Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 46 Chaos biological weapons leaked!

Bits of flesh and blood splattered all over the room.

When the blood mist caused by the explosion dissipated, the guards put away their shields.

Everyone turned their attention to where Malai was standing, and the two-meter-tall flesh and blood monster had disappeared.

Marley's corrupted body was shattered by the blast grenade, leaving only his head on the ground.

Even though there was only one head left, he was still breathing and was not dead.

But at this moment, Marais no longer had the condescending look he had just now. He cursed:

"You damn lackeys for the false emperor, I curse you, the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes will punish you!"

"You... don't come over!"

"Don't come over!"

Looking at Carter walking over, fear appeared in Malai's eyes.

After experiencing the fear of death, he suddenly had the desire to live.

Life was so precious and he didn't want to die.

He looked at Carter coming over pleadingly, tears overflowing from his eyes:


"no, do not want……"

However, it is too late to regret now.


Carter's heavy combat boots suddenly stepped down, crushing Marley's head like stepping on a balloon.

The guards around him looked at the room filled with blood and flesh, and couldn't help but sigh:

"The boss is still as rough as ever..."

"He deserves this fate." Carter's voice was firm and forbearing.

He looked at the babies and the twisted female corpses on the formation, with anger in his eyes.

Those heretics cannot be tortured too much.

As the war angel of Lord Governor.

He will use all means to let those heretics know what fear is and what the true fury of thunder is!

Carter asked Alila to get out and get out of this hellish place.

Then he and two guards searched the house and found nothing evil.

"Perform the cleaning mission..."

He took one last look at the slightly squirming female bodies on the wall, then turned and left the room.

There is absolutely no way to save those women, so we can only end their suffering as soon as possible.

Two guards stood at the door. They took out small flamethrowers and took off their masks.

Then he aimed the fire at the magic circle and the corrupted corpses, and the flames spurted out burned them all.

Those bodies that were mercilessly burned by the flames, although they were twisting and wailing in pain, had a happy smile on their faces.

Finally free!


The raging heat wave in the house rushed outside the door, startling Alila.

Carter saw this and blocked her slightly.

He took out the spray from the storage device on his waist, sprayed it on Alila, and said comfortingly:

"This is a healing potion to treat wounds."

Alila calmed down, and she really felt that the wound no longer hurt.

What a miraculous effect!

Carter looked at Alila: "Madam..."

"Master Guard, I...my name is Alila!"

"Ms. Alila, please wait here for a few minutes. The bailiff will come and take you home."


Alila opposite her nodded like an obedient lamb.

He thought of something else and reminded: "It's not going to be peaceful tonight. You're not allowed to go out after you get home!"

After saying that, Carter turned his head and walked out.

While he raided the evil gang's hiding place, other guards, as well as the defense forces and law enforcers, also started raids and cleaning operations.

With his sensitive hearing, he could vaguely hear the sounds of gunfire coming from far away.

After he has finished handling it here, he can go to support other places.

"Lord Guard!"

Alila suddenly spoke and stopped Carter.

You know, she never dared to do such a thing before.

Not to mention calling the Lord Guard, even if the other party was a bailiff, she would not dare.

She didn't even dare to look up, for fear of offending them and getting beaten, maybe even killed.

However, today, she unexpectedly stopped the Lord Guard!

Is she crazy?

After subconsciously calling Carter, Alila was shocked and frightened.

Will the Lord Guard punish her for this?

Carter was surprised. He turned around and looked at Alila:

"Ma'am, what's the matter?"

Alila mustered up her courage and solemnly thanked Carter: "Thank you, Lord Guard, for saving me!"

She clasped her hands together and added nervously:

"Also...and the Governor, I didn't expect that the Governor could really hear my prayer, and even sent you, Lord Guard, to save me!

Please...please convey my gratitude to the Governor on my behalf. I will never forget his kindness..."

Poor Alila really thought that the Governor heard her prayers and sent the guards, known as war angels, to rescue her.

At this moment, her heart was filled with deep respect and gratitude for the Governor, and she was willing to sacrifice everything for him!

Hearing Alila's words, Carter was a little stunned.

If other administrative officials in Wangting District were here and heard these words

They will definitely laugh at the stupidity of this foolish woman.

Then he was punished for disrespecting the governor.

Until she shut her mouth completely and no longer dared to say these stupid and self-righteous words.

But Carter would never do that.

As the Governor's personal bodyguard and the most loyal servant, he knew that the Governor did not like this kind of behavior.

The Governor has changed. He loves his people more than his father.

This is extremely rare among the successive governors of the empire.

For this reason, Carter must follow the pace of the governor-general to avoid being disliked.

Besides, he has never bullied the weak.

Seeing that Carter did not respond, Alila said, she also reacted and was afraid.

Oh my God, what is she talking about.

Does she still have a brain?

Dare to make demands on those guards who kill without blinking an eye!

"Guard... Guard, you, I..." She was so nervous that she was incoherent.

"Ms. Alila, you don't have to be afraid..."

As if worried that the other party would be afraid, Carter squeezed out an awkward smile on his cold face: "If there is a chance, I will convey your gratitude to the governor!"

The guard actually agreed to such a rude request!

Hearing Carter's promise, great joy hit Alila's heart. She was in tears and almost couldn't stand: "Thank you, Lord Guard!" At this time, the bailiff responsible for follow-up support arrived and immediately saluted Carter: "Lord Carter!" "Send this lady home" "Yes!" The bailiff went over and whispered to Alila, but Carter ignored it. His mission was completed. The cleaning task in the house also came to an end. The two guards took back the flamethrowers and stood on both sides behind Carter. "Boss, the house is cleaned, and there is no sign of life!" "Okay, let's go" Carter walked out with the two guards. However, Carter's communicator suddenly sounded, it was an emergency signal! He quickly connected the signal: "This is Carter from Group A1, please speak!" Listening to the report from the communicator, Carter's face quickly darkened: "Okay, we will quickly reach the combat position!" "Boss, what's the situation?" "The chaos biological weapon from Group C2 has leaked, it's a big guy!"

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