Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 24 Receiving and Hunting Time

Behind the headless body of Marcus the Word Bearer, Calvin gasped violently.

Black venous blood slowly overflowed from his nose and fell to the ground drop by drop along the mask from his chin.

Compared with the Astartes who underwent complex and expensive transformation surgeries, the transformation of Assassins like Calvin by the Assassin's Court was even more brutal and extreme.

No genetic modification, no organ transplantation. Only abused hormones and a body on the verge of collapse are the true faces of each Iverson assassin hidden behind his strength.

From the very beginning, these assassins' courts were built based on the product plan of disposable products. Obviously, the possibility of recycling and reuse was not considered in the plan.

There are not many Iverson assassins like Calvin who can successfully perform a mission without having his brain burned away by the boiling hormones in his body. It was also an unexpected surprise for the Assassin Court.

But this is the drawback of repeated use. His body is already on the verge of reaching its limit. Maybe the next battle will be the beginning of collapse.

But he still has one last use value, and that is himself. Calvin's blood has long been transformed into a highly acidic liquid, and his normal actions depend on the balance of specific hormones secreted by a gland implanted in his heart.

When the gland fails to detect Calvin's vital signs, it immediately stops working.

Within seconds, the strong acid throughout his body will erode through his muscles, and then the highly acidic blood will come into contact with the soft explosives that have been implanted under the muscles.

This "human fireworks" was Calvin's last loyalty to the empire. If he really gets that far.

After simply cleaning up the blood stains he left behind, Calvin began to rush towards the real target this time.

The target should already know of his existence, and there will be no chance for trickery. What awaits Calvin is a tough battle.

Inside the ruins, the three of them had apparently successfully obtained the piece of equipment. The captain carried it behind his back and kept it in his own hands, while the other two were protecting it on both sides. On the way back, the atmosphere among the three was obviously much more relaxed than before. In their eyes, after rendezvousing with the other two people as planned and returning to the waiting battleship in orbit, the mission was successfully completed.

"I hope White doesn't have too much fun. Otherwise we will have to wait a long time." Captain Kyle's voice came from the loudspeaker. The hometown of the five of them is Colchis, which is also the long-term cooperation between them. An important link.

As one of the few fellow villagers who have been together since they were recruits, it is not easy for these five people in the team to survive to this day. Although as time goes by as they enter the subspace, the emotions that belong to normal people in them become increasingly rare. But this friendship with fellow countrymen has always been an important pillar for Kyle to maintain himself.

"Marcus will tell him to keep it in check. That coward hasn't made any progress in so many years." Clifford, who was walking parallel to the left, said.

"Marcus is so courageous. If it weren't for you, Kyle, I couldn't believe that he would follow us to overthrow the false emperor!" Ma Wei, the Word Bearer on the right, said.

The three of them walked slowly to the entrance of the ruins in escort formation.

"Stop moving forward." Captain Kyle suddenly stopped and ordered.

The two team members subconsciously used auspicious instruments to check the surroundings. After the search was fruitless, Ma Wei asked in his hoarse voice filtered through the MKIV helmet loudspeaker. "What happened? Kyle?"

"Looking at your data filing, how long ago was the last time we received vital sign signals from White and Marcus?"

Captain Kyle, who was taller than the two brothers, asked the two team members after a brief thought.

"113 breathing cycles ago, brother Kyle." Clifford, who was behind Kyle, said first.

"Mine is 134. What do you want to say? Kyle?" Ma Wei, who was at the front of the team, also looked at the virtual screen on his helmet and glasses.

"There is no signal interference in this ruins. There has been no signal interference since landing. The range of activities of White and Marcus has not reached the maximum communication range. Their vital signs disappeared for no reason. I ordered, check the amount of ammunition. Enter alert status," captain Kyle said.

"Maybe it's an equipment failure? You are too suspicious, my brother." Although the Word Bearers in front of the team were still complaining, they did not stop checking the status of the weapons in their hands and taking inventory, nor did they stop walking.

"Two simultaneous equipment failures? You might as well believe that the false emperor can stand up from the toilet!" This was the answer from Kyle.

"Bang!" A dull crack sounded from Ma Wei's feet. An egg-shaped object half-buried in the mud with a similar color to the surrounding ones was crushed by Ma Wei, and a new green liquid burst out. The smell was not good, but it could definitely spread far away.

"What is this?" Ma Wei asked.

"Sword ruler spider eggs, we are in trouble!" Kyle said. The sword-foot spider, a large social creature with human-like intelligence, has an extremely developed sense of smell, and the smell of broken spider eggs will obviously attract revenge from the entire group.

He began to look nervously at the surrounding vegetation. The fluorescent grass unique to the ground was swaying quietly with the breeze, and the surrounding environment was temporarily quiet.

But there were already tiny sounds in the distance approaching quickly. The sound of dead leaves and rotten wood being pierced kept coming, and Kyle knew that they were in trouble.

But what concerned him more than this was that the person who placed this spider egg here waiting for them was there. That guy is the real threat.

They couldn't wait any longer. The spider swarm was getting closer and closer to them. Once surrounded by this group of giant spiders with corrosive saliva, Kyle could not guarantee that he would not be completely injured. Two of the five people were already alive and dead, and for the remaining two, Kyle felt he had an obligation to bring them back alive.

"Find some terrain with a backrest!" Kyle yelled. The spider group had already emerged from the grass, and seven giant spiders rushed out of the grass at the lead.

The furious giant spiders had the same goal and rushed directly towards Ma Wei. And in the grass behind them, there are more of the same kind coming towards them in the shadows.

"Here! Come closer to me!" Clifford on the left responded loudly, and started firing in short bursts with the bolt gun in his hand. The first wave of Sword Ruler Spiders were killed one after another under the cross fire between him and Ma Wei.

Kyle turned around and saw that behind Crisford was a huge rock the size of a rockery, standing next to the wide cave at the entrance to the ruins. He immediately looked back at Ma Wei on the other side. Hopefully he'll be able to join the two soon.

However, a black figure approached Ma Wei from behind. He was not greedy and tried to kill Ma Wei at once. Instead, after getting close enough, he launched an attack on the power backpack on the unsuspecting Ma Wei.

The power claw filled with blue shimmer opened a foot-long gap in the entire power backpack with just one blow. The position of the gap is very clever, right at the intersection of the power source and the backup power. The other party seems to know the structure of this device very well.

Then he struck away and disappeared into the tall grass in an instant, without giving Clifford and Kyle any chance to react in the distance.

Only Ma Wei was left standing there. The eyepiece on his helmet that gradually dimmed due to lack of energy showed the results of this attack.

"Damn bug!" Ma Wei, who was supposed to join his teammates due to the time difference gained by the firepower of his teammates. Just like this, due to the sudden attack, the entire electron beam muscles in the power armor that lost their energy supply quickly became stiff.

His steps began to falter, and the power armor that used to enhance himself now became heavy and full of resistance.

After taking only two steps in the direction of Kyle and Clifford, he fell into the attack of the subsequent spider swarm.

Kyle and Clifford looked at each other: "We must bring Mavey back. Otherwise, they will be defeated sooner or later." Kyle, who no longer cares about his face, has just sent a request for help to space, but the spacecraft in the meteorite belt has never been It takes at least 2 hours to receive the signal and approach the orbit to start a new airborne landing. He couldn't hope too much in return.

Looking from another angle on the battlefield, from the perspective of the assassin Calvin, he has successfully moved covertly behind Kyle. They waited silently for the opportunity for them to go to the rescue again. There is only one chance. Failure to kill the target left behind will completely encourage the opponent to give up on the lone target.

In the following time, it was almost impossible for him to have a chance to complete the mission. The other party had support, and he knew this very well; the assassin Calvin had no support, and he knew it very well.

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