Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 63 The real miracle

Chapter 63 The real miracle!

The drunkard recovers and becomes fanatical:

"A miracle, this is a miracle!

His Majesty the God Emperor has appeared. The rumors...are true!

The Governor is the person chosen by His Majesty the God-Emperor, we are saved! "

The drunkard was once a nobleman in the upper nest and a loyal believer of the God-Emperor.

It was just that terrible disaster that completely destroyed him and his family, leaving him living on the streets.

He knelt down and pressed his head firmly to the ground, not daring to raise his head:

"God Emperor, please forgive me, a humble believer...

My piety and awe for you have never changed, and the radiance of your love will always shine on my soul! "

On the street, other people also saw the great icon and the warm golden light.

Everyone knelt down and devoutly offered their loyalty to His Majesty the God-Emperor, who is all-knowing and all-powerful.

He appeared during the most difficult time for the people of Ez, and He came to save us!

At this moment, the sacred square is filled with golden lions symbolizing the Grant family and the Empire's Aquila flags.

Dozens of cherubim flew in the sky, singing hymns in praise of the God-Emperor, and scattering flower petals and holy water.

On the periphery are the defense forces, judicial police and dozens of patrol drones responsible for defense.

Entrance to the Sacred Square.

Those activists who had the opportunity to enter the sacred square received their own wafers and holy water.

They were genuine wheat biscuits, not adulterated with any human protein, and a small glass of purified water.

Everyone must eat holy bread and holy water devoutly and purify their body and mind before they can enter the sacred square.

Those activists from the Lower Nest bit into the holy wafer with piety.

The moment their taste buds touched the wafer, they wept.

They and even their ancestors have never tasted such a wonderful taste in their genes.

Because they didn't deserve it.

The only tastiest thing they could imagine was hard bread mixed with moldy sawdust and wheat husks.

That was a delicacy that could only be enjoyed in the golden age of Urth, under the rule of the old Governor Grant who loved his people like a son.

Even so, only a few people can eat it.

For most nesters, the only food they have for their entire lives is corpse starch.

Their taste buds are accustomed to dozens of unbearable complex flavors such as corpse starch, sourness, and odor.

So much so that when eating the pure holy bread, it is like a traveler in the desert who is about to die of thirst encountering a clear spring.

The feeling of satisfaction given by their genes instantly surged into their hearts, almost making them faint with happiness.

What a delicious wafer, pure and holy!

"Ah ah ah, delicious holy bread, long live the benevolent Governor!"

Alila stood at the front of their factory line, mouth bulging like a hamster, and shed tears of emotion.

Like other descendants, she swallowed the holy wafer thoroughly and savored it carefully before carefully holding up the cup of holy water and drinking it.

It was pure, unpolluted water, so sweet that Alila felt like her entire soul had been purified!

Suddenly, there was a buzz in the crowd, as if something important had happened.

Alila looked up following people's gaze and saw the golden statue of the God Emperor not far away.

Ah, the God Emperor has sent a miracle!

Most of the people who can come here are devout believers of the God Emperor.

Before the excitement of eating the holy bread and holy water subsided, they suddenly saw miracles, and many people fainted from excitement.

And more people knelt down and prayed.

For a while, the scene was chaotic and almost out of control.

Fortunately, Bayev had foreseen such a situation and had already formulated a response plan.

Relevant personnel soon came to rescue and maintain order.

Then direct these workers to enter the sacred square in an orderly manner according to the established time.

Compared to the bustle outside the venue, it was much quieter inside.

Those who can arrive at the venue in advance are basically the nobles and officials from the Wangting District.

These people survived the Great Purge and were the Governor's most loyal supporters.

The Rapp family were dressed in decent attire and stood at the front of the line.

Mattie was smiling and greeting the acquaintances of the nobles and officials, saying hello to each other.

It's been a long time since they had such a moment together.

This is especially true for Mattie. Ever since the rebels invaded the hive, she has never left the community again.

On the one hand, they are worried about safety issues, on the other hand, they are worried about being unseemly, which makes people see the embarrassment of the Rapp family.

This time when they came out to attend the Holy Ceremony, the Rapp family dug out the intact dress from the bottom of the box, had another good meal, and carefully put on makeup all morning.

Finally, he looked a little bit aristocratic.

Maddie was talking to someone, but golden light spread out, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed.

"Oh my god, His Majesty the Great God-Emperor has given a miracle. It must be the mercy of the Governor-General that moved His Majesty the God-Emperor!"

She urged Deville and Lilith to pay homage to His Majesty the God-Emperor.

Of course, they do not kneel down and kowtow as roughly as workers do, but have a complex set of rituals.

For a time, all the people in the venue were performing this complex ritual belonging to the believers of Eth Star.

Finally, they crossed their hands on their shoulders, closed their eyes and prayed to show their most sincere respect to His Majesty the God Emperor!

As workers and other teams entered, more and more people filled the sacred square.

At a glance, it looks like a dense swarm of ants.

When the sun rose completely, accompanied by Bishop Donny's prayer, the holy ceremony officially began!

The dense and noisy crowd fell completely silent.

The believers looked up at the great statue of the God Emperor.

He is so huge, majestic and solemn that its mere existence makes people feel extremely shocked and awe-stricken!

They followed Bishop Doni's instructions, took corresponding actions, and prayed devoutly to the icon of the God Emperor.

Their eyes were full of awe and determination, their bodies were trembling slightly with excitement, and their expressions were becoming more and more fanatical.

For His Majesty the God Emperor!

While the prayer ceremony in the Sacred Square was going on, Ron was also preparing nervously behind.

He could clearly feel that the power of hope was gathering above the square and throughout the territory, and the amount was staggering!

From dawn to now, the power of hope has increased by one hundred thousand points.

This proves that his method of gilding icons and man-made "miracles" was right, which greatly encouraged people and inspired hope in people's hearts!

However, only 100,000 points of hope are not enough!

To open the portal and enter the farm of the golden age of mankind in space, a full 200,000 points of hope power are needed.

Fortunately, this is just the beginning.

The real highlight of this holy ceremony is him, the ruler of this planet, the benevolent governor, and the savior chosen by the God-Emperor!

Immediately, he was going to face the poor people of Eth who were waiting for salvation.

At that time, he will perform a real miracle in front of everyone!

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