Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 33: Examination from the Battle Group

The piercing alarm was sounded again, but unlike the last time it spread throughout the Titan base, this time the alarm was only conveyed through the encrypted line from the Supreme Grand Master Walden to the offices of the other seven Grand Masters.

After receiving the reminder from the black communicator representing the emergency, the mentors rushed from all over the base.

Calvin stood at the door of the Grand Master's office, looking at each other with the two full-time bodyguards of the Grand Master, the Paladins who were also the champions of the group. As the great masters continued to arrive in the corridor, more and more paladins remained guarding the door.

These senior officers, who wear Holy Shield Terminator power armor every day, have serious faces and hurried steps.

In Calvin's eyes, they had no expression or communication throughout the whole process. Before entering the office, they all looked at Calvin with cautious eyes for a few seconds.

Calvin didn't feel much about this. He had just survived the transformation surgery and had no chance to understand the management structure of the Chapter.

He just instinctively sensed the impact of this incident from the abnormal gathering of senior officers who were qualified to be assigned full-time bodyguards.

In the office, behind the huge long stone table, all 8 instructors were present.

Everyone looked serious, as if the events they were experiencing at this time were about to affect the fate of this eight-thousand-year-old war group, and this was indeed the case.

Including the two representatives of the Order of the Holy Knights and the Order of the Purifiers who seldom appeared, 8 senior officers, who were also the actual "talkers" of the Gray Knights, spoke without saying a word in the supreme palace. Mentor Walden and "Silver Blade" Grand Mentor Aidan were constantly patrolling.

They needed someone to admit for themselves that what they heard over the communicator was not a joke, right now, and the sooner the better.

After everyone arrived, the Supreme Master Walden looked at the whole place, and then looked at the light on the left hand side that represented the signal shielding equipment in operation. The equipment was operating normally.

He finally looked at Aidan, who was sitting on the seat representing the Silver Blade, and said:

"Come on, tell us everything you know."

Aidan was a little distracted, but after hearing Walden's voice, he got rid of his slightly exhausted mental state after being highly excited. After adjusting his appearance, he solemnly looked at all his comrades present and said:

"Your throne is upon you! We rely on the Emperor's blessing! The person we have been looking for for 8,000 years since the founding of the army, the Primarch who can provide us with the gene-seed that belongs only to the Gray Knights, has been found."

Before he finished speaking, Watts, the Grand Master from Victory Blade, suddenly stood up. He didn't bother to apologize to the Supreme Master for his gaffe, and asked Aidan directly:

"You need to be responsible for your words and deeds. This is not a topic that can be joked about!"

Aidan looked at the Supreme Master, and after receiving permission, he took out all the information on Calvin that was originally stored in the hands of the pharmacist team from behind, raised the document in his hand, and showed it to everyone present:

"You have already seen the previous information. What I have in my hands now are the test results of cells that the pharmacist urgently extracted from Calvin! His cell activity and characteristics have indeed reached more than 20% of the original blood, and they are still growing! "

Enough evidence proves the result that everyone has been thinking about but dare not confirm, and this result points to the ironclad fact: this curse-like nightmare that has surrounded the entire Gray Knights since the end of 31K, it is time it's over.

Watts imagined that in the days after possessing the Primarch, within 100 years, no, at least 70 years, more than 1,000 gene seeds would be sent back to the Chapter from Mars.

Due to the regiment's strict recruitment standards, the transplantation success rate of these seeds may reach a terrifying 90% or more!

Just a hundred years! There will be 900! No, even 1,000 new blood were added to the battle group!

The chapter's personnel structure, which was on the verge of collapse, will be greatly supplemented!

This is only the first hundred years. After that, more seeds will create more new blood, which will be continuously replenished.

Such an abundant supply of troops even reminded him, who was in charge of fleet management, of the dozen or so brand-new cruiser strike ships in Titan's star port that had been sealed off due to lack of personnel since they left the factory!

These were part of the equipment agreement signed with Mars under the Emperor himself, and Watts had always felt guilty for not being fully used. Even the nameless Glory Queen-class battleship that came from the Jupiter-imitation Mars Iron Ring shipyard and was secretly recruited by Prime Minister Malcador to be parked behind Saturn when it was first built...

Thinking of this, he stood up excitedly and looked at the Chief Grand Master Walden who was sitting on the seat representing the Sword Bearer Order and said:

"Then what are we waiting for? Are we treating our original body like this? Let him stand alone outside the door of the chapter meeting room? Waiting for our verdict? How can you desecrate him like this!" The voice was almost close to the end. roar.

The Supreme Master Walden looked at Watts gently, and his calm voice came from his mouth:

"Calm down, my brother. You need to think more about how we should face him. Face a Primarch, our Primarch"

Watts was speechless. He looked at Walden speechless.

Yes, a Primarch, a Primarch who lived in the 39th millennium.

Walden's words continued: "Imagine it, my brother. After at most three hundred years, most of the brothers in the war group will come from his seeds. And these seeds with psychic genes, These brothers will recognize their father at the first sight of him. Attuned to soul and psionic power, they will be more loyal to their genetic father than any other Legion. Under his guidance, we will charge against all his enemies..."

Walden doesn't need to talk about the rest. Watts, who is already in charge of ships and equipment, understands the meaning very well.

In the era of 39K, besides those brothers in the Terra Palace, who else has enjoyed the unlimited supply of equipment from Mars for 8 consecutive millennia?

Only the Gray Knights.

Who else can pull out more than 5,000 sets of Terminator power armor at once?

Only the Gray Knights.

Who else can accumulate more than tens of thousands of pieces of finely crafted power armor with the rigid supply of quantities every year for 8,000 years on Mars?

Only the Gray Knights.

The wealth that has been accumulated over the years could only be guaranteed by the maintenance personnel before.

And immediately after it was transported from Mars to Saturn, it was put into a warehouse and never saw the light of day without even breaking the seal. Watts had been worried about this matter a lot in the past few days.

But the Gray Knights' "little treasury" is more than just that.

In the distant edge of the Terra star system, there are still a huge number of mortal troops.

Those mortal auxiliaries who participated in the demonic battlefield due to recruitment. The numbers in the millions accumulated during the long battle were too large for the Gray Knights to handle directly.

In the end, it can only be placed in some hidden planetary worlds after brainwashing, waiting for the occasional call from the Gray Knights.

The above, coupled with the battleships that Watts directly managed, finally completed the final piece of the puzzle in his mind.

He groaned out a word that had not been seen for a long time: "...Legion?"

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