Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 92 Created a Big Daddy: The Flower Beast Godzilla

Orbital bombing, this term does not need to be explained too much.

As long as it is a science fiction work, this term will appear in most of them.

When one navy has the advantage and occupies most of the star field, but the internal resistance of the planet is strong, orbital bombing will be used to bombard targets on the surface of the planet.

In Abadon's opinion, now is the time to bombard the planet Godzilla. A round of nuclear bombs will wipe out the land, and the effect is comparable to an extermination order.

Cyclone torpedoes were loaded into the torpedo cabin one by one. Each cyclone torpedo was larger than Godzilla. One can imagine how powerful it was.

What? Why do you think we are still using nuclear bombs in the 40K era?

Um, how should I put it? To be realistic, Warhammer 40K is a space opera. Space operas with this theme often do not feature science fiction technology, and nuclear bombs are very wasteland-style, which is very suitable for the theme of Warhammer 40K.

To put it more in line with the background, you can understand that since the end of the golden age in the 20K period, the human science and technology tree has regressed very seriously, and nuclear bombs have become very practical weapons of mass destruction.

In short, don’t get too hung up on why 40K still uses nuclear bombs.

Because nuclear bombs really still exist in Warhammer 40K.


Use a nuclear bomb to blow up Godzilla.

The emperor could laugh out loud while sitting on the golden toilet.

This is just like using plague to defeat Nurgle, using SIX to defeat Slaanesh, using tactics to plot against Tzeentch, and using melee combat to defeat Khorne. It is a plan that only a talent can come up with.

Abaddon didn't know what the nuclear bomb meant to Godzilla, so he issued this somewhat stupid order.

"Orbital bombardment, prepare!!!"

Each battleship is in low-Earth orbit of the planet Godzilla, with its own torpedo hatches open.


Double-digit cyclone torpedoes began to fall towards the Godzilla planet. This number was just an appetizer. If possible, more cyclone torpedoes might fall.

Planet Godzilla does not have its electromagnetic shield turned on. Isis knows what Abaddon wants to do, but she is not worried.

Only near the temple, each priest opened a small-scale shield to protect the temple from being destroyed.

The cyclone torpedoes quickly burst into the atmosphere. Each Godzilla derivative creature looked at the falling cyclone torpedoes, looking like dinosaurs who saw an asteroid falling.

boom------! ! !

The cyclone torpedoes exploded one by one, and even outside the atmosphere, the flames of those explosions could clearly be seen spreading in all directions, and seas of fire bloomed on the Godzilla planet.

Abaddon felt quite comfortable watching this scene.

"Hmph, this is what happens if you stop the Black Crusade."

Abaddon admired the scenery of nuclear explosions. No matter what era it was in, nuclear explosions were always shocking.

But he didn't know what he was doing. This level of nuclear explosion could already give birth to a Godzilla derivative second only to Godzilla.

The impact of those nuclear explosions destroyed some living things, but more living things were absorbing the energy of the nuclear explosions, and soon, a huge flower beast grew out of the radiation cloud of the nuclear explosions. In just ten minutes, it It grew to over one hundred meters.

The huge flower is red and extremely bright, but it is still a bud and has not fully bloomed yet.

After the energy of the nuclear explosion was absorbed, Abaddon noticed something unusual about Godzilla's planet.

"Are there many living things still alive on that planet?"

"Seems to be"

Abaddon angrily punched the Mechanicum servant beside him and stood up from the throne.

"Continue to release cyclone torpedoes!!!"

Abaddon thought that the magnitude of his explosion was not enough, so he ordered more cyclone torpedoes to be dropped.

A cyclone torpedo landed near the flower beast. The flower beast noticed the arrival of the cyclone torpedo, and then stretched out countless tentacles, entangled the falling cyclone torpedo, and pulled it to its side.

The bud opened, and inside the bud, there was a crocodile or lizard head similar to Godzilla.

The flower bud enveloped the entire cyclone torpedo, and then the cyclone torpedo exploded. The flower beast actually withstood the impact and heat of the entire explosion. This time, the energy it absorbed was enough for it to fully wake up.

Isis noticed this scene and frowned slightly.

"Ah, this guy Abaddon is such a troublesome guy, forget it."

That flower beast can be considered an existence on Godzilla's side, but it's just not very obedient.

Godzilla cells are like this. When a Godzilla cell derivative absorbs energy to a certain level, it will become an independent subspecies of Godzilla.

This setting is very common in Japanese Godzilla, and the legendary Godzilla has also been passed down. The competitive relationship between Titans and Titans was changed from this relationship.

"Master Ke, I'd like to trouble you one more time. Teleport that flower beast to the Blackstone Fortress. Now, that guy is Abaddon's trouble."

Master Croca opened his eyes again.

Along with a burst of dazzling spiritual light, the Flower Beast, who had just eaten and drank, was teleported to the Blackstone Fortress. Don't worry that the Blackstone Fortress can't accommodate him. Compared with the size of the Blackstone Fortress, which is more than several hundred kilometers away, this Flower Beast is still inferior. Too much.

However, when the Chaos believers on the Blackstone Fortress saw the arrival of the flower beast, all of them had ugly expressions.

And the flower beast was not polite, swinging out the huge vines several meters thick, flying away all the surrounding creatures and materials.

Among them was a Word Bearer's Dreadnought Mecha. The poor Dreadnought Mecha was just like chopping melons and vegetables against the Space Marines, but in front of the flower beast, not even its vines could stop it.

If the Ultramarines see this scene, they will definitely award the flower beast with a Macragge's Glory badge!

As Isis said, now this is Abaddon's trouble.

"Warmaster! A huge creature was teleported to the Blackstone Fortress."

"If there are any creatures, deal with them!!!"

"But, he is too big, he is taller than the Emperor Titan! Even the Dreadnought was knocked away!!!"

"What are you talking about?! Taller than an Emperor-level Titan? You must have taken too many Slaanesh drugs! How can there be a creature bigger than an Emperor-level Titan?!"

How big is the Emperor Titan? It is a huge divine machine that can carry a cathedral on its shoulders. The Knight Mecha is probably only the size of its feet.

No one would believe that a creature could be bigger than an Emperor-class Titan.

"Warmaster, it's true! I swear to the Four Gods!!!"


Abaddon had a huge headache. He couldn't let the Blackstone Fortress be destroyed.

"Let the demon alliance of the four gods fight against that giant beast! Demons are endless, and the lives of our warriors cannot be used in meaningless consumption. Also, let the Emperor-level Titans be prepared. If the war goes against them, they Also go to the battlefield!”

Abaddon's Black Legion only has three Emperor-class Titans.

These are all antiques from the Horus Heresy, and all the other Emperor-level Titans were lost in these ten thousand years of fighting.

Emperor-level Titans are not something you can just create.

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