Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 97 The Great Trial

Thinking of this, Ron couldn't help but sigh.

This is not His Majesty the Divine Emperor's powerful spiritual power. This is his old man's love for him.

Praise the God-Emperor!

After sighing with emotion, Ron quickly finished dressing up with the help of the maids and headed to the restaurant.

After arriving at the restaurant, Ron asked the maid to call in Carter, Ari, Keith and others who had been waiting for a long time.

He was going to have a meal with his soldiers and listen to the battle report.

The restaurant in the Spire Mansion has been remodeled to accommodate more people, and the decoration is much more friendly.

After major events and wars, dining with the courtiers has become an unwritten rule in the Spire Mansion.

Ron wanted to maintain communication with the important ministers under his command as much as possible and listen to their suggestions.

Suppose he is always aloof, hiding in the mansion at the top of the tower, refusing to communicate with his ministers.

If this continues, problems will arise.

Once there is a communication problem between the lord and his ministers, or even a serious misunderstanding, the trouble will be big.

The God-Emperor made this mistake before.

After the Great Crusade, the God-Emperor placed military power in the hands of the Primarchs and the new Warmaster Horus.

He retired to Holy Terra and formed the original Council of Terra to handle political affairs.

The God-Emperor hid in the huge laboratory below the palace, conducting his secret experiment-building a huge and great psychic machine.

In this way, we can make use of the network channel left over from the ancient times that connects subspace and the real world.

All this was done in secret, and he never communicated with the Primarch or Warmaster Horus, not even to his closest personal followers.

Regardless of the reason, this series of actions of the God-Emperor planted seeds of doubt.

The Primarchs, especially Horus, were furious, feeling let down by the Emperor, their father!

Why was their opinion not consulted by the Emperor, and why did they not have a seat at the Council of Terra?

The Emperor betrayed his generals and gave power to damned bureaucrats and sycophantic Martian experts!

The seeds of doubt gradually sprouted and grew into towering trees, eventually leading to the betrayal of Horus and the Digital Primarchs.

The rebellion plunged the galaxy into war and left the Emperor himself severely wounded, forcing him to sit on the Golden Throne to make amends.

In short, the consequences of communication problems are very serious, and lessons must be learned!

The damage caused to the Imperium by the Heresy initiated by Horus continues to this day, thousands of years later, and has never healed.

And the great rift across the galaxy tore the empire's wounds deeper.

The empire's territory was split into two, and countless planets fell to the dark side.

The waves of Chaos from the Warp surged in.

Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh.

The four evil gods, their demons, fallen primarchs, and their respective traitorous legions corrupted planet after planet.

The empire was retreating steadily under the influence of Chaos.

The number of alien invasions within the empire has increased exponentially.

The green-skinned orcs called the big crack Gorge's Smile, and under the influence of the power of destruction, they became even more violent.

They launch one "WAAAAGH!" after another.

Tyranid fleets continue to arrive across the galaxy, and the activities of the Genestealer Cult spread like wildfire.

More and more of the human world is becoming a delicacy for the Great Devourer.

The Necron dynasty awakened from its slumber and began to clean up those alien life forms that dared to occupy their territory.

They want to regain their own galactic hegemony.

As for the Tau people who believe in the "Greater Good", don't worry about them for the time being.

In short, the Milky Way is now in chaos.

The empire is besieged on all sides and is in turmoil. It is a miracle that it can survive without collapse.

Today's empire is in desperate need of a benevolent and powerful leader to turn the tide.

That man was Robert Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, the Thirteenth Son of the Emperor, and the future Regent.

By this time, Papa Smurf Guilliman should be awake, right?

As a member of mankind, Ron is deeply worried about the future future and fate of the empire.

Alas, that's it for now, let's eat first.

If the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up. The fate of the empire is not something he can worry about at this stage.

Now he can keep his life and grow steadily, thank God.

Now that the upper nest has been recovered, the next goal is to recover the lower nest.

After regaining the lower nest, we can basically announce that we have recovered the planet.

The other three hives besides the main hive are basically construction factories and have small populations, so they can be easily recovered.

With its subspace nature, its strength will grow exponentially as its population expands.

At least before a big crisis comes, you must have some ability to protect yourself.

Ron was thinking confusedly.

Soon, Carter, Ari, Keith and others, who had been washed and disinfected in the cleaning room, came to the restaurant to meet the governor.

Let’s deal with the matter at hand first.

Ron dined with Carter and others, listened to their battle reports, and was very satisfied.

He heard that Ya Rui had adopted a child and wanted to send him to Zhongsi Academy.

The maid was specially asked to bring in the little girl named Maya.

This makes Ya Rui feel honored. The Governor is so kind to him.

Maya looked at the Governor timidly, and kept drooling at the exquisite food on the table, her little head almost spinning like a top.

But she didn't reach out rashly. She could eat only with the permission of the governor in front of her.

Seeing this, Ron felt interesting and grabbed a frosted poro cookie and handed it to her:

"What are you afraid of? Just eat whatever you want!"

Maya put the biscuit into her mouth, and was suddenly confused by the fragrance, feeling dizzy.

Simply delicious.

Ron looked at Maya, no wonder Ya Rui would adopt this little guy, it was indeed quite lovable...

After the meal, everyone followed Ron to the Sacred Square.

By the time Ron and others arrived, the execution platform had been set up, and spectators from all walks of life who came to watch the execution were in place.

At the same time, patrol drones were sent to various areas of Shangchao to broadcast real-time reports, striving to let all people in Shangchao area know about this great trial.

This trial was not only a punishment for heretics and traitors, but also a warning.

Anyone who betrays the Royal Court District and the Governor will be severely punished!

More importantly, it allows people to vent their emotions.

Ron's telepathy could sense that the suffering people in the upper nest area were suppressing too many negative emotions.

Such emotions seriously hinder the emergence of hope and may even become a breeding ground for chaos.

Such a trial tells the people:

The culprits who oppressed and tortured you and made your life so miserable are those heretics and traitors, and they have nothing to do with the Wangting District.

Now that the Wang Ting District and the Governor who rescued the victims have avenged you, you will have a good life in the future!

A simple summary is to punish heretics and traitors, declare the unification of the upper nest area, and then promise various new policies that benefit the people.

In order to achieve the purpose of letting people vent their emotions.

This is what the Great Judgment is about.

On the execution platform, heretics and traitors such as Yusef, the leader of the Gray Wolf war gang, were placed on special torture instruments, awaiting their final fate.

Soon, the great trial begins.

Bishop Doni came out to announce the inhuman crimes of these people, and sentenced them to execution in the name of the God Emperor and the Royal Court District.

Ron then pulled down the mechanical valve in front of everyone.

The punishment begins!

This mixed punishment of electrocution and burning lasted for a full hour.

As the heretics and traitors were tortured, the people wept bitterly.

They cursed the culprits who brought them suffering and vented their emotions to their heart's content.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel grateful to the Wang Ting District and the Governor who saved them.

In the end, the heretic traitor was reduced to ashes in extreme pain.

Then Ron came out to speak to everyone, officially announcing the recovery of the Upper Nest area, and promising a better life to the people.

When the trial ended, Ron could feel that most of the people's suppressed emotions had been lifted.

More and more power of hope is gathering, and one million more power of hope has been gathered.

With the blessing of the power of hope, Ron's strength further increased.

Moreover, he was able to perform another blessing!

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