Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 117

The shadow of the shadow and the small two tails on the shoulders are integrated together.

This personal column power is on the booth, and I don't know if it is lucky or misfortune.

The mouth is yang, "I have to trouble you. Is this our first cooperation battle?"

I heard the words, the small second tail mouth is light, and there is a bit helpless in the voice. "Let's go, just teach you this opportunity, let you see how my ability is."

The people jumped on the branches with the second tail, moving at the direction of the water door and Ni Ni.

The moonlight passed through the loose leaves and cast a mottled spot on the ground, and a black shadow quickly shuttle in these lights, and the flexible body is like a health cheetah.

I used to be a long way for the people, but the distance is no longer so far.

Finally, when the moon is weaning, he successfully arrived the front of the fire that disappeared before.

No one monitors him, don't use any road idiot, and the water gates and

Looking at the woods that have been destroyed, you can imagine how to fight here.

The eyes swept, and the heart is slight.

Didn't find the water gates and Xin'i Ni, did not find that cloud.

"There is moving quiet there."

Just when the people were somewhat tangled, they were open on the second tail of his shoulders.

At this time, it reflects the help of the second tail.

Although it is now there is almost much combat power, but single is a sensitive perception that surrounded Chakra, it is not a conviction.

"Tongling's technique!"

Slightly hesitating, the people used the spiritual technique again, and several arms have appeared in front of them.

"You, ambush is around."

After these pythons spit their sputum, they were integrated into the corners of the woods.

After completing these preparation, the people will continue to advance.

Not long after, I saw that Nanyin's face was exhausted on a tree.

" , how are you? Water gates?"

The people reach out, the two regiments green Chakra have emerged in his palm.

, Go! Help him "

The voice is falling, and the heavy eyelids of Xin Ni are really difficult to persist, closed.

The residential sinking face, from the arms, I took out a plenary to the rapid recovery of physical pills to him, this pill is very high, whether it is a material or a process, he is only one.

Be careful to feed Kine Sina, shout around, "protect her!"

Several pythons climb out of the trees and surrounded by Ninketi.

If you are cold face, Chakra fluctuates the most obvious place to rush.

"Water gates, I am coming!"

This can be a Tool No. 2, and one of the biggest reactions in the future, he has a flash ...

I want you to accompany you Yun Yin Village!

It seems to feel the anger of the people, and the small second is soft in his ear.

Under the pointer, the speed is faster, and his hands slowly extend several super long cat claws.

There is a passive feeling of the Divorice.

Finally, the people saw the water gates who were still fighting with the cloud, but he didn't look very well at this time, and there were a lot of wounds on your body.

Of course, his opposite is not very good.

Fast printed in both hands.

With this strange print order, a group does not belong to his Chakra flutter from the small belly, enter the meridian, and then follow the printed order of Chakra flowing, his own Chakra and this group Chakra gradually fuses ...

"Cat is a mouse jade!"

If you are with the water, he has hundreds of percentage of grasp to leave this cloud!

PS: , ! A recommended ticket collar a cat!

Chapter VIII Test Value Pullout [Recommended Ticket]

"Cat is a mouse jade!"

A group of mouse shaped blue fireball spits out from the population, with a very fast speed to push up at night.

Note that the attack on the attack immediately gave up the entanglement of the water door, after ackbling him, facing this shirrel jade coming toward himself.

In the eyes, it took a widens, because he found that this fireball seems to be a lot, but it is very big.

It seems to bear the front attack of this group of fireballs, it will be seriously injured!

However, it is also a loss. This is a straight line forward. There is nothing change. The short knife in your hand is attached. The current is attached to it.

This is an application after the nature change of Lei Chakra and the combination of morphological changes.

It seems that this ninja is good at tuition.

Night and night two, two special endurance, a good at body, a good at tissue.

If the two are combined, its own strength plus the tacit cooperation between each other will make their overall strength beyond a lot of ordinary endurance.

It is unfortunate that they are too big, and they can solve the people and Ni Ni, but they have never thought of encountering the hidden small yin ratio, in the last critical moment, in the last crucial moment. Kill the night.

And the water door can only be described in terms of talents.

With the unremitting efforts of themselves, even if the status is still endure, but from strength, it is not better than the general, and it is good at speed. It is a speedy ninja, and the Night's Ninja is very small. Can grasp the best time.

Special endurance, from essential, it is not to bear, but a certain ability to reach the degree of endurance, maybe the name of "honor" is more appropriate.

If you want to have two ways, one is a combat method, a certain ability to achieve the degree of ability, such as the night of the body, at this time, I am good at Chakra Controlled Night, and like The official childhood, good at the evening of illusion, etc.

There is also a certain kind of ability. For example, the clouds that have been chasing the people are good at tracking. In the future, they will be used by the prince to use the glasses of the monumental and induce the uniform, good at Ibi, etc., these It can also be called special endurance.

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