All Heavens and Worlds Picking Attribute System

Chapter 634 of Zancheng Wanjie Properties System

"There is a Buddha is the Buddha, and he appreciates your business!"

"Let me wait for you to bring you back and reuse!"

Win the demon and say it.

"That Black lotus holy, is it one of you?"

Sun Wukong thought I would like to ask.

"Not bad!"

Win the demon.

"Eight Rings is also taken away by you?"

Sun Wukong asked again.

"Not bad!"

"Sun Wukong is really smart, but you are smart late!"

Win the demon laughing at Sun Wukong.

"I really don't know why there is no Buddha to value this ?"

"Take me, there is nothing special!"

"It's not waiting for me to take!"

A monster walked around Sun Wukong and said despised.

"Hey, there must be rewards, hahaha ..."

Win the demon to laugh.

Other demon ghosts also laughed together.

"Hey, you are too early!"

Sun Wukong was soaked.

Swiring, I saw it from his body, but also flew out a few models of Sun Wukong.

Next, these Sun Wukong and the body Sun Wukong split.

Sun Wukong was so easy to relieve the formation of the body.

"You are helping, there is a lot of trouble!"

"No wonder he wants me to ask me Sun Wukong!"

Sun Wukong smiled and smiled.

Win the demon and wait a bunch of monsters.

Immediately, the two sides had warned.

After a few rounds, won the demon, etc., the monster is not the enemy of Sun Wukong.

Suddenly, won the mirror, and saved Sun Wukong.

"You take it, but the soul treasure mirror of Li Tianwang?"

Sun Wukong recognized this magic.

This magic weapon is the magic weapon of Tita Tower Li Tianwang, how can you fall in this monster?

Sun Wukong's heart suddenly sinks, and he premedited that heaven must also have a big event.

"Yes, this is the photo of Li Tianwang!"

"Now, the Tianstrian gods is from our soldiers, will return to a family, you are still getting fast!"

Win the demon and praise it.

"With a few shrimps crabs, I want me to surrender, it is really joke!"

Sun Wukong smiled, turned over, a light hit on the demon mirror.

Hey, the demon shovel is broken on the spot.

"There is Leigong, there is Wukong, you are a few!"

Sun Wukong couldn't help but smear.

Immediately, he waved the wishful gold hoop in his hand, it was a flash.

I don't have a meal, a bunch of demon ghosts have been killed by Sun Wukong. There are only two monsters.

These two monsters were simply made two black mang, escaped.

Sun Wukong did not catch these two monsters, but the eyeballs turned, and then shouted the tendon cloud, and went toward the direction of the heavens.

When he came to Nantianmen, he found a wolf to borrow, there is a fight everywhere.

Moreover, around Nan Tianmen, even a Tianbing Tiantian will not, silence is terrible!

Immediately, he came again to the Lingxiao Temple, and he didn't see the shadow of the gods such as Yu Em.

Then, he ran to the Too Too Old Jun, and he didn't see the figure of the old monarch.

"what is the problem?"

"Is it true that the Buddha is dry?"

Sun Wukong is very puzzled.

He searched around Tiantian, thinking in his heart.

Unconsciously, he came to the Taoyuan of him.

This is the place where he is like a big mountainous palace, when he is like a young palace.

Sun Wukong suddenly returned to God, looking at this soil, couldn't help but laugh.

"Remembrance, this peach is really good, the effect is very powerful!"

Sun Wukong looked at the Taoyuan.

He found that there is no one in the sky, and there is still a quiet.

Suddenly, he had moved behind him, he quickly turned, waving the golden hoop in his hand, he went down.

"Big St., Big St., don't fight, don't fight!"

"The little child is the land of the Taoyuan!"

I saw a short old man, and I was so busy.

"It turned out to be you!"

Sun Wukong certainly recognized the land of the Taoyuan.

He asked again: "Yu Emperor, the Tianding Tiantian will go, where are they going?"

"Hey, they all have been robbed by a bunch of black monsters!"

Taoyuan is sighing.

"Another day!"

Sun Wukong immediately thought of day.

Because people under the world, all are black dress.

"Then why haven't you taken away?"

Sun Wukong asked again.

"The little god is the ghost ghost of the heavens, although in the heavens, but the land of the country is owned by the government, there is not enough to escape within the roster of the Gods!"

Taoyuan land interpretation.

"Where is the gods?"

Sun Wukong asked again.

"The big holy, the little god does not know!"

"If you know the Ni, Dasheng can ask the Listening of the Tibetan Throne!"

Taoyuan Land reminds.

"Listen to ?!"

Sun Wukong Eyeball is turned.

"When I was fighting with the Six Taccipus, I only had a Buddha and a listening to it!"

"Okay, I want to go to Jiuhuashan!"

Sun Wukong immediately remembered the past past.

Jiuhuashan is the Dow of the Tibetan King.

And listen to the spirit of the spirit of the king.

Therefore, Sun Wukong immediately resigned in the Lang Taoyuan land and rushed to Jiuhuashan.

However, the moment, he came to Jiuhuashan, the town of Tibetan king.

He found that it is also the same as heaven, it is also a piece of wolf.

He is looking for and has not discovered the trace of the land.

However, he saw the lying on the ground.

"Listen, what happened? Nothing?"

Sun Wukong quickly ran over and lifted.

"The demon governance, the number of robbers can't escape!"

Listen to the opening, I have emerged, I have nothing wrong with the end.

"What do you mean?"

Sun Wukong, a fog.

"You go to the land of the government, you will know!"

Listen to a reminder.

After that, he said.


Sun Wukong called a sentence, followed by leaving, and went to the government.

Just after he left, he listened to the ground climbed up.

Sweeping, listening to a black lotion of a black dress.

It turned out that this listening is the Holy Monastery.

On the other hand, Sun Wukong quickly rushed to the land of the government.

And the Tang San Tibet that was held in the middle of the world was immediately inquiry to the arrival of Sun Wukong.

He quickly showed spells and wanted to communicate with Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong also faintly induced the breath of his master.

"Master, Master ..."

Sun Wukong called a few times.

Tang San Tibet, who is trying to communicate with Sun Wukong, suddenly impacted by a mysterious power, spit a blood.

At the same time, a figure of a black dress suddenly appeared in front of Sun Wukong.

The body is just no day!

"Dharma is boundless!"

There is a lot of laughter.

Sun Wukong quickly grabbed his golden hoop and bombarded the past.

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