All Heavens and Worlds Picking Attribute System

Chapter 189 of the Wanjie Property System


The hand of the dead, it should be dropped from the black tale, this kung fu is the evolution of the black and the death of the Six Magic.

At the snow hand, it is dropped from the snow, which is the evolution of the Six Magic's Snowd '.

Six Magic, is the magical kung fu of the magic owners, including: Defucheng, Snow, Culture, Fragrance, Hitty and Nothing.

Among them, the death, Snow, the experience, passed to the black pupil, snow, Jing Wang and the Magic Niang.

As long as anyone practicing the six major ferries, in terms of internal force, in addition to high amazing, more degradation into a hot power, can melt metal, can also condense the strength, will The melted metal is condensed into a shape before melting.

Even if the ice is mainly in the cold, the cold weather can be returned to the yuan, and there is another effort to achieve the same effect.

The top of the six major magic is very powerful, but his life and no extravagant magical.

There is no transition, that is, 'Geotele Moba', with the 'Mocon' s no amount '.

And his life is more magical, involving the true identity of the black and Xueda.

Because of the black and snow, he learned him.

Therefore, Li Wei, the 'Six Magic of the Six Magical, which is picked up, should be dropped from one of them.

Let Li Wei strange that the six major magic should be a whole, but the Sanyu: Dead (the hand of the dead), the snow (Damo snow hand) and his life.

It can be seen that six major magic is closely related, but relatively independent work.

Due to the six major magic, especially his life, involves a lot of spiritual cultivation.

Therefore, this black and snow dropped a lot of soul attributes.

"This ... what is going on here?"

Nie Feng and the thrilling cloud have been completely pushed.

They know how many years of Kongci, not only becoming the dead gods from hell, but also martial arts, and even burst.

Is this still a gentle and good idea?

Also, suddenly, who is like a snowman, who is it?

Li Yu said with the black pole: "Black, or explain it with them."

Black and Keda climbed from the ground.

At this moment, they did not dare to act rashly.

This is a black pup called the dead, and I looked at Li Wei. "In fact, I am also Kongci, also black ..."

In this way, letters and steps are more pressing.

"What is it just Kongci, it is also a black? What does this mean?"

Nie Feng couldn't help but interrupted.

The black pointed eyes are angry, I can't help but say: "Fuck, can you not interrupt the old lady ..."

After you over, she suddenly remembered that Li Yu's previous warning, immediately in his heart, worried about Li Wei, found that Li Wei's face did not have a lot of money, and he was a little.

"Well, you continue to say, I no longer interrupt you,"

Nie Feng touched his nose.

The black pole is white, and I will continue to say:

"My owner has a god, called six major magic."

"There is a 'Hi Sir', you can transfer people's spirit and memory, from one person's body to another."

"Originally, to show his life, transfer spirit and memory, it is necessary to find someone who is dying but there is also saved."

"Because of the death of the dead, there is no memory in the mind."

"At this time, the sterler is present, and his spirit and memory are inflined, and this person can get all the spirit and memories of Sigmers."

"When the death of death was rescued, this person gave someone to the Sigmer, and after waking up, he thought he was a source."

"So, you can realize the spiritual turn of the new sergeant is not dead!"

"When I gave Kongci Shi, she did not be in a state of death."

"So, in her mind, there is two people's memory, one is Kongci, one is me."

This is a matter of life, but it is similar to the 'shot Dafa', and it is quite similar to the 'Yin Soul Paras.

However, the Dafa of the Soul can only be used for hypnosis.

And the emblem parasitic Dafa, can only implant the soul, can't completely instill the memory of the sterler to the mind of the sterler.

Therefore, he is more thorough.

After listening to the interpretation of the black, Nie Feng and the thrilling cloud suddenly realized.

It turns out that 'is both Kongci and Black Pupi', which is such a thing.

They can't help but be amazed for his magical abilities of him.

However, another doubt in their hearts will be born.

Nie Feng asked: "Why do you want to use him with him?"

Yes, Kongci is just a little bit of the world in the world.

Why do you want her memory to instill her memory into the mind?

"This one……"

Black is hesitant.

The reasons, involving a surprise plan of the Magic, did not get the consent of the Magic, and she dared to say it easily.

"She is doing this, I am related to this."

Li Wei stretched his right hand behind and then heard.

Subsequently, he stretched his right hand to the front, and the right hand has already so much.

That is: the heart of Dharma!

"Dharma's heart?"

Black screamed.

She was surprised by the heart, because she knew last night, she knew that the heart of Damo has fallen into Li Wei's hand.

She is surprised that how did Li Yu take the heart of Dharma?

Previously, Li Wei's hand was clearly not in the heart of the heart.

How to Li Wei put the right hand back, when reaching it out, there is a heart in his hand?

Not only is surprised, others are also surprised.

In this regard, Li Wei said faintly: "This is not a focus, focus is that the secret of the heart."

Everyone saw Li Wei and did not want to explain, and Li Wei had no way.

Who told him to fist!

"This thing is what we got from the beast ghost last night, from the beast ghost?"

Nie Feng recognized his heart at a glance.

Li Wei nodded, smiled and said: "This thing is called Dharma heart, hiding a terrorist weapon, that weapon, more fever, more than 10,000 times."

"What is more fever than the vendor?"

Nie Feng's eyes are angry.

He nine, he certainly knows.

Previously, he was also hit by the dominance, heading to Hangzhou, looking for the drum of the .

Subsequently, he saw the thrilling power of the .

Of course, he also met the laughing cloud of missing for five years, but also in Hangzhou.

Later, he was in the bottom of Aki, putting the under the West Lake, used to stop the 'Hell's fire' and 'Huangquan's tears' two natural dangers.

What he didn't know is that this is already a weapon of Li Wei.

Stepping, I heard the word '', the heart of the gods.

This '', he seems to have heard of it.

At this moment, there is no memory during his five years. Naturally I don't remember that I have been A-iron, I don't remember that he has a woman who is named Snow.

"Why are you, why would you know the secret of the heart?"

Black and Shedda, is surprised by Nie Feng.

Li Yu smiled: "The secret of the heart of the heart, I am afraid that I have been not secret, I just died, and I also knew the secret of the heart of Damo."

"The city owner, you said that the black pupo is the life of Kongcici, which is related to the heart of Dharma."

"Is it related to the heart of Damo?"

It is not a matter of Nie Feng, this question is a needle.

"Not bad!"

"The heart of Dharma is related to the life of Kongci."

Li Wei nodded, and then to the black pole: "The reason is, or by you."

"This secret, you also know?"

The black poishes feel the back of the ridge.

As if, Li Wei is a god of gods that have nothing to know.

Li Wei smiled: "Yeah, this is known, you must not blame, to make us."

"Where dare!"

Black and the heart said.

In fact, she is really intended to make a mistake.

Now she dares to do this.

She simply sorted my thoughts and said:

"Phase it, Dharma is sitting nine years in the Shaolin Temple, super away from yourself, gains 'God's eyes'."

"And, Dharma passed the 'Day Eye', found a place in Shenzhou University, buried a terrorist weapon."

"Once this horror weapon is in the world, it will make the whole world is chaos, and the whole world will lose the order."

"Even, you can turn the world into hell ..."

I heard it, Nie Feng can't help but exclaim, "What? Can you turn the world to hell? What weapon is what weapons, it is so horrible?"

He has seen the Shenwei of the , can enlarge a person's power to twentty times, instantly reach the realm of super masters.

Today, there is a weapon that can lose order, and even become hell, what kind of terror weapon is it? What kind of invincibility will it be?

Even if you don't care about anything, you will be shocked by the cloud. On the face, the face is also shocked.

"Where is the old lady knew what weapon?"

"If you know, the old lady will not show him to Kongcium."

Black and white, Nie Feng.

Nie Feng's eyeball is turned, "" "What do you mean, know what this horror arms is?"

Chapter 249 Magic's conspiracy, tragedy Kongci

Black Pan really wants to shoot Nie Feng, this guy is always a shock, interrupt her.

However, she is just thinking about it, I don't dare to do it.

Because, Li Wei, which is more horrible than death, is next to it.

How can she act rash!

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