On the platform, the old class looked at Lin Yi, but he didn't listen to him. He yawned and was about to fall asleep.

Old class said in his heart: he is really down eight generations of blood mold. In this exam, Lin will certainly lag behind the class. Well, when can I kick this kid out of the class.

He did not know that Lin was communicating with the system in his mind.

"System, you are so good, can you help me to get the first few places?"

Although Lin is also learning, he has given up himself.

But subconsciously, he still wants to make progress.

After all, he didn't want to see his parents' disappointed eyes.

If you can do well in the exam and make your parents happy, it's a good thing.

The system replied discontentedly, "can you die without such nonsense? As a system, I know astronomy and geography; I know 500 years before, then I know 500 years old; I can catch turtles in the five oceans; I can write well in the world, and I can set the sky and earth on the horse; I know my daughter-in-law in the pit, and I know my shoes in the pit... "

Lin also repeatedly said: "OK, OK, OK, I asked you to help me test a few top? That's so much nonsense. "

"Remove the word" Ma. "

The system answers very simply this time.


"Of course, as a system, I know astronomy and geography; I know before..."

"All right, all right. You don't want to pit me in that exam


In the twinkling of an eye, it was eight o'clock sharp.

The exam begins.

Lin also copied it down.

After the English test, Lin also knew that he had been fooled by the system.

While complaining about the system, I went to the bathroom to hiss.

At this time, listen to the class of two Xueba, Hao Shuai and Chen Zhifan come in.

Chen Zhifan said as he walked along: "today's English test paper is very strange. The first five multiple-choice questions actually choose D

Lin, who was hissing, heard this sentence and stopped urinating.

Hao Shuai at the back said, "well, there are many d's and many C's, but there are only two a's Speaking of this, he saw Lin Yi and stopped speaking.

Lin was shocked and said in his heart, "system, all the answers you said are correct?"


"But except for the first three, all the rest are turned on wheels."

"You can understand it as black box operation. I'm behind the scenes, ho ho ho ha ha ha..."

Lin was surprised and said, "it seems that I misunderstood you before. I'll give you all the rest of the exam. "

Learning from Fan Wei's tone, he said, "Oh Oh. "

With the help of the system, Lin finished all the following subjects easily, and each one was handed in at least an hour in advance.

In the eyes of other students, he just can't do it and can only hand in the paper in advance.

This afternoon, Mr. Yuan was marking the paper.

The English scores of the students in front of them are all pretty good, especially Hao Shuai, Chen Zhifan and Ding Yulan, who have got more than 140 points in English.

It's just that there are some small flaws in their English compositions. Otherwise, it's not too much to give a full score of 150.

Finally, only Lin Yi's paper is left.

When Mr. Yuan saw Lin Yi's name, she frowned and sighed.

In these examinations, Lin Yi was a laggard in the class. This time, it was no exception.

She changed more than 50 papers, and the standard answers were already in her mind.

She whispered, "d-d-d-d-d-c-d-b..."

I'll change it down.

She was a little surprised to change the first five.

The first five are all right.

With surprise, she continued to change.

The more I changed, the more surprised I was.

Until the last multiple-choice question was changed, Lin was right.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Mr. Yuan shook his head and said, "it's probably cheating."

Then she changed to the last English composition.

The first sentence of the composition is very plain.

The second sentence

Wait, why don't I know this word?

Yuan went on to change, and there were 12 words she didn't know.

Yuan was greatly surprised.

She has taught English for more than ten years, and there are also students who can write words she doesn't know, but those students can only write one or two words she doesn't know. Lin is also good at writing 12 at a time!

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