BP starts.

Miller:"I don’t know what exciting lineups both sides will bring us......."

Wawa:"After all, it is the World Finals. The two teams will definitely come up with different things, such as some big moves and so on!"

Remember:"Yes, I also very much look forward to the lineup of both teams. What a change!"

"In the current version, the lineup is still very important"

"In previous games, the team with the advantageous lineup often won the game."

"Without further ado, let’s get into the game!"...... on the screen.

The two teams have begun a BP contest!

This one.

IG blue square.

SN red square.

On IG's side, BAN lost three points: Kindred, Syndra, and Captain.

Kindred is a wild core hero that Sofm plays very well, so there is no need to release it.

Syndra limits the hero pool in the middle. At the same time, this hero has the ability to AD in seconds, and is also one of the mid lane heroes that Black Angel is good at using.

On the road, BAN lost the captain, which was aimed at BIN.

After all, the first few���, the famous scene of the ground fire explosion left a deep impression on people, and it also showed that BIN is a very good captain player.

In this version, the captain is also one of the OP heroes in the top lane. This has been analyzed before, so it goes without saying.

On SN's side, BAN dropped Draven, Robot and Angel!

This round of dismissals has caused a lot of controversy!

Miller:"Wow, SN pays too much attention to the bottom lane, banning both Draven and the robot!"

Wawa:"Indeed, J God's Draven and Baolan's robot have performed very amazingly."

"Especially Baolan's robot, it's so accurate at seducing people!"

"SN is such a BP, I think it is also targeted at the bottom lane."

Remember:"I actually think that SN chose to ban IG's Draven and Robot in order to limit the number of level 1 groups."

Miller and Doll were surprised at the same time.

"How to say this?"

I remember explaining:"According to data analysis, when IG conducts a level 1 team invasion, it can often gain a huge advantage in the first fifteen minutes, and even a few waves of dragon teams can directly seal the victory of the game!"

"Therefore, SN must have expected that IG might launch a wave of jungle invasions in the finals."

"For the bottom lane position, there is no more suitable hero for the level 1 team than Draven and Robot!"

Hearing this,

Miller and Wawa immediately reacted and nodded:"It turns out there is such a meaning in it!"

The audience couldn't help but post comments

"As expected of me, I analyzed these data thoroughly!"

"Indeed, if IG is allowed to start a level 1 team, it will most likely be IG’s victory."

"Upstairs, if IG doesn’t win, it will also be God J’s victory!"


"You think IG lost the battle because it was only on the first level. In fact, God J is on the fifth level!"

"Thousand layer cake!"......

Come to the selection of the first three hands.

Since IG is the blue side, it has the right to choose the hero first.

First hand.

Brother Shy directly locked Ornn!

"oh? Ornn!"

"This means that you are not allowed to take SN!"

"After Ornn's armor is stacked up, the pressure on the bottom lane is still relatively large!"

"In this version, the thick-skinned Ornn is standing in front, and it is difficult for the ADC to deal with it."

"SN lost Angel because of BAN, which may mean to take Ornn, and IG chose to grab BAN instead. I have to say that this is a very wise choice!"

The three well-known old commentators on the commentary obviously did a lot of homework before the game!

Every detail has basically been explained, and it is quite comprehensive!

With the help of this more information, the audience It also gives a deeper understanding of the huge truths contained in the game of the professional arena.

In fact, this awe is a good thing for people!

Being strong often starts with recognizing one's own weaknesses and shortcomings!

Any player who can understand where they are lacking can easily get a diamond!

The pressure is on SN's side, and SN immediately targets Ornn's BP.

The monkey and the clockwork!

Miller:"Oh? Use monkey to place the top order?" Wawa:" I have to say that this is indeed the characteristic of the player A Bin.

" Remember:"Yes, Brother BIN just likes to use these heroes who are particularly strong in team fights to help the team gain advantages with personal operations!

" Miller:"This hand-spring should not be allowed to be taken by broilers!

" Wawa:"After all, the system of Oenga Clockwork is still relatively strong in the current version.


"At the same time, using springs for broilers can also produce good results."

"SN is treating others in their own way!"

"Since you took what I wanted to take, I will also take what you wanted to take!"

"The two sides are really tit for tat in terms of BP, and neither side gives in to the other!"......

On the playing field.

The pressure is on IG's side.

Chris frowned.

The combination of Monkey and Clockwork appears on the opposite side. In terms of coordination, it is indeed very strong. However, currently, the hero Monkey rarely appears in the professional arena. Therefore, IG does not have a database for the combination of Monkey and Clockwork.

"Broiler, what hero do you want to get?"

In this case, Chris felt that he might as well consult the players for their opinions.

Broiler paused and said:"Get me a Zoe, I want to play in the lane!"


Chris nodded.

Zoe vs. Clockwork.

This is a traditional mid laner battle.

With Ornn selected, the lineup system will inevitably be delayed to the later stage. Zoe can help the team survive the early, mid-term, and late stages. The damage is not bad, so it is an excellent choice.

"Ning, what about you?"

Chris plans to take all the top, middle and jungle in the first three hands, leaving the final position to the bottom lane.

Jiang Yi is now the most reassuring player in the entire IG!

The hero pool is as deep as the sea. There is no need to worry about which hero or support the opponent will ban. After all, among the support heroes, there are many substitutes that can achieve the desired effect.

As for ADC, Jiang Yi has more choices. If you stay in the second round, SN will lose two BAN positions!

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