Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 73 Tiger

As the underworld train overturned, the last elite force in the helm was completely destroyed.

They never knew until their death why the words "Everyone here is rubbish" from a mere second-awakened psyker were so powerful?

They were literally dumped everywhere like trash. He was hacked to death by the handlers who were extremely surprised.

In fact, the same words have different effects when spoken by different people.

For example, "If you fail the college entrance examination, you will be forced into World War II next year!"

The same words spoken by liberal arts students and art students will have completely different effects.

When the vehicle killer Li Yelai boarded the train, their last choice was to jump off the train immediately. Unfortunately, they lost their last chance.

In the end, Yang Chen, who desperately resisted, pierced the brain with a spear thrown by Yang Chen and was nailed to the train.

This operation against the Ember Church's helm was a complete success.

But everyone's task is not yet completed.

They also need to count the loot in the sub-rudder, especially the forbidden objects in the depths.

This group of Ember Church guys attempted to release all the forbidden objects before escaping on the Underworld Train.

But was stopped by the handlers.

Now the task of suppressing these taboos falls on the authorities.

In this case, Li Yelai, Ben Lei and others came to the underground branch.

Li Yelai was a little surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.

He originally thought that the main body of the sub-rudder was some houses and buildings hidden underground.

But unexpectedly, the church excavated a huge and even magnificent altar hundreds of meters underground.

When Li Yelai walked from the passage to a certain platform, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The ceiling is still dozens of meters away from the platform where Li Yelai and others are. The platform is still nearly twenty meters away from the ground below.

When Li Yelai looked down, he saw a giant altar stretching for hundreds of meters.

Thick stone pillars support this space, and each stone pillar is carved with strange patterns.

Today, some red-robed believers and some weird corpses are scattered on the steps of these altars, and their blood is dripping down the steps. Like a picture of hell.

It is said that at the last moment, they planned to sacrifice themselves and summon some kind of virtual creature.

However, under the interference of the official Ye Bushou and a certain extraordinary creature, the strength of the virtual realm creature they summoned was greatly reduced.

It is simply impossible to face so many captains and elite Ye Fushou at the same time.

He was dragged out of the altar, killed directly, and exiled on the spot.

Not even a body was left behind.

"The church is really generous. How did they create this kind of terrain?" Li Yelai asked.

"This is the prototype of the underground city. They just modified it." Ben Lei shook his head, pointed at a huge figure in the distance and said, "I brought you here just to let you see this."

Li Yelai looked in the direction of his finger and saw a huge black and gold tiger.

Its hair showed gold patterns on a black background, and it was over ten meters tall. There was a hint of illusory darkness on its tail, and there were four red tiger eyes on its face.

It looks very scary and domineering.

But at this moment, it was bound by chains, and the chains even penetrated its flesh and spine, so that it could only lie on a huge transport vehicle.

Several handlers were standing beside it, gesticulating, and communicating with the black tiger from time to time.

The black tiger was not as domineering as expected, but instead let out some kind of roar in a low voice.

It seemed that he was discussing something with the handlers. Li Yelai actually heard a hint of flattery.

"What a big tiger! If we make tiger whip wine, wouldn't we make a lot of money?"

Li Yelai said in surprise.

Such a large extraordinary creature would be a huge asset to psykers!

You must know that extraordinary creatures are an important source of potions and psychic weapon materials. I don’t know how many psychic weapons or bottles I can create.

Of course, its meat cannot be wasted. It can be made into tiger whip wine, which is more cost-effective.

The rich merchants in the giant city like to let scavengers go to the wilderness to hunt wild animals and then make wine.

Since the disaster broke out, the number of wild animals has skyrocketed, so there is no need to worry about overhunting.

Is it normal for the official sales point to subsidize the Extraordinary Tiger Whip Liquor in the giant city?

Anyway, wealthy businessmen, as well as those big families with psychic abilities that have been passed down since the disaster period, are very wealthy.

Isn’t this a good blow to them?

Li Yelai felt that he was really a genius.

"Ahem." Ben Lei coughed a few times and said, "I'm not asking you to tell me how to deal with it. It is a special extraordinary creature, the Night Tiger. Its most special ability is to project a clone. It's own body It is located in a safe place and allows the clone to devour the prey, so it is very difficult to capture.”

"And the Ember Church has seized its true form and found a way. It can format its clone, which means it becomes a clone projection without intelligence. Then it can be controlled by the psykers who have the beast language of the void, The combat power is greatly enhanced.”

"But it can only create up to five clones at the same time, and its strength can be controlled by itself."

"It was originally an extraordinary creature used by the Church of Ember to enhance the strength of its members. The members were forced to sacrifice it as well. At that time, several members of the church who had its clones were killed. It immediately summoned The clone resisted, which can be regarded as cooperating with us to interfere with the sacrificial ceremony."

"Now, plan to cooperate with us. Continue to separate yourself and help the handler."

"And we won't waste such a good opportunity. There are only five opportunities in total. Naturally, we have to drag you over first."

Li Yelai was startled. The beasts in the virtual realm were talking? Isn’t my second-sense ability just the language of beasts in the virtual realm?

If I had the help of my clone, wouldn't my combat effectiveness also be improved?

"Does this comply with the rules?" Li Yelai tried to ask: "Shouldn't the branch make the decision?"

"You are the main contributor to this operation. Without you, the other party would have escaped long ago while sitting on the train and eating hot pot." Ben Lei said with a flat smile: "The captains also agreed, and they are fine. Could it be that our handling department Can’t we reward people based on their merits?”

This is the official's naked preference for meritorious officials.

But Li Yelai was still a little confused: "But I can't just wander around with its clone projection, right?"

Although it was a good thing, Li Yelai still expressed his hesitation. For such a large extraordinary creature, even if it is a clone, its size is probably not much smaller.

How to solve security issues?

"It's simple. The clone will rely on spiritual weapons. When you use the beast language of the void, the clone can escape and fight for you." Ben Lei said with a smile.

"But you have to be careful, this tiger is very insidious and very smart." Ben Lei reminded: "Be careful when using it."


(Sorry, I have to be the best man tomorrow. I drove for a long time today and only have 2,000 words...)_

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