All Heavens and Worlds Picking Attribute System

Chapter 231 of Zanwan Properties System

" !"

The emperor saw that he had been chased by Li, immediately killed the machine, showing his strongest kill.

Chapter 286 kills the emperor, picking phoenix blood

' ' to be a weapon in Yuan God, is the most strong style in the Sacred Heart.

Just, ' ' is not invincible, once encountered more powerful opponents, then tragedy!

Of course, Li Wei can now be an enemy attack.

However, he did not use Yuan God, but his mind, the truth in the body quickly flowed.

I saw the soil yellow rays hidden, and a layer of soiled turtle shell was formed around him.

At the same time, Li Wei turned his hand, and he suddenly pushed toward the emperor of the emperor.


A huge golden dragon, with a honesty, roaring, and rushing to the emperor.

"Dragon turtle?"


Emperor's emperor fantasy, seeing the vision of the eyes, the double is not stringed.

He didn't expect that Li Wei actually had two major gods.

His strength of Phoenix, in Li Wei's two gods, suddenly appeared to be pale.

Immediately, his Yuan god escaped.

At an instant of the soul of the emperor, Li Wei has already placed the Dafa law, and the emperor is firmly sucked in the palm.

"Rao ... forgive!"

Emperor is awesome to the extreme.

He only felt the true gas in the body, and the sperm was crazy, and the ice crystal mask on the face burst it, revealing his true capacity.

I saw that he was clear, long hair shawl, smooth and white, better than baby.

This kind of fairy-style cactus is like, which does not match his words and deeds.

Li Wei, she understands why the emperor is wearing a mask.

It turned out that the emperor was not majestic enough.

Only wearing a horrible mask can give people a sense of deterrence.

However, at this moment, the emperor, no need to wear a mask, its expression is enough.

Moreover, his smooth and white skin is dry and dry.

Emperor looked at Li Wei, pleading: "Please let you put it ... I will return you."

Every time he said, it is very difficult.

"Oh, your return, this is not rare!"

Li Wei smiled and smiled, could not help but push the lawful law to the extreme.

Soon, as the emperor issued the last miserable call, the emperor immediately became a corpse.

Li Wei gave the emperor's dry corpse to the air, and then a punch.

Suddenly, I have lived for more than a thousand years of emperor, and it has become a powder and disappears in this world.

Since then, Li Wei has won the power of the four gods.

The strength of the four gods, set in it, I am afraid there is no second person in the world.

Air transport point +39!

God's soul + 37!


Sacred Heart * 1!

Dry ice palm * 1!

Hao Ran is a piano audio * 1!

Broken snow open * 1!

Ironmaking hand * 1!


The sacred heart, the emperor released the millennium, and there was no martial arts that had a martial arts and phoenix characteristics. It is also his most proud of martial arts.

The sacred heart is more complicated, divided into several parts: heart method, illusion, light power, sacred heart, Sacred heart, four robbery, and seven unopened.

The heart method is the 'Nahai Sacred Cycle', based on the strength of the Sacred Heart, whether it is its own internal strength, or from the internal force absorbed by others, it can be part of his own law.

This is quite similar to Li Wei's "Avenue".

Illusion is 'Tiangong Miography', which can trander people with mental strength, illusion of a fairy world in his heart, and trapped people into it.

Light work is ' '.

The Sacred Heart is decided, including: cold day, Xuan Ice is absolutely, Wan Xiaoying, the emperor mad.

The Sacred Heart is robbery, including: shocking, evil blood robbery, heavenly robbery, .

Seven no desperate, can be physically into particles, reorganized anywhere, is a gang of martial arts.

Originally, the emperor's release of the seven no desperation, but unfortunately, he has not come yet, and he was exhausted by Li Wei.

The dry ice palm and the piking sound, the emperor released the practice from the major martial arts, and he once taught it to his forward disciples.

Broken snow, this martial arts emperor passed to the devil god, Luo Xian, this martial arts pay attention to melt the ice and snow in an instant.

Ironmaking hands, one of the top ten difficulties in the world. If you want to practice your achievements, you must cast heart, very painful, emperor once taught it to your empty.

Of course, in addition to these martial arts, the emperor will return to the sword, the snow blood claw, the five thunderization homes.

However, these martial arts, Li Wei has been obtained.

So, this time didn't fall.

Also, the emperor is released, and many other martial arts have also fallen.

These other martial arts are all for more than a thousand years, and they have learned from the major martial arts, which have already lost it.

However, these martial arts, Li Wei is not rare.

He recovered these martial arts to the system, in exchange for a lot of air transport points.

After receiving the emperor, he returned to Tianmen again.

He will have become a ice sculpture, the cold, the wind is angry, the ice is etched, and the ice seal will be released one by one, and they have become their own.

He did not dissolve the heaven.

The heavens are very large, which can be used as a hidden forces to prepare from time to time.

So, he let the gods, Luo Xian, sit in the door of the door, let the ice, God, red, the wind, the thunder, etc., to assist Luo Xian.

After the arrangement of Tianmen, he returned to the unparalleled city.



In the Royal Palace, a group of royal people wearing the treasses were gathered in a room.

One of the Chinese service men, a face, and a little weak.

This person is Wenlong, the last martial arts supreme, today's martial arts supreme brother.

The people in these royal family gathered together and prepared a secret meeting.

Now they are waiting for the arrival of Wulin Supreme.

After a moment, a person wearing a dragon robe appeared in the secret room.

This person is the current martial arts supreme: Wuchang.

"See Supreme!"

Including Wenlilong, all royal people have won the Supreme Dragonfly.


Wuchang was lifted to raise his hand, and then greeted his brother to Wenlong, respectfully greeting: "The emperor, let you wait!"

He had to respect it.

Because his martial arts supreme is, Wenlong Zen will give him.

Moreover, he also knows that although his emperor is weak, it is quite achieved on the peer detective.

Sometimes he still needs to rely on his emperor.

Wenlong nodded and said: "Time is urgent, we start to discuss it!"

His gloomy is not for Wuchang Supreme, but today's situation has long been exceeded.

Originally, he calculated a thousand autumn robbery.

However, he also calculated that this robbery just made the emperor, and won't move the foundation of the Dynasty.

So, he chose to temporarily hide, and let the throne give his younger brother Wuchang.

After the potential hidden dangers exposed one by one, he can wait for an opportunity.

As a result, he can not only take back the martial arts, and can also harvest the reputation.

However, all of his plans were disrupted by people who appeared in a horizontal.

It is this person's emergence, which can't get the sky.

Moreover, this person first seized unparalleled city, then destroyed the world, no seal, etc.

Today, most of the martial arts forces in the world are controlled in this person.

Not only that, this person is ambitious, and it seems to have ambush of the Dynasty.

If you will be developed by this person, the Dynasty is likely to be covered.

If the imperial chapter is destroyed, then the previous calculations before him will be empty.

Therefore, he rushed to Huangcheng overnight, convened the royal people, and held this emergency meeting.

After some discussion, including Wenlong, Wuchang two brothers, all royal people have reached a consensus.

The current unparalleled city, Li Wei, is a different number of dangers.

Wenlong Shen face, said: "Various signs indicate that Li Wei is ambitious, it is very likely that it is very likely to be ready to subversion."

Wuchang supreme points: "The emperor said that, we must first start with a strong, and we have never have a double city, remove the anti-thief Li Wei."

A royal people said: "The people who have no double city, but it is a group of blacks, but the strength is deeply unspeakable. It is not underestimated. As long as Li Wei is solved, there is basically no problem. "

Wenlong Shenxiang, said: "First of all, we must secretly mobilize the army, prepare to have no double city, and we have to contact all the strong people who can contact, deal with Li Wei and his heart."

The proposal of Wenlong has been approved by others.

Wuchang Supreme Road: "Subsequently, the secret is the secret to mobilize the army from all walks of life, preparing to be surrounded."

A royal family said: "Now that the emperor is in danger, it is time to call the Jian Huang."

Another person said: "I have a lot of emperors with the first evil, I have to hold the emperor to help us."

Another person said: "Since the first evil emperor is coming, then the second knife and the third pig emperor can come over, I will contact the emperor and pig."

I still say: "At that year, Tianjian was unknown, I owe me a human situation, but it was still, I went to find an unknown."

I heard the words of these royal people, the gloomy face of Wenlong, finally alleviated some.

He added: "There is also a phoenix dance with unnamed relationship. If she travels to Lingyun Grotto, she got her ancestors of the ancestors of nine-day arrows, and may have brought a lot of surprises to us."

"Too good, just decide, everyone in your point!"

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