Lawyer's character

Chapter 97 Zhao Yutian

I have made an appointment with the detention center to see him the day after tomorrow. To be honest, I just got the case file from the court. The case is relatively simple. It has been reported in the county news and there are many reports on the Internet.

Can you tell me about Zhao Yutian’s family situation? I want to know more about him, maybe I can help him. Fang Yi said.

The Tamada family has always been in trouble. His parents divorced early and his mother remarried... The man with the mustache talked about the past.

After Zhao Yutian's father got divorced, he went to work in other provinces to make money to support the family. Later, something happened and he disappeared. The boss was arrested by the police, and the family did not receive much compensation.

He had been living with his grandmother since he was a child in Yutian. His family was too poor to pay for school fees, so he dropped out of junior high school. When he was eighteen, a nearby factory recruited workers, and he joined the factory, where he worked for more than ten years. He originally thought that his family's life would get better, but who knew that the factory closed down the year before last, and the man in his thirties suddenly lost his job.

His grandmother suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was in poor health. Basically, his salary over the years was used to treat her illness, and he didn't save much money. He was unemployed and had nothing to do at home. He wanted to go out to work to make money, but he couldn't live without his grandma, so he took out all the money at home, borrowed some more money, converted his family's tricycle into an electric tricycle, and started working in the countryside. Make a living by doing some small business.

Later, I heard someone said that the fruits in the county were easy to sell, so he drove an electric tricycle to the county. He sold apples, pears, jujubes, walnuts, and persimmons. On the day of the incident, he wholesaled some apples and planned to sell them to make a profit. I wanted to save some money to go home for the New Year, but who knew that during the county inspection, Zhao Yutian was caught by the city management (CG) while selling apples at the gate of the community.

On the day of the incident, there were two people in our village who went to the county with Yutian to sell apples. The two people were carrying baskets and ran away as soon as they saw the big-brimmed hats. Yutian was pushing the cart with a big target, and he was surrounded before he could run away. .

At that time, CG not only had to deduct apples, but also cars. It’s not that I favor the people of this village. Think about it, this electric tricycle is Yutian’s life. Without the car, how can he do business? He still has a lot of famine waiting to pay for it.

At that time, someone who went to the county to do business with Yutian came back to the village and told me that Yutian begged them to let him go, and they all knelt down, but the big caps around him didn't listen at all. They pushed his cart and left, and he and the other party Pulling, he grabbed the fruit knife in the car in desperation, rushed towards the leader and stabbed him fiercely.

At that time, Yutian was so furious that the people around him dispersed when they saw the killing. Yutian was scared and ran away. Later I heard that he ran to the police station and surrendered.

Grandma heard that he was caught committing murder and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. He died the same day before being sent to the hospital.

We are also cadres. To be fair, there is nothing wrong with CG law enforcement. You have to listen to others to take care of their jobs. But even if small business affects the appearance of the city, it will not be uprooted. Just coax people away with criticism and education. Everyone None of it is easy.

Destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents. It would be strange if they don't try their best. In the case of Yutian's family, if he hadn't been forced to have no way out, he would have fought tooth and nail. A slap in the face wouldn't do it. Of course, if Yutian kills someone, we can't cover it up. That's what I'm talking about. The mustached man said.

I have a suggestion. Can you write a certificate to prove Zhao Yutian's performance and family situation in the village, and then send it directly to the court. I have the judge's contact information here. Fang Yi thought for a while.

No problem, can we save Yutian's life by writing a certificate? the man with a mustache asked.

It's hard to say. We've done everything we can, and the rest depends on his luck. Fang Yi said.

Well, I understand. After all, he killed someone, and he must pay for his life. I understand this principle. The man with the mustache nodded.

In the detention center, a thin man with handcuffs and shackles was taken out by the police and sat in front of the iron bars. Opposite him sat Fang Yi.

Hello, are you Zhao Yutian? Fang Yi asked.

The other party nodded blankly: Yes.

I am the defense lawyer appointed by the court, lawyer Fang Yi from Zhengyi Law Firm. Do you accept my defense? Fang Yi asked looking at Zhao Yutian, who was facing him with a dull expression and dull eyes.

Accept. Zhao Yutian's dull eyes changed and he looked at Fang Yidao.

Okay, can you tell us what happened on the day of the incident? Fang Yi asked.

I was selling apples at the gate of a community... Zhao Yutian changed the story of what happened that day without any emotion.

What he said was similar to what the man with the mustache said, and Fang Yi wrote down the situation one by one.

In this case, Fang Yi did not go to the prosecutor who handled the case because the case had too great an impact on the county. The prosecutor could not be persuaded by him and would not listen to him. The safest way was to follow the rules and kick the ball. Let the court deal with it.

On this day, the trial of Zhao Yutian's intentional homicide case finally opened.

The court started at nine o'clock in the morning. Because the case had a great impact on the local area and it was a public trial, the courtroom was already filled with people.

The presiding judge is an old judge in his fifties, and there is a middle-aged male judge sitting on the left and right, with a serious expression, which makes people look a little scared. Fang Yi knew that the presiding judge was the president of the Intermediate Court's Criminal Division, and the male judges on both sides were also senior criminal judges of the Intermediate Court, which showed that the Intermediate Court attached great importance to this case.

Sitting under the court were the dean and vice-dean of the Intermediate Court, as well as personnel from relevant government departments. A man with a mustache also came and sat in the back.

Sun Zhengyi heard that there were media and people from the TV station at the court hearing. He felt that this was a good opportunity to promote Zhengyi Law Firm, so he brought Xiao Zhou to watch, hoping to get a chance to appear.

Director Sun did not expect that the court would take this case so seriously and arrange for the media. If he had known about it, he would have represented it himself. He wasted an opportunity to become famous and took advantage of Fang Yi.

Because there were too many people watching, the trial court was arranged in the largest courtroom No. 1 of the Intermediate Court. More than a dozen bailiffs were constantly patrolling the court with sharp eyes.

Fang Yi sat on it and caught a glimpse of the dark heads below. It was a lie that he wasn't nervous. He knew in his heart that both the court and the procuratorate felt that this case was simple and a done deal. The verdict might have been prepared, and he was just waiting for his arrangement to cooperate with everyone to go through the procedures, get the verdict, and end the case. The reason for such a large-scale campaign is simply to serve as an educational warning.

While Fang Yi was thinking wildly, the clerk reported to the presiding judge that the prosecutor and litigation participants had arrived, the defendant had been escorted to await trial, and preparations for the trial were ready and the trial could begin.

The presiding judge sitting in the middle banged the gavel, the trial officially began, and the defendant Zhao Yutian was summoned to the court.

Today there are four more chapters. Please support me, book friends!

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