I can't be so dirty when I came to Hokage

I can't be so polished, I'm going to nourish.

Jianyue dancer seized the same place in front of himself with hand.

Yuxi Board is a sudden sudden, and it is ranked into some part of it. It is only to act from the ground from the underground with the only time left.

However, he also took advantage of the blood collection of the Yueyue dancer.

All this, it looks long, but actually a total of three seconds.

That is to say, Yuxi Bouves can now actually active for three seconds.

But ... why can people who have no heart can live?

This unscientific! This is not tolerant!


Jianyue dancer shouted with a slight breath: "Cheap ... Really dangerous, you will die, ..."

Jianyue dancers have not reached the point where they are not dead. Although there is a strong recovery ability, it becomes more powerful after the sixth level, even if it is a half-length, it can be regenerated.



As long as the heart, the brain can be regenerated if the brain is not destroyed.

Although Yuxi Bottom is almost a little bit, it dugs out the heart of Jianyue dance, but her heart is still intact.


If you join the brain that is the bayoating dress is also dug.

As long as you set your heart and your brain, you can regenerate the moonlight clothes, resurrect ... but ... just theoretical.

She can't think of it, how is the heart in the brain or a heart of the brain house ... What is even?

Well ... In short ... Just Yishihu split, just move his body in the land of the watching dance.

Dynamic movement towards the heart.

Jianyue dancers are dead.

Really ...

"A little bit ..."

Chapter 222 Fighting


Jianyue dancers have exhaled a sigh of relief, and the color is getting colder.

It took a long time for a long time.

But until her wound recovered, I have passed for five seconds.

If it is not the blood of the Guanyue Dance, this is like a dream.

The cold light in the eyes of the game is flashing, and there is no ability to explain the ability to suspend the time.

What happened now means some things ...

Someone is calculating her.

Now, what is no longer been able to use it.

Yuxi Bao, Luoxao Cactus, Cotta Wooden Whole Night, Theatrical Edition Collie ...

These people have this possibility.

What happened in these days, she didn't know all.

However, she is not a person who is good at intelligence.

and so...

Keep a top card!

When this card is also bright ...

Must be that all of these people die!

One does not stay.

The person capable of being able to stop only one is only one.

There can only be one.

That is her own.

In addition to her ...

Go to death.

Um ... If it is not an enemy ...

Seven seconds? ...

Yuxibo spots were calculated in the heart.

Jianyue dancers are restored, and I don't know what I have not moved.

Seven seconds, can also be suspended.

Powerful power.

You can now act more than three seconds in the time of stopping time ...


Haven't arrived yet.

Yushibo split hole slightly condensed.

Jianyue dance clothes - moving.

The time of explanation is stopped, and does not occupy a general time to suspend, although there is no one to hear this explanation, but it doesn't matter if it is wrong.

As long as yourself ... think you are in an explanation.

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