Tsuchida! Now is not the time to hesitate! If that is really the case, we will definitely lose this war!

The medical officer was still yelling loudly, and his eyes were almost on fire... Anyway, now that such a corpse has been discovered, it is absolutely impossible to leave it alone!

I know... It was like the roar of a wild beast suppressed in its throat. His fists were clenched, and Tsuchida's throat was about to spit out fire!

He knows, he knows, it's all because of that damn little bastard! But at this moment, as the military commander of Banyuan Grottoes, he has no time to be angry anymore... The big mistake has been made, and now, he can only try his best to minimize the losses.

Burn it immediately...

His voice drowned out all the noise, and the adjutant standing beside him trembled with this order.

You...you mean the granary?

Turning around suddenly, Tsuchida's eyes almost burst out with fire!

Yes! That's right! Burn that damn granary and all the guys who died in it!

—————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————————The dividing line of looking back in time—————— —————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————

The timing of the torture was very accurate. After half an hour of illusion testing, the ninja responsible for the torture walked out of the room angrily. In another fifteen seconds, the torture would enter the next cycle again... Then now was the best time to act.

From the moment he received this task, Zhenyong believed that it was absolutely impossible to complete the task by rushing in a straight line. There was only one way to burn down the granary under the heavy siege of the opponent... let the opponent do it himself.

So the question is, under what circumstances would the sand ninja burn such important strategic materials?

His hands were tied, and even his arms were nailed to the wooden bars. He was really unable to form seals, but this could not stop his actions - the chakra scalpel, covering his hands with high-vibration sharp chakra, thus Make it play the role of a real scalpel, but in fact, this method of using chakra is not only possible with both hands... It's just that for ordinary ninjas, such complex and delicate operations are difficult even with the most dexterous hands. Incredibly difficult.

Closing his eyes, Zhenyong's body surface began to glow with a faint blue color, which was the sharpest blade...

The door was pushed open again, and the torturer walked towards Zhenyong who was nailed to the cross with a ferocious smile.


The greeting gift was a leather whip covered with thorns. Aren't you going to say something?

By this time, the torture seemed to have become a routine matter. This damn brat had refused to reveal a single word until today. So far, all that was left to the torturer was pure sadistic fun.

However, he was destined to miscalculate. For the first time, Zhenyong, who was tortured and had no human form, raised his head and showed him a strange smile...

It seemed like the ridicule of the hungry ghosts in hell, as if it was a terror beyond flesh and blood!

You guy!

After trembling slightly, the torturer became uncontrollably angry. He raised the whip in his hand again, and then swiped it towards Zhen Yong's cheek as if to vent his anger...

But he was destined not to have this opportunity.


A loud noise echoed in the vast grotto, and the torture officer closest to the explosion site was even chilled by the spray of Da Hao's blood... although the bright red liquid was still scorching hot.

Yes, Zhenyong's body suddenly exploded. When others arrived, the entire torture room was left with only meat scraps on the floor...

After learning about this, Tsuchida cursed the interrogator because he had lost an important intelligence source, but he did not expect that this incident was far from over...

At one o'clock at noon, Tsuchida left the camp and conducted a routine inspection. At this time, most of the ninjas stationed in the grotto were also sent out to be on guard... After all, Tsuchida had already left, and it would be unthinkable if a foreign enemy invaded at this time.

Yes, no one would have thought where the real enemy was hidden, just like no one had noticed why there were a few more plants in that cold and dry cave today...

In just two hours, by the time Tsuchida returned, the cave had already experienced a terrible disaster... including the granary, dungeon, and wounded barracks, mysteriously dead ninjas began to appear in almost all places in the cave. The victims, without exception, all decomposed rapidly and emitted a terrible stench... Before Tsuchida came back, the medical officer took a part of the corpses for testing. What is desperate is that so far, more than a dozen corpses have been tested for infection. Signs of the Plague…

Judging from the location where the deceased appeared, this sudden virus outbreak was not accidental... The prison where Zhen Yong blew himself up was the center of everything...

Tsuchida! Now is not the time to hesitate! If that is really the case, we will definitely lose this war!

The medical officer was still yelling loudly, and his eyes were almost on fire... Anyway, now that such a corpse has been discovered, it is absolutely impossible to leave it alone!

I know... It was like the roar of a wild beast suppressed in its throat. His fists were clenched, and Tsuchida's throat was about to spit out fire!

He knows, he knows, it's all because of that damn little bastard! But at this moment, as the military commander of Banyuan Grottoes, he has no time to be angry anymore... The big mistake has been made, and now, he can only try his best to minimize the losses.

Burn it immediately...

His voice drowned out all the noise, and the adjutant standing beside him trembled with this order.

You...you mean the granary?

Turning around suddenly, Tsuchida's eyes almost burst out with fire!

Yes! That's right! Burn that damn granary and all the guys who died in it!

ps: Well, I haven’t said a few words to you for so long, so I’ll just talk about it today... Well, how should I put it, existence can be said to be a two-sided battle, and another One Piece article is at the same time as this book. Update, hey... it's really more tiring than expected. I'm really sorry for the intermittent updates in the past period, but in the next period of time... I guess it won't be very stable. After all, there are other things besides writing books. You have your own things to do, so please continue to grudge slowly, and I will repay you well during the Chinese New Year.

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