Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaf Total Cat Chapter 131

Just as the people said, his body has not only no overdraft, but it becomes more energetic, the skin on the arm is more firmer.

Feel his body change, the agency believes in 90%.

After all, she doesn't believe that the people will be a mess, don't look at his age, but the extent is not weak, but the old fox.

When I was drinking with the deer and others, he said that he said that his family is a little fox. His thinking ability and ideas are sometimes very strange, but have to say that his ideas are very unique, see business The angle is also very novel.

It may be a big relationship with him for a child.

As for how to get this special forgings, it seems that it is its own friend, his teacher, big snake pill.

"Since you know the size, I don't have much interference, but you always remember that a person's body is extreme, don't touch this limit, especially when you haven't really started your body. .

There are also two of you, be sure to remember this. "The master will repeat three."

Three people nodded.

"Okay, let's go back, today is not only to test your strength, but also tell you, start tomorrow, our class must officially start the task.

And the task, I have been arranged. "

Therefore, it is not entirely deceiving from the D-level task without passing the assessment.

Zhang Wuji, his mother is not deceived.

In addition to the disappointment of the face, Nara Ji, and the face of Unexpello Ji Cheng's smile.

"Starting directly from the B-level task, the card sister can really see us, why not start from the D-level mission? Is it stable?" The people silently spit in my heart.

Suddenly, several people walked into the barbecue shop, attracting the agency and the attention of the people.

The palmatic eyes are bright, and one of them is struck, "Shuo, here!"

Flag wood! Flag

Wooden white teeth!

The people noticed were also this person.

Silver white hair is in the crowd, it is a short knife that looks so abrupt, wooden leaf-style ninja clothing, and the short knife behind him looks away.

"You are looking for a place to eat, I greet my old friends." The flag of the flag said with the people around him.

"Yes, the captain!" The few people were walking away, I don't know why my face has a smile.

Looking at the flag of the flag, it is hard to imagine. This kind of person who looks handsome and good, actually on the battlefield, and the windy leaves!

This fights with three shadow-level powerful people, and kills two shadow-level power, so the battle is famous.

The reason why the sand is still in the light of the wooden leaves, is because the two shadows he kills, is a parent of the son and daughter of the elderly, the old-yield, red sand!

This is the struggle that can wear half-sleeved robe on a three-way, which is also the highest-oriented person.

Now, it is moving towards their location.

"Opener, I haven't seen you for a long time, how? I heard that you pick up a tutor's mission, who dinner with your student?" The flag and wood are old, and the companions, the relationship between the battlefall, the relationship Still quite good.

The apender gave him a position, and the people took out a new wine cellar very eye-catching and helped him fell.

Flag, Yumuo, looked at a well-behaved, and showed a friendly smile.

Seeing that there is no, medlar, is your eyesight and position!

"Uncle Shu, I am your fan!"

The people shouted excitedly, as if to prove this, he also took out the handle of Chakra in the abetlaneous.

The flag and wood are gainful.

There are several black lines in the forehead, and a brain is directly put on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Yan Mao smiled and laughed and laughed. "You still look at you, there is no change."

The two are old knowledge, but if you want to say, the Shan Mao is still half a level than them, and he is also a general command in the battlefield, and three tolerance should also listen from him.

PS: These two branches are renovated in the house, so it is busy. Ask for a recommendation, perfunctory

Chapter 91, do you want to learn a knife? [Recommend the ticket]

The people of the house will have a bag again.

However, he is from the heart of this kind of idol of the flag.

Otherwise, you will not always like a short knife very similar to the white teeth. Even if you are a knife, you can also be self-employed in the "wooden leaves".

"Shuo, even you are back, it seems that the battlefield of the rain is almost stable?"

The operator ignores the eyes of the flashlight, she is afraid that she can't help it.

At present, leaf leaves the last movie strong in the battlefield of the rain, is the white teeth flag.

Now Lianqi Wilong is back, is it true that this endurance battle is really over?

In fact, the end time on the surface of the second endurance battle is the approval of the country of rain and the other of the country of the wind and the country of the country.

Troubled, the white teeth, the white teeth, the wood, the three tolerance, and the end of the pointers and pepper, and these people added to force the two hidden villages to agree to end the war.

But the war on the surface is over, nor does it mean that it is completely calm.

The friction between the major hidden villages is constantly focusing on the country of rain.

Yan Yin Village is also said that he hits it once by Yun Yin Village, unite the resources of the whole country, in order to find a chance to break the deadlock, so they don't have much.

Sandy Village is the main object of this time and wood and rain.

At this time, the three generations of wind shadings were confidential, and because the magnetic cultivation of the three generations of winds was successful, they can take the Jinsha from the thousands of deserts, relieve the financial crisis of sand hidden village. He is increasingly high, and even Ninja by Sandy Village is called the strongest style of the past.

However, the management system and wooden leaves of Sandy Village are different, and the right to the elderly is also very large, and even the right to play the trendy, and the two most strong people in the elderly group are the thousand generations and her brother.

The son of the Qian Dynasty and the daughter died in the flag of the flag, so it has led to the village of Sa Yin, and constantly send people the border of the country.

As the allied contracts, the leaves, the hidden relationship between the colleagues, the hidden and semi-Tibet, so the leaves did not withdraw all the strength, but they were only returned to the people, and there was a strong deterrent wooden in Sandy Village. Ye Bai's teeth flag wood is stayed in the country of rain, sitting on the town.

When I heard a hand, the smile on the foot of the flag is gradually converge, and the head is slowly swayed:

"Not that simple, sandy village will not be so easy to make a good break, recently, the small friction of this time is still a lot, and most of our wooden leaves are also tilted towards the country.

I came back this time just three generations of adults found a person who can replace me for a while, let me come back to rest and take a look at my son. "

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