"So, you just brought him back?"

After waking up, Aldeline and Cassin sat side by side in a corner of the rear cabin of the assault boat.

Lying at his feet was Calvin, who was still unconscious and his hands and feet were shackled.

In this agricultural world with twice the standard gravity, it can still grow to a height of more than 1.9 meters and a weight of more than 100 kilograms.

In terms of physical talent alone, Calvin can be said to be one of a million.

And this was precisely one of the reasons why Cassin, who was not wearing power armor, disliked him the most. After all, it took a lot of effort for her to move the cub to the Thunder Eagle.

The Thunderhawk assault craft does not make much noise when it is not performing assault missions. There is no other sound in the quiet cabin except the even hum of the engine.

But contrary to this quiet environment, the communication between the two nun captains was very "heated".

Everyone has a desire to communicate, and Sister Silence is certainly no exception.

There are times when the Sisters of Silence gossip, but after taking the vow of silence, they can only communicate in sign language.

And this communication method has some natural concealment and exclusiveness.

Do not believe? Right now:

"So, you just brought him back?"

"Otherwise? His spiritual power has clearly awakened. To leave it alone would be a blasphemy against our duties!"

"My sister Cassin, look at the ring on his hand. This is a noble! The planetary governor and the Senate will demand a reasonable explanation from us."

"So what? Sister Aldrin! We are the Emperor's Claws, we have no obligation to explain our actions to mortals!"

"However, the Emperor has been sleeping for a long time... Without his blessing, we cannot arrest a noble at will, let alone bring unnecessary pressure to the lady."

"The actions of the Sisters of Silence do not need to be explained to anyone! We are always only responsible to the Emperor!"

"But the damaged armor on your body needs it...

You also need weapons without bullets in your hands..."


Sister Cassin, who felt aggrieved, was speechless and had no choice but to turn her head away. Especially after your stomach makes untimely noises...

"Look, your hungry belly looks like it needs..."

Sister Aldeline, who was still a little weak in spirit, did not miss this opportunity and quietly applied the final blow.


Jiang Wen had a long, long dream.

He dreamed that he graduated from college, joined the army, got a job, and got married.

Then during a military exercise, he was injured.

Being disabled, he could no longer stay in the army he loved and had no choice but to change jobs.

The procedures for leaving the team were completed very quickly, and the procedures for changing jobs must not be too slow either.

The night before he left, he and his group leader, who was also his old squad leader, sat in the dormitory, working on 2 pounds of old white, and cried to each other all night long...

The next day, the division chief of staff who came to retain people after a meeting at the military headquarters and his old company commander gave him another option: the army's logistics personnel at the plateau training ground.

Although he really didn't want to trouble his old leader, what could he do when he entered society with his useless leg?

The high pension allows him not to worry about his life.

But will young people under the age of 30 enter retirement life early?

This is tantamount to announcing the death of his life...

Stay on the training ground, although there is no chance of returning to the first line.

But at least, he can still see the place where he once sweated every day - the place where he worked hard to break through the limits countless times, the unit where he once dreamed of the Trumpet Company Battalion!

In the dream, Jiang Wen accepted the job and worked for 30 years.

From youth to old age, from young ginger to old ginger, from monitor to senior monitor.

After all the new recruits had retired from the army and changed careers, no one knew him anymore.

Lao Jiang became Lao Jiang and could no longer hear even a word from the monitor.

New recruits who often go to the shooting range for rotation training all know that there is an old man at the shooting range who is always smiling and very friendly.

And every recruit who has just joined the company and is on night duty for the first time is also looking forward to the sip of chicken soup that Lao Jiang delivers to the night guard as usual. It is really delicious...

During the day, Lao Jiang is always smiling, as if nothing can trouble him.

The recruits are also willing to complain to this old man who doesn't tell lies, complain about the difficulty of training, and say a few words about what's on their mind.

But who knows how much Lao Jiang envies these new recruits behind his back...

Who knows how many times the corners of Lao Jiang’s eyes got wet every night when he watched his cripple fall asleep...

Fast forward 15 years, and Lao Jiang has long since retired.

Old Jiang in the rest house is still smiling all day long. Among the stubborn veterans, he is the only one who is easy to talk to.

But he knew in his heart that he had never changed.

His burning heart that was willing to defend his family and country had never been cold.

In the blink of an eye, it’s another 10 years.

The 75-year-old Jiang's health finally failed.

While he was dying, his wife and children stood outside the window of the ICU.

In his eyes that he struggled to open, he was anxiously worried that his partner and children could be seen outside the window.

Throughout his life, his family was harmonious and his children were filial.

Ordinarily, he shouldn't have any regrets.

But he just refused to accept it!

He lived a simple life, and he never thought about success in the worldly sense.

He really just wants a chance to defend his home and country!

Jiang Wen, whose breathing was getting harder and harder, knew that his time was running out.

The doctor asked his family members to come in and wait for his last words, but he was satisfied enough with his family and had nothing to say.

But when he saw his comrades who came to see him off for the last journey, he still tried his best to squeeze out the last breath from his shriveled lungs:


No matter how long the journey is, it has an end.

After a 40-minute flight, the nuns finally arrived at the starting point of their mission: the Mariachi, a black spacecraft docked in orbit and flying synchronously.



The heavy Imperial military boots made a "friendly" contact with the young man's head.

Jiang Wen, who had just woken up, fainted again...

Apparently, Sister Cassin, who was in a bad mood due to her senior's advice, was a little too harsh on the source of the trouble.

But no matter which universe, women always have some small privileges in this regard.

So the navy staff who came to help with the transportation tacitly chose to ignore this small episode.

It's definitely not because of the 22.5mm caliber bolter or anything, absolutely!

The glorious and heroic Imperial Navy is fearless even when facing the evil god!

How could he succumb to this "little" threat of force?

As for the Seiko power sword and the Calgar flamethrower, let alone it!

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize again here: the heroic Imperial Navy will never bow to violence!


The hangar door slowly closed.

As the gravity and air pressure in the deck quickly recovered, Cassin, who had just stepped off the Thunderhawk, saw the secretary who had been waiting beside the hangar:

A newly-consecrated nun, Natasha Goncharova.

"My lady ordered me to tell you to go to her office on the first floor of the chapel behind the bridge, where she will wait for you," the clerk said.

"I obey the order. So, where is he?" After Kasin performed the Sky Eagle Salute, he kicked Jiang Wen at his feet.

"Send him to the cell first and wait for the hive to transmit his basic information.

According to the process, there will be further purity tests waiting for him.

If there are no problems, the lady will decide his next step after the grading report comes out. "

"Okay, let's go first"...

Jiang Wen, or Calvin. When he woke up, he regained consciousness not long after being kicked unconscious.

The ability to resist blows brought by his strong body like a bear in this life and the tenacious will developed from years of high-intensity training in frontline troops in his previous life all make his quick awakening seem natural.

Calvin was observing the surrounding environment with squinting eyes. He needed to pretend to be comatose to buy as much time as possible to regain his mobility, and at the same time, he was waiting for the servitor to unlock his shackles.

The light and long breathing and gentle heartbeat made the servitors who transported him and the naval officers guarding him relax their vigilance.

The subtle twitching of his limbs that were too light to be seen represented that he was trying to get familiar with the body that he took over 14 years late.

Maybe the next moment, Calvin, who finds an opportunity to make an outburst, will have the opportunity to grab a weapon.

The pistol-like thing pinned to the waist of the naval officer one step away from Calvin looked very good.

Although the thing in front of me is two times larger than the pistol in the previous life, it is also full of unfamiliar technology.

But compared with Jiang Wen, who was less than 1.8 meters tall in his previous life, isn't he, Calvin, just like a shotgun for a cannon?

There are only a few key points of this thing, the switch, safety, and trigger, that's all. It doesn't work. It's pretty handy to use it as a hammer, right? perhaps?

The naval officer who had been silent next to him, after watching the two nuns leave, took out a tobacco-like thing and lit it, then relaxed and leaned against the container behind him.

He blew out a smoke ring leisurely and said to Calvin, who was still lying on the ground pretending to be dead:

"Okay young man, I learned how to pretend to be stunned when I first participated in naval physical training. If I were you, I would get up by myself and let go of the two servitors who are about to fall apart."

"Gan! I met a colleague!"

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