Lawyer's character

Chapter 22 White-Eyed Wolf

It's not easy for you, just treat me. It's still early now, let's go back to the office first, and see you at the gate of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in the afternoon. After Fang Yi finished speaking, he took the bus back with Xiao Zhou. At a small restaurant not far away, Fang Yi treated Xiao Zhou to a bowl of noodles.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Yi and more than 50 migrant workers arrived at the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on time. Fang Yi was talking to Jin Zhong and others when he heard someone behind him shouting: Jin Daya is here! Don't let him run away!

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone rushed to the parking lot and surrounded a man and a woman who had just gotten off the car.

Who is Jin Daya? Fang Yi looked at Jin Zhong with a confused look.

Jin Daya is Boss Jin. His two front teeth are particularly conspicuous, so everyone calls him Jin Daya behind his back. Jin Zhong said and walked quickly to the parking lot.

Listen to my explanation. I didn't mean to run away or hide from you. I'm here! Let's talk to you if you have something to say... Boss Jin begged as Feng Datong grabbed his neck and collar.

Fang Yi saw that Boss Jin indeed had two protruding front teeth. At a glance, he looked like a squirrel. The nickname Jin Big Ya was indeed worthy of his name.

The woman who was surrounded was the legal specialist of a landscaping company. Seeing everyone's menacing looks, she was so frightened that she held her briefcase and leaned against the car without daring to move. Fortunately, everyone was relatively restrained and didn't do anything to her.

Under Jin Zhong's persuasion, everyone coerced the two into the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

We understand your demands, but the issue of wage arrears has nothing to do with our gardening company. We subcontracted part of the landscaping work to Mr. Jin. The employees were all hired by Mr. Jin, and he is responsible for them. The project We have already settled the payment.”

The female legal specialist of the gardening company said as she took out a subcontract and handed it to the rich-looking male labor inspector.

Lawyer Fang, please read the contract. The labor inspector glanced at the subcontract, handed it to Fang Yi, and then looked at the lean Mr. Jin: Mr. Jin, what do you say about the wage arrears. These employees are all yours!

Yes, they are all the people I found. There are twenty-one in total. I admit that I am in arrears with wages. I have been having a bit of a cash flow problem recently, otherwise I would have paid them long ago. Give me two days, give me some time, I I must give them all the money. Mr. Jin said sincerely.

He didn't want to come today, but the project manager of the gardening company called him. If he didn't take over the matter of unpaid wages, the gardening company would sanction him and cut off his financial resources.

He still has two projects waiting for settlement by the landscaping company, and he doesn't dare to offend the God of Wealth.

Lawyer Fang, look at this. The labor inspector looked at Fang Yi.

We don't agree. He promised to pay before, but it has been delayed for three or four months. When I approached him, he said that the project had not been settled. Renmin Garden Company had already paid the project fee, and he deliberately did not pay wages. We don’t believe him!” Jin Zhong shouted loudly.

As soon as he spoke, the people behind him also started shouting, asking Boss Jin to pay, and they would not let him leave until he paid.

Everyone, please be patient. President Jin has already arrived. Let's give him two more days. What do you think? Lawyer Fang, what do you think? After finishing speaking, the labor inspector looked at Fang Yi, very surprised. Obviously he wanted Fang Yi to help calm the parties involved and resolve the matter as soon as possible.

Everyone comes out to work to make money. Now that Mr. Jin is delaying the payment of wages to everyone, everyone's life is not easy! Fang Yicai didn't listen to him. If he appeases everyone today and lets Mr. Jin go, everyone will take advantage of it in the future. If you don’t have enough money, why don’t you look for him every day?

After hearing Fang Yi's words, everyone started shouting again.

Seeing this, the labor inspector hurriedly stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: Everyone, please be quiet. Even if we detain Mr. Jin today, he doesn't have any money with him. Mr. Jin, when do you plan to pay the money? Give me a date.

I promise to pay everyone's wages. Give me two days to raise money. Now all the debts owed outside are triangular debts, and I can't do anything about it. You must give me a chance to raise money! Mr. Jin begged. said.

Okay, since you said so, we will give you two more days. Jin Zhongjian had no choice but to continue the stalemate like this. The Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security was not a detention center and had no right to hold Mr. Jin captive, so he stretched out his hand to signal everyone not to let him go. He yelled again, and then made a plan with Feng Datong and others.

Mr. Jin, we are now officially issuing a Notice of Order for Refusal to Pay Labor Remuneration to you, ordering you to pay the arrears of wages to Jin Zhong and 21 other people within two days.

If you refuse to pay, we will, in accordance with Article 276 of the Criminal Law and the Regulations on the Transfer of Suspected Criminal Cases by Administrative Law Enforcement Agencies, transfer your arrears of wages to migrant workers to the public security organs for investigation and criminal prosecution.

This is the notice, please sign for it. The labor inspector solemnly took out a notice, read it and handed it to Mr. Jin.

He also wanted to urge Mr. Jin to pay wages as soon as possible and get this matter over with, so after Fang Yi and others left in the morning, he asked the leader for instructions and applied for a payment notice.

Fang Yi felt a stone fall in his heart when he saw the Notice of Order for Refusal to Pay Labor Remuneration. Just now he was thinking about how to file a Notice of Order for Payment with the labor inspector, but he didn't expect that they had already taken care of the matter. .

After Mr. Jin picked up the pen and signed the notice, he was thinking about how to deal with these old haters asking for salary.

Although they didn't get the money back, there was finally progress and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lawyer Fang, thank you for today's matter. Jin Zhong said.

Everything should be done. Wait for him for two more days. If he doesn't pay, we can go to the police and prosecute him. I don't believe he won't pay. Fang Yi said.

Yeah. We're just waiting for two days. Jin Zhong said.

When Fang Yi and Fang Yi returned to the law firm, it was already the end of the day. Zhao Zhongcheng and Chu Huai walked out of the door of the law firm on time. Sun Zhengyi watched them go out one after another, feeling a little uncomfortable and secretly cursing. The two of them are white-eyed wolves, they will lose meat if they work overtime! Even if it’s just a show, that’s fine! Give him some balance.

To put it bluntly, Director Sun doesn’t want his subordinates to get off work on time!

When Sun Zhengyi saw Fang Yi and Xiao Zhou entering the door, his mood improved again. It seemed that there were still lawyers who worked hard (to make money for themselves).

Fang Yi came back because he had some materials to sort out. Anyway, he lived alone and was not far from the law firm. It was better to stay in the law firm for a while and deal with the matters at hand.

Xiao Zhou didn't want to come back at first, but when she saw Fang Yi walking back with her bag, she was embarrassed to leave alone, so she followed him back, inevitably feeling a little resentful.

But when she saw the director's smiling eyes, she immediately understood. It was a good thing for the director to see her working overtime. At least it would leave a good impression on the director and save her from making things difficult for her in the future.

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