Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 88 Recovering the Territory

The soldiers used high-temperature flames to clean it carefully and burned everything suspicious.

Even the ground was carefully burned.

After the soldiers confirmed that they had cleared the relevant area, Ron used his psychic power to scan it again.

After confirming that there were no remnants of Chaos, the laboratory was completely sealed off.

Afterwards, Ron used telepathy to scan the entire Homan family territory.

He found the more obvious traces of chaos, marked them, and then asked the guards and defense forces to deal with them.

Most of those traces of chaos were left by the followers of the "Broken Eye" secret sect.

Their combat effectiveness was not very strong and they were quickly eliminated at targeted locations.

It's a pity that the leader of the "Broken Eye" secret sect was not found. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

After giving the order to hunt, Ron's attention turned to more important things,

That is to disintegrate the rule of the Homan family and completely regain this territory.

In fact, after Yosef slaughtered his family members to sacrifice to the evil god, his rule was on the verge of collapse.

Now that his plan failed, his army was annihilated, and he was arrested, the remaining forces of the Homan family and their vassals have long since become a mass of scattered sand.

Ron led the guards to forcefully enter the Homan family's mansion. He quickly tried many officials and small families who were deeply involved with the forces of Chaos.

These people are tainted with chaos and there is no possibility of salvation.

It will only become more depraved as time goes by.

Therefore, the principal criminals, accomplices and their related family members will all be burned at the stake and burned to ashes!

Soon, officials and small families originally affiliated with the Homan family couldn't wait to surrender.

They are not tainted by Chaos, they simply work for the Homan family.

They begged the Governor for forgiveness.

"Mr. Governor, we are also forced!"

"Great and benevolent Governor, we are willing to follow you!"

"Death to the Homans, long live Grant!"

"Loyalty, our absolute loyalty!"

"Sir Governor, you can do whatever you want to our mother and daughter~"

Ron:? ? ?

These two must be closely monitored!

All surviving officials within the Homan family system and vassal minor families expressed their submission to the great Governor Ron Grant.

Ron did not agree or reject these people's requests, he just asked them to go back and wait.

Ron told them:

"Anyone who attempts to escape will be regarded as a provocation to the Wangting District and will be punished accordingly!"

Of course, being punished often results in explosive bombs.

You didn't do anything bad, you didn't collude with Chaos, why did you run away with a guilty conscience?

Running away is an admission of guilt and must be punished.

The majesty of the Governor cannot be violated!

The vast majority of people who have been warned are aware of this problem, and they wait obediently at home without daring to act rashly.

A few smart people, either stupid or guilty, plotted to escape or resist.

However, before the plan could be implemented, the guards kicked in the door and put them on trial.

The news spread, and the rest of the people were even more awed, and they deeply understood the message conveyed by the governor.

That is, the Wangting District cannot tolerate any disloyal people.

Only loyalty determines everything!

They waited anxiously for the moment of judgment to come.

Under Ron's order, a review team headed by Deville came from the Wangting District and would be responsible for reviewing all relevant personnel.

De Vere, the governor's envoy wearing a black uniform and red armband, seemed to be the incarnation of death.

Hidden beneath his warm smile was a cold murderous intention, which made everyone frightened wherever he went.

"Absolute loyalty!"

"Dedicate everything to the Governor!"

This is something Deville often talks about.

He conducted a rigorous review of all target personnel involved in terms of the crimes they committed and their level of loyalty.

Any unqualified personnel were purged.

Or execution or exile.

Or deprived of identity and property, demoted to a refugee.

In the end, one-third of the people passed the review and were qualified to be loyal to the Governor.

"These despicable traitors should all be sentenced to death!"

De Vere often lamented like this in private:

"But the Governor actually gave them a chance to renew their allegiance. How kind is this..."

After Deville completed the review, he immediately reported to the Governor.

Ron read all the review reports and was very satisfied:

"You've made great progress and done a great job!"

He never hesitated to praise his loyal subordinates.

It's just a few nice words, and it costs nothing.

Deville's body was trembling slightly, and tears were almost falling:

"Everything is for the Governor!"

For him, this is an incomparable honor. He, Deville Rapp, has won the praise of the Governor!

The Governor was dissatisfied with him before, and even said something like this: "It's not very good for you, especially you..."

This sentence kept him awake all night, and he often woke up from his dreams.

Deville was afraid, afraid that he was not capable enough to be loyal to the Governor, and afraid that he would bring shame to the Rapp family.

And now, he has finally gained the approval of the Governor!

When work is over, he can go home and share the great news with his mother and Lilith.

After Deville finished his report, he respectfully withdrew.

Ron also had a vague impression of this easily excited subordinate:

"Yes, he seems quite loyal.

What's his name? What's his name? "

Forget it, let's learn more about this next time, there are still too many government affairs waiting for him to deal with.

Wangting District has only conquered this territory. There is still a lot of work to be done to completely regain it.

Ron looked at Deville and gave the review report. These people need to be disbanded and integrated into the current administrative system of the King's Court District.

As for where they should be placed and what powers they should be given, they need to be carefully considered.

He looked at the densely packed names on it and his scalp suddenly went numb.


Sure enough, I still don’t like dealing with government affairs.

This is even more tiring than working at 996 in my previous life!

If his body had not been specially transformed by the power of hope, he would have died suddenly in a short time.

Ron threw the review report on the table and left it to Bayev.

Bayev was informed and came over and took away the review report.

He assured Ron that these people would be properly accommodated.

After three days, Bayev completed the work and had everyone settled.

With the placement of personnel completed, the Homan family is completely a thing of the past.

The administrative system of Wangting District settled here and officially regained this territory.

Institutions in various areas of the new territory have resumed operation, and various industrial zones have also resumed work smoothly.

The Logistics Department will be responsible for restoring the supply of corpse starch blocks here.

Since the crops on the farm are not yet mature, only ordinary starch blocks can be supplied here for the time being.

The extremely delicious type-1 starch sticks can only be supplied to some outstanding workers.

However, the Logistics Department assured that the first type of starch sticks will be fully supplied to the new territory in half a year.

Even this is enough to make the people of the new territory burst into tears of gratitude. They have endured hunger for too long!

Claudy, the head of the judicial police department, also received an important task. He will personally lead the judicial police team to rectify the order in the new territory and restore the security here to the same level as other areas.

More than half a month has passed since the work has been carried out.

From now on, this territory can be declared to be recovered, and it will completely become a part of the Wangting District!

Then, Ron announced that an important trial would be held in the Sacred Square!

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