Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 73 Rebuilding the Mechanicum's branch on Erth

Only with the technical support of the Mechanicum can the Wangting District be better developed.

Of course, this nominal branch of the Cult Mechanicus on Erth must be completely obedient to Ron.

With Moss, an absolutely loyal robot as the leader, there shouldn't be any problems with loyalty.

Call welcomed Ron and Moss into the house.

As soon as they sat down, a drone made of a man's skull floated over to them holding a cup.

I saw that its skull was covered with mechanical structures, the engine oil was evenly applied, and the mechanical claws on its body were smooth and translucent.

It hands each person a cup and then protrudes a tube from its mouth.

The pipe clicked, and a cup of oily tea of ​​unknown origin was poured into the cup.

There's a cup for everyone.

Kaul warmly entertained:

“Your Majesty the Governor, Your Excellency the Sage, please have a taste.

This is a mechanical fuel drink inherited from our Sali family. It is said to be a secret recipe given by a certain saint.

It's very delicious, and it's very helpful for sensing machine souls..."

As he spoke, he drank it all in one gulp, seemingly enjoying it.

Ron looked at the cup of tea and didn't dare to drink it.

Are you afraid it's not engine oil?

Those technical priests not only transformed body organs on a large scale, but even replaced blood with special substances to extend life.

Who knows what weird stuff they might drink.

Then, he saw Moss next to him pick up the tea cup and drink the drink in the cup.

After Moss drank it, his whole body seemed to be smooth. He nodded and praised:

"Nice drink, praise the God of all opportunities!"

Ron:? ? ?

Can your kid eat too?

When Moss finished his drink, the skull drone floated over to give him a refill.

Kaul saw Moss looking at the skull drone with curious eyes, so he introduced it enthusiastically:

"Lord Sage, I specially modified this, isn't it good?"

Dang Dang.

As he spoke, he reached out and patted the smooth and translucent forehead of the skull drone, feeling quite proud:

"To tell you the truth, this is my father!"

? ? ?

Ron was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

Kaul meant that the skull belonged to his father.

Ron was a little numb.

This guy Kaur really didn't regard himself as an outsider. He actually asked his father to pour tea for him in person.

In fact, Ron knew what this skull drone was, it was a servo skull.

To put it simply, the Servo Skull is the universal drone of the Empire, serving various institutions of the Empire, including the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Servo skulls can be used for various purposes, such as battlefield communications, ammunition replenishment, mechanical assistants, etc.

Especially the powerful technical priests in the Mechanicum, they like to modify and strengthen the servo skull in various ways.

It even comes with powerful weapons, shields, force fields, etc.

That's similar to how the rich people in Ron's world liked to modify sports cars.

That's a sign of strength and technical ability.

In addition, the skull is a symbol of human purity, so the empire often likes to use human skulls to make servo skulls.

And not everyone's skulls can be used as raw materials. Only the Emperor's most loyal servants are qualified to donate skulls.

Therefore, within the Empire, especially within the Adeptus Mechanicus, it is a symbol of honor that the head can be made into a servo skull after death.

This is why Call is so proud to introduce his father, the Servo Skull.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Kaul is shameless.

According to the information Ron obtained, before his death, Call's father desperately wanted his head to be made into a servo skull.

But in view of his "excellent" performance during his lifetime, Wang Ting District would be merciful if he was not tried, and he was not qualified to be used as the raw material for the servo skull.

But now it seems that Caul secretly made his father's skull into a servo skull, which can be regarded as fulfilling his father's wish.

But that has not been verified by formal departments.

In other words, Call secretly obtained a "false certificate" for his father, and shamelessly showed off in front of Ron, the governor.

And in his memory, it seems that Call's father also secretly made his grandfather into a servo skull.

Also undocumented.

This may be Sally's family tradition.

Ron suddenly felt inexplicably tired.

Forget it, after all, you chose the person, just pretend you don't know about it.

I'll go back and ask the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to fill in the files for Kaul's father.

However, Ron felt something was wrong.

This guy Kaur is a bit unreliable. You won't dig a big hole for him, right?

But now there is no better choice.

What he wanted was Caul's audacity.

After a few pleasantries, Ron went straight to the point and proposed the idea of ​​funding the reconstruction of the Mechanicum branch of Erth.

This idea was strongly endorsed by Moss and Kaul.

Moss is To.

But Caul really wanted to join the Rebuild Mechanicus branch, and he couldn't wait any longer.

After all, he is eager to confirm his fake identity and become a real technical priest in order to rebuild the glory of his family.

As for strength, after all, his grandfather is a mechanical sage.

He, Sali Kaur, perfectly inherited the mechanical academic ideas of his father and grandfather, and became even more outstanding.

Of course, for the Mechanicus, it is even more heretical.

But it doesn't matter. In Ron's opinion, those who can be loyal to the God Emperor are more loyal to themselves.

He is the pillar of the empire!

As for the reconstruction of the Mechanicus branch, does it need to be approved by the Mechanicus official?

Ron said he didn't need it.

When the Adeptus Mechanicus branch is established, there will be an official one, and then they will be reviewed internally by themselves!

There is absolutely no problem with this operation.

Although the Mechanicum nominally believes in the Omnissiah, there are numerous internal branches of belief and ideological differences.

Isn't there a saying: There are as many beliefs in the Mechanicum as there are stars in the sky.

Concept wars such as the famous "binary split" are fought out of the dog's mind.

Some powerful forge worlds even ignored the Mars headquarters and blatantly engaged in technological heresy.

Therefore, Ron didn't have to worry about the Mechanicum at all. He took advantage of the isolation of the big crack to seize the opportunity to set up a stall and get it done.

As long as it develops, anything can be said.

Soon, Ron reached an agreement with Mechanicus Moss and Tech-Priest Caul to select a site to rebuild the Mechanicus branch of Eth.

The general manager of the branch is Moss, and his assistant is Kaul.

At the same time, they will select suitable personnel for assessment, and those who pass will become members of the new branch.

Of course, this selection method is only temporary.

The future will be growing in culture tanks, using data links in the fetal stage, instilling an instinctive level of knowledge and getting to work quickly.

A few days later, the location selection for the Urth branch of the Mechanicus was completed, and Caul's machinery factory was chosen.

A statue of Omsenia, the great god of all machines, was erected at the entrance of the machinery factory.

The base of the statue is also engraved with the motto:

“Nothing should stop you from pursuing knowledge.

No one will stop you from pursuing and obtaining divine technology.

No one can stop you from standing under the seat of the God of All Machines! "

On the same day, Ron led officials from Wangting District to witness the official establishment of the Mechanicum branch.

Everyone held a prayer ceremony in front of Omseniya at the entrance of the machinery factory.

Moss pulled the wrench and flames ignited in the machine shop, igniting the engine.

Then the hymn sounded:

"Ring the bell once!

Push the lever to activate the piston and pump...

Ring the bell twice!

Push the button, start the engine, ignite the turbine, breathe life into...

Ring the bell three times!

Sing in unison to praise the God of all opportunities! "

Steam roared as the huge gears inside the machine factory turned.

The Cult of Mechanicus belonging to the planet Erth was officially established!

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