Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 68: Does the empire still have assassins as a unit?


The cruiser exploded into gorgeous fireworks in the universe, and countless pieces of the cruiser fell like meteorites to the prison world next to it, along with Godzilla.

He didn't die.


'I can't fly!!!'

Godzilla waved his claws, trying to grab something, but it was obvious that no one could help him at this time. Under the watchful eyes of the Slaanesh fleet, Godzilla began to rub against the atmosphere of the prison world to produce sparks.

The problem of Godzilla not being able to fly cannot be overcome in a short period of time.

Isis was not in a hurry.

Because they were also going to land in this world.

At this moment, Lucius the Immortal was leading the Slaanesh Noise Warriors and the Slaanesh Devil to torture the prisoners in the prison world. Before the Black Crusade began, they were going to hold a grand banquet to offer sacrifices to the Prince of Pleasure.

The entire prison world might not be as grand as Fulgrim's party, but it was not much different.

Those criminals and jailers, both men and women, were immersed in extreme pleasure at the moment.

In a burst of purple air, everyone was immersed in their own pleasure.

It was normal now, but soon these pleasures would not be able to satisfy their desires. They would crave more, more stimulation that could bring them smiles and pleasure, spikes, claws, tickling, etc.

It doesn't matter, soon, they will not be happy anymore.

Godzilla slammed into the surface of the prison world with a thud. Even for Godzilla, this hit was a bit painful.

From the smoke and dust, Godzilla slowly got up.

‘It's landed. ’

Godzilla moved his body and looked into the distance.

Most of the prison world is uninhabited wasteland, only a small area is suitable for living, and Godzilla's target is that small area.

‘By the way, why didn't the system issue the task? ’

[No hurry, the monster unit hasn't been released yet. ]

‘Okay, don't forget the task reward anyway. ’

Godzilla began to move towards the prison world’s base. The prison on this planet has only more than 10 million people. Don’t ask why there are so few. GW’s mathematics is difficult to explain.

At the same time, there is already a small-scale Imperial Commando on this planet.

This small-scale Imperial Commando is composed of Space Wolves, Howling Griffins, Iron Knights and other chapters of Space Marines, Astra Militarum, Inquisition, Mechanicus Tech Priests and Death Cult Assassins. The purpose is also very clear.

That is to overload the prison world’s energy supply system and destroy the planet from the inside.

This lineup is quite gorgeous.

At this moment, they just took a shuttle and arrived on the surface of this week not long ago.

The Tech Priests are opening the door to the prison world. Oh, I forgot to say here that the surface of the prison world is not suitable for survival. Their buildings are underground, which is a huge complex of buildings.

Similar to the bottom nest of the hive city.

"How long will it take?" asked the Space Wolves’ Space Marines.

"It is expected that the gate to the underground can be opened in 3 minutes and 26 seconds."

As the Tech-Priest operated, binary codes flashed on the Thinker, and the gate in front of the Imperial Commando was slowly starting.

Just as everyone was waiting for the gate to open, the Genesis and the shattered cruiser fragments broke into the atmosphere, startling the members of the commando.

"Emperor, have those traitors noticed us?"


A Tech-Priest looked at the Genesis and seemed to see the difference in this ship.

"That is not a demon ship. The Tech-Priest's message can be heard on the radio channel."

"I'll go and see."

The Death Cult assassin, a woman wearing a red and black tights and a spiked mask, suggested: "If they are on the side of the demons, I will kill them all."

The Death Cult, this religion may not be known to many people in Warhammer 40K. You can understand that they are assassins infected by Chaos, and most of these assassins will be executed in secret.

But a few still retain their loyalty to the Emperor, and dedicate their killing skills to the Emperor's victory, so that all those who owe blood debts to the Emperor will get retribution. They are excellent infiltrators and executioners.

The Genesis stopped not far from the gate. It is difficult for this huge ship to land and take off multiple times in a short period of time.

Now, they have to be divided into two teams.

Needless to say, the team that goes out is Isis and a large number of lizardmen.

Captain Wade also sent out imperial soldiers who are willing to follow the lizardmen. They may not believe in Godzilla, but they understand that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Even Captain Wade himself is ready to go to the battlefield with a chainsaw sword in one hand and a hot melt gun in the other.

Isis did not stop it. She seemed to know what would happen next. She silently asked these imperial soldiers in the 30K period to follow her. The mighty army of lizardmen began to move towards the buildings of the prison world.

Soon, the assassins of the Death Cult saw this army.

At the same time, Godzilla in the distance also met Isis and his men. Isis followed behind Godzilla and would not go beyond a single step.

"It's an alien creature I've never seen before, and that big guy, he's really big."

Godzilla's large size made the assassin dare not act rashly.

No matter how skilled the assassins are in killing, they would not fight a behemoth over 50 meters tall.

But it's hard to say about those humanoid alien creatures.

"Why do the soldiers of the empire walk with these aliens? Have they betrayed? No, even if they will betray, those technical priests will not betray easily."

Among the Lizardmen's team, the Death Cult assassins also saw technical priests. Those technical priests' mechanical prostheses held huge ax guns and plasma pistols. They were obviously not ordinary civilian members in terms of combat power.

It is extremely difficult to corrupt a Tech-priest, whose loyalty to the God of All Machines is even greater than that of the Emperor.

The Death Cult assassin wanted to continue investigating, but Isis's gaze suddenly came over, surprising her.

By the time the Death Cult assassin tried to run away, it was already too late.

A sound broke through the air, and the Death Cult assassin dodged at a speed that exceeded that of the Astartes. However, she dodged the thorns that were shot, but failed to dodge the throwing ropes that followed.

The sling bound her legs. The seemingly fragile sling had extremely high toughness. Her legs could break the neck of an Astartes, but they could not break free of the thumb-thick rope.

However, she also has her own special methods.

The leg muscles contract and you can break free from any shackles in a matter of seconds.

But she ran out of time.

Following the teleportation light, Isis descended from the sky and pressed the Death Cult assassin's head into the ground.

Ordinary people would most likely give up struggling when faced with such a blow with their legs tied, but the Empire's assassin was different. She had already shrunk her legs into a small form within a few seconds, and moved her legs in a way that ordinary people couldn't. Flexibility, reverse kick.

If the sharp points on the toes pierce the flesh, even the head of a green-skinned orc will be penetrated.

But the power of psychic energy firmly fixed the blow she kicked.

Isis' fingers traced the assassin's tights. She looked at the imperial assassin with a good figure and said with interest: "Oh, your skills are quite good, especially those spikes on your body." , and it’s poisonous.”

"Lord Isis, what happened?"

Seeing that Isis beside him suddenly disappeared, Captain Wade quickly asked in the communication channel.

He knew that Isis could hear and, as a psyker, she could even see into the future.

"There is an Imperial assassin watching us."

"Assassin of the Empire?"

Captain Wade did not have an assassin as a unit in his mind. Assassins were only trained during the apostasy period. As a person from the 30K period, he had no idea who an assassin was.

But judging from his name, he should be a very dangerous person.

"Wait a minute, you said the Empire's assassins still have troops on this planet?"

"There should be. It depends on whether you can ask the assassin."

As she spoke, Isis pulled off the assassin's mask with her hand, and stuffed the tip of her tail directly into the assassin's mouth.

The assassin was pretty good-looking, with blond hair and blue eyes, and no obvious implants on his body.

Looking at the entire empire, you can rarely find humans without implants in their bodies.

Isis's tail stirred in the assassin's mouth. She smiled and said, "It's not okay to take poison. I want to live."

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