All Heavens and Worlds Picking Attribute System

Chapter 435 of the Ten Wanjie Properties System

After he was over, he turned his right hand, and the ring rose to make a black fog, and wrap him with a small white.

After the fog is dissipated, Li Wei and Xiaobai have disappeared in the same place.

"The master is really amazing, the six worlds can come to us!"

"If I have this ability, I must swim throughout the sixth world!"

"That must be very fun!"

A slaves said both.

"A slave, don't be deep, the master can be a mythical figure, even if it is cultivated for a lifetime, you can't reach the realm of the master."

"We still concentrate!"

Zhao Linger's eyes flashed the look of worship.

Obviously, she is like a little fascia, and her master Li Wei, very worship.

"Linger's princess, this whole day, it is too bored, it is better to ..."

A slang of the Austrian pair of eyes, turned into Zhao Ling, said: "It's better to go out for a few days, is it good?"

"Not good, the master is alive, let us cultivate every day, can't be lazy!"

Zhao Linger immediately shook his head.

"Master and Master go out this time, it should be back for a long time."

"We only go out to play a few days, will come back soon, the master will definitely not know!"

A slaves advised.

"No, even if the master doesn't know, the master is explained, we must cultivate every day, we can't listen!"

Zhao Linger's character is still more conservative, unlike an ariva, the monster is like.

"We can play while playing, while cultivating, there is no way to violate the master."

Austrian eye bead turned and said.

"In this case, are we not deceiving the master?"

Zhao Linger said.

"How can it be a deceived master!"

"The master just let us practice every day, and we have not let us be cultivated in Nanxu."

"I heard that there is a lot of fun places in the Central Plains, and there is still a lot of things."

"Don't you want to see you?"

A slaves use an extremely confused tone, constantly enaccation Zhao Linger.

Zhao Linger with a curiosity of the world outside the world, gradually began to have some heart.

In the end, she was said to be said by Austrian.

Subsequently, Zhao Linger and Austrian slave left South Shaoguo and went to the Central Plains.

Chapter 561 leads to another Shenquan

"Austrian naughty ghost, even confused, leaving Nang Shao!"

Just passed through space, Li Wei, who came to Wuyan Village, and heard Zhao Linger under the confusion of Austria, secretly left Nans Shao.

"They left South Shao, should not be dangerous!"

Xiaobai wants to think and say.

"probably not!"

Li Yu shook his head and said: "With their current cultivation, in the whole people, it is one number of two, especially Ling, even if it is the Lushan head solo, it is not necessarily a lingerie."

For Zhao Linger's strength, Li Wei is still very confident.

After all, Zhao Linger is taught in one hand.

"However, I am very curious, the Linger will enter the Central Plains this time, will not encounter Li Xiaoyao's little mix!"

Li Wei said very curiously.

He did not over intervene to Zhao Linger's growth, just taught Zhao Linger spell.

Therefore, today's Zhao Linger, with the character of Zhao Lingrier, or is basically the same.

Character determines life!

If Zhao Linger has encountered Li Xiaoyao, they are likely to come together.

"Don't worry about children."

Xiao Bai said in the autumn.

Now in her eyes, except Li Wei, others are children.


Li Wei nodded.

At this time, Wu Hui had already gone.

"You call me, is it that the fog soul Shenquan and Longtan Shenquan have fallen?"

Li Yao asked.

"Yes Master!"

Wu Hui nodded.

Previously, Li Wei was already in the arm of Wuhuang, leaving a label.

Therefore, Li Wei can pass the burning of Wu Rong, induction of the message from Wuzheng.

"Yesterday, there were some differences in the eyes."

"I passed the breath of the silence, I'm induced by another Shennong Shenquan."

"However, I can't determine that is the fog soul, or Longtan Shenquan, or other Shenquan."

"But you can be sure, it is definitely not a cold margar."

"Because the sorrow, Shenquan has always contacted the cold marrow Shenquan. I am very familiar with the breath of the cold marrow Spring."

Wushen explained.

"That is to say, you still feel the Shenquan atmosphere, and it is possible to be Yanbao Shenquan, take the bile gods, or other Shenquan!"

Li Wei thought, said.

"should be!"

Wu Hui nodded.

"Can you still feel the breath of another Shenquan?"

Li Yao asked.


Wushen replied.

"Go, let's take a look!"

Li Wei said.

The voice just fell, Li Wei, three people, three golden light, rushing up, disappearing in the same place.

The nozzle Springs is located in the sky of the rock village, about 3,300 miles away.

Wuyan Village was trapped in the Dragon Pit, and the villagers called 'Tianqiquan' strange water polo, but it was no scaling Shenquan, projection in Wuyan Village.

Li Wei has come soon, I came to the sorghum Shenquan.

The form of no injury, like the 'Tianqiquan' it projected, is a strange waterbel.

However, this water ball is much larger than the 'Tianqi Springs', and it also has a dazzling light.

There is a white swirl in the middle of the huge water ball.

This white vortex is the spring eye of Yan Daspron.

Due to the periphery of odds, there is a huge neonating package, you must use the key ring of ignorant Shenquan to open the neat.

Wu Hui is going to open the necrops with the orthodoxicle.

He saw the ring on Li Wei, and there was a black fog to open, and they wrap them three people.

In an instant, they broke through the powerful nungers and entered the combo.

Li Wei's spatial abilities, even the barriers between six boundaries can break through, not to mention the neighborhoods in the district.

Even if this comic circle is under the ancient Shennong God, it is also in front of the space.

Li Wei went near the sound of odds, a strong Shennong Jiuquan breath, rushing.

He carefully felt it, suddenly his eyes lit.

"I induced a different kind of breath with the five kinds of Shennong Jiuquan."

"It can be sure, this is not the five gods that I have encountered before."

Li Yizhen revealed a joy of joy.

"That is to say, no injury gods may connect to Yao or take the bile spring, and it is also possible to connect to the fog soul or Longtan Shenquan!"

Xiaobai added a sentence.

"Not bad!"

"If it is connected to the fog soul or Longtan Shenquan, we will save a lot of trouble!"

Li Wei stared at the eyes of the front of the eyes and said.

Immediately, he asked Wu Hanyao: "Do you know how to be sighful of Shenquan, go to another Shenquan?"

"I know, the spring eye of no injuries can lead to another Shenquan, the owner please come with me!"

Wu Hui nodded.

Said, he walked in the eyes of no injunction.

"I, let's keep up!"

Li Wei said to Xiaobai.

Two people have stepped into the sorghum.

Just stepped into the spring, a dazzling white mango.

There are no other colors around, only white.

I don't see the road, I don't seem to have ended.

I only felt that there is an extreme power, attracting them crazy.

Soon, a white vortex appeared in front, it seems to be exported.

Suddenly, Li Wei felt that there was a pound of thrust behind, and suddenly pushed them out.

In an instant, he only felt a flower in front of him, the surrounding environment has changed.

He found that the three people are above a mountain.

On the side of the mountain, there is a small platform with a spherical disc.

"where is this place?"

Xiaobai asked with doubt.

"I don't know, I am also here for the first time!"

The squat shook his head, curiously glanced at the surrounding environment.

"Walk, let's take a look!"

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