Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 159

Thank I really only want to fight the use of iron authors and short, interested partners to see, the story between Kobe, AI and the protagonist!

Thanks to all PY authors and they write very wow books!

The final:

Wooden valley cats, 6.1, I hope everyone will support a subscription, thank you very much!

Large pretty: ask for subscriptions!

Little proud of: ask for a monthly bill!

Two tails: I have to!

Let's go up, come to a new book for 20,000 words a day. !


From the heart!

I wish you all a happy Children's Day!

Many words want to tell you, a lot of hardships want to talk, but this is just an ordinary on the shelf. Tell you, short, in short, I hope to support it!

Chapter 113 means [seeking tickets]

"Fire Dragon Bomb!"

From the flames spit out in Unechego, three flying dragons, from three directions towards their opponents and rushing.

With the hot high temperature, it is directly swallowed, all Chakra lines are almost broken at the same time, even if it is a well-made

Some of the surface of the wood material can be ignited, only the metal skeleton is left.

Seeing that there is no more time to consistently consistency in the cooperation of Unecheo Ge Cheng and Nara, there is no time to consume.

"Yes, after the hard work of my hard work, Ji Cheng your explosive is really getting stronger, although it is short, but it doesn't matter, men ...

Ji Nai's mastery of time is also more accurate, and the control should be tight, and the loose can be relaxed. "

The house will take the neck of Yuxi Bi Cheng, and smile and smile.

Yuxioji is as if it is an interest, and it has more time to get along with it, and it will also forget the matter.

Of course, he has to challenge the goals of the people have never stopped, but the original intention is no longer so pure.


Just when they talk, I was thrown in front of them.

The two men and the wooden machine knife forth followed.

"Attack, is there a way to get some information?"

The people who have been lost are the small team leader of the Snorlerance, especially to endure in front of the board and don't have much difference.

This live port is her special.

If you can know from the other party, the landscape of sand is in this forest.

Maybe they can find weak points.

This can provide a lot of convenience inside them to their raid to enclose, the possibility of success will be much higher, while also reduces casualties.

The wooden facade is difficult, let him fight, even if he has a strong opponent, he is confident that it can be dragged for a while.

But the trial person ...

This is really not what he is good at.

Wood leaves are people who are good at trial, but unfortunately this task is in order to fight, there is no professional interrogator.

"Opener, you know me, this is not what I are good at, a can't get it, I will kill him ..."

The hand gently patted the shoulders of the woods, and she was not like this.

The truth between the speech, the three people have ended the battle.

"Give you a chance, tell me the information you know, so as not to be crime."

Finally, it is still from the wooden merits, and the prime man is afraid that he doesn't have this patience.

However, it is enduring, in addition to someone else's will not be firm, how can I say this hidden thing, otherwise the trial department of all major rimming can't play a role.

The sand is not looking at the wooden glazing, and the eyes are not afraid.

He knows that he is dead, nor does it want to say anything.

The wooden facade is red, the hardships are bitter, thorns on the legs of the sand.

But the sand is only a sullen, and it is close to his teeth.

"Oh, I will bear it on the wooden merits, this rough is still letting me, I will most appreciate tough guys.

Survive, I am coming to me ... "

I can't help but open it next to silently.

Really are...

One of them is a ninja who murdered like a numbness. Don't you know how to ask prisoners?

Does the human rights do not give people?

This tough means will only make the other person feel more in the spirit, and feel that the suffering suffering is to pay for the village and complete the self-promotion.

"Zhiwei, borrow a few yours of you."

The people put their hands to persuade everyone, and took a few dark and very ordinary bugs from the oil women's micro.

At the same time, I slowly climbed out a few small snakes than a small thumb.

"Give you a kind reminder, the process may be too bloody, so I advise you still don't appreciate it." The people said that everyone is full of curious people.

But they have a bigger, I want to see what the people have any means.

The agency disdainfully took a mouthful, as a medical ninja, hundreds of thousands of surgery have been done, and the opening is also a common thing, what is more bloody than this?

And as a ninja, especially the ninja that is covered with blood, will it be afraid of blood?

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