I have to coo tonight.

I'm really sorry that I haven't recovered from my illness. After I got home from the injection (butt injection), I can't really write anything while sitting in front of the computer, and my butt hurts so much.

To be honest, I overestimated my physical fitness. I told everyone about the situation two days ago, and some book friends told me to rest for two days and pay attention to my health.

As a result, I felt pretty good and quite sober after taking the medicine, so I didn’t take it seriously and wrote for two days. The result was that I thought I was almost healed, but it turned out to be even more serious and uncomfortable.

Well, it’s just my misunderstanding (sub-health is really not good...)

However, I have already made an agreement with one of my buddies. In November, I will make a RMB 10,000 with him (this product is ordered for RMB 10,000), and those who fail to earn RMB 10,000 per day will have to pay each other RMB 50.

With this punishment mechanism and my hard work in November, this book can become a high-quality book, so I will work harder to update it in November.

Various things happened during this period, which caused the initial million to be ruined later, which is not good.

Therefore, please urge me in November.

For the sake of my 50 yuan, please supervise me!

This month, this is the third time I have asked for leave.

In addition, I only updated about 3,000 words in two days. Although there were times when the number was 10,000, in general, I was still lazy.

But... I didn’t save the manuscript, I’m really sorry everyone, woo woo woo (.`)

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