is not polite, during the exam, the troops and combat power of the woods in the country are not inferior to the wood leaves! "

This is, the current country is like half a wooden leaves.

"That ... three generations, can I not participate, can I not? I don't want to be a neurope, let me endure!"

The forehead of the sky has emerged in three black lines.

"I have to give me! I don't care if you use your own ability or use this , in short, you must give me a name! You can bear your wrist, I am afraid of what to endure!

Think about the master! Give her a report! "

The house is crying, leaving the face.

Why is someone else to live back, but he has to fight for a number?

I am full of life, but I have a good life for me!



Three days later.

A group of people in the wood successfully arrived in the country of rain.

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