All Heavens and Worlds Picking Attribute System

Chapter 300 of the Ten Wanjie Properties System

Such a rich place, no wonder Tianmie will choose to practice here.

The thing you get is already got, Li Wei no longer stays.

He came to Shimen, his hands were in the air in front of him, making a movement of pushing a stone door on both sides.

Under the surprising eyes of the sixth tail, Shimen turned slowly.

Chapter 378 Unbelievable Issues

What is the most valuable treasure in the death swamp?

Is it an immortal medicine?


Is it Tian Di?


Is it the third volume of "Tianshu"?

The same is not!

In the eyes of Li Wei, the most valuable treasures here are probably the trees in front of them.

He still remembers that in his myth's myth, there is a kind of holy tree that is the worship of the ancient priority.

According to legend, Jianhua is a bridge that communicates with the people of the world.

Fuxi, Huang Emperor and other emperors are all up and down through this sacred ladder, and they come and come in the world and heaven.

Obviously, this giant tree in front of you is very like a legendary building.

According to legend, the world of this world has been cultivated in the Tiandi Baolku in this giant tree.

However, after Li Yufei arrived in the top of the giant tree, he flew up for a while and did not find any gods.

In other words, even if there is a gods in the world, even if there is a sky in this world, I am afraid that he is currently repairing, it is difficult to find the godstrium, or the Emperor.

By estimating, Li Wei found that this giant tree is about 10,000 feet, there is more than 100 feet in the diameter of the trunk, and the largest diameter of the crown has more than 400 feet.

In general, how high is the tree, and there are so deep.

However, here is wet, and the roots are not so deep.

Even so, the root of this giant tree is likely to go deep into the ground, reaching about 5,000.

Therefore, Li Wei wants to get such a huge god tree to his space, I am afraid it is a very difficult thing.

He tried it, touched the god tree with his hand, then through the idea, transfer the god tree to the space, but immediately fainted, could not shake the god tree halfway.

"Mr., do you really want to get this god tree?"

Liu was discovered by Li Yu's intention, very shocked.

"Mr., this god tree is expected to be high, I am afraid that the highest mountain in this world is not so high, it is impossible to move to space."

Three tails shook their heads.

She felt that Li Wei wants to get the god tree space, just like an ant in the elephant, it is impossible.

"I know!"

"However, this god tree exudes an extremely rich aura, it is simply a huge spirit."

"If this god tree is placed in space, the aura of space will definitely become extremely rich, which has great benefits to us!"

"And, have you found that there is a trendy tree species near this god tree, but it is much better than other places.

"Obviously, some variation has occurred under the influence of Shenshuan spirit."

"If this god tree gets the space, planting a gods around the god tree will inevitably bring unexpected surprises."

"So, I must try my best, put this god tree, or I can't afford to be a thousand miles."

Li Yue, the more excited, the more it is more and more hot.

In his eyes, this god tree is an unhappy huge treasure.

"This is the case, but this god tree is too huge, it is unplugged, how do you get space?"

I stared at the giant trees in front of my eyes, frown wrinkled, shakes your head.

"Yeah, sir, the god tree is good, but it is necessary to take strength, don't hurt yourself because of this!"

The three ends have worried.

She also remembers that the last time Li Wei got the huge bull and Fu Ding Ding, I was seriously injured, and I took a lot of demonstrations, and I took a long time for a long time to recover.

Today, this giant tree in front of you is much larger than the Bull and Fu Ding Ding.

Therefore, if you want to get this giant tree space, it is very likely that Li Wei is inhabiting, and even the worry of life.

"The master, it is better to count!"

The little fire listened to the three tails, and worried about it.

"You can rest assured, I will do it!"

Li Wei smiled slightly.

I will not give up this idea before he didn't try it.

His space, the current sky is one hundred miles, which is about 50,000 meters, and the same depth is also in the underground.

And this giant tree is about 10,000 meters, which is more than 30,000 meters, and the roots are about 10,000 meters.

Therefore, his space can be taken to cover this giant tree.

Next, he wants to consider how to move the giant tree to the space.

Want to put the giant tree, in the world, transplant into space, the entire process can be divided into three steps.

The first step is to dig the giant tree.

When digging the giant tree, it certainly can't destroy the root of the giant tree.

Usually, the root diameter of the tree is similar to the maximum diameter of the tree crown.

The biggest diameter of this giant tree is about 400 feet.

Therefore, Li Wei decided to be centered on a giant tree, delineation of a square range of five hundred pairs of long and wide, on the four sides of the square, dig vertically to the four deep grooves.

Since the tree root of the giant tree is only more than 10,000 meters.

Therefore, the depth of these four deep ditch must also reach more than 10,000 meters.

I want to do this. For the current Li Wei, it is not a difficult thing.

Under the help and other people, Li Wei spent two days, finally dug out four deep ditch.

Of course, only the four deep gratus digging the square is still not, it is necessary to hang up the bottom of the root and completely detach it.

Although this matter is a bit difficult, it is not done.

In order to prevent the giant tree collapse, Li Wei is covered with the periphery of the bottom, then takes some boulders from the space, support the periphery of the bottom, and then continue to dig down in the inside.

Every time, he will support it with a boulder to prevent the giant tree to collapse.

When this is very time consuming, he spent three days before completing this project.

In this way, the giant tree is equivalent to a huge potted plant, and it is completely digged out, separated from the earth.

In the second step, dig out a suitable size of a huge pit, used to transplant the giant tree.

This giant pit is square, and the long width is 500 feet, and the depth must have more than 10,000 meters.

The simplest is the simplest.

Since Li Wei is the masters of space, you can change the terrain of the space.

He has chosen a suitable place near a place where he is waiting in the Sixth.

Then he let the six tail and other people, put this place to other places to other places.

Then, he passed his mind, and made a giant pit in this place.

The third step is through the system and idea, bringing the giant tree from the world, moved to the huge pit of the space.

This is the most critical step and the hardest step.

In order to ensure successful transplantation, Li Wei deliberately rests seven or eight hours, so that yourself is in the best state.

Moreover, he will drink the fairy medicine before before, let your spirit are very abundant.

Chapter 379 White Tiger

Although Li Wei has been prepared to make your own spirituality in the best state.

However, he still worried that it is possible to successfully turn it into his space.

After all, this Tongtian tree is too huge, greatly exceeds everyone's imagination.

Lift a mountain peak, I am afraid that it is easy to raise this god tree!

Li Wei is waiting for the sixth, first sent to the space, so as not to exhaust his spirit, it is unable to send them to space.

Subsequently, he took out the Shenshui Liquey that he left before, and he dreamed.

Suddenly, a pounding spiritual power, all over his entire body, so he felt a refreshment.

He quickly turned "Avenue Zhenjing", fully absorbing this pound of spirit.

Soon, he felt that his repair was once again a lot of improvement.

Moreover, his essence is in the most perfect, best state.

This god tree is really a good thing.

Next, the exciting moment is finally arrived, the mobile giant tree!

Li Wei looked at the trendy god trees in front of the cloud, and he took a sigh of relief.

This Tongzhen tree, transplanted into space, is simply an extremely crazy idea.

This matter, I am afraid that I have to be absurmous than Yugong!

However, Li Wei is to challenge this extremely difficult idea.

He hugged the god tree with his hands, and the diameter of the bottom of the god tree has exceeded one hundred feet.

So, he hugged the trunk of the gods, just like an ant, squatted on the trunk.

Subsequently, he made a heart, manipulating the gods.


Li Wei only felt a black, an endless oppression, invading his soul, making him feel extremely violent dizzy.

On his forehead, many buckets of heavy sweat were seep.

His whole body is more trembled.

He feels that his whole body is compressed by hundreds of millions of heavy objects, which makes him breathing difficult, and it will not breathe.

His demonstration is even like being dried, it seems that it has completely lost awareness.

Only a weak, and firm consciousness has been supporting him.

This conscious is: Be sure to transplant the Tiantian Tree to the space!

It is precisely because of this weak consciousness, he has not given up easily.

Just in Li Wei, it is in a state in which it is unlimited to death.

The six tails in the space, the fire and other people, suddenly scream.

"Shenshu! God tree! Mr. actually realized the god tree!"

"The owner is really too powerful!"

"It's too incredible!"


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