Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 43 Cleanup Operation

When night fell, Bayev had made all his battle plans.

The raid will be a joint operation by the Guards, Law Enforcers and Defense Forces.

Residential areas around the Sacred Square will be precisely cleaned to ensure the smooth progress of the "Emperor's Ascension Festival".

The targets of the cleanup operation were marked.

The most important targets are the evildoers carrying Chaos biological weapons.

They were executed by the Custodes.

The remaining evil criminals were eliminated by the defense force headed by Ya Rui.

As for the law enforcers headed by Claudius, they are responsible for dealing with murderers and street bullies who do not have much fighting ability.

and those involving believers who participate in heretical and evil rituals.

That's right, when Ron used psionic induction to find the "Broken Eye" secret cult cult members, he also marked these potential threats.

This made Bayev feel extremely impressed and even more terrified.

What a terrifying and omniscient power.

He is confident that after this operation, those residential areas will become one of the safest places to nest.

Of course it's only temporary, no one knows what terrible things will happen in the future.

After all the tasks were arranged, Carter, Ari, and Claudy walked out of the combat command room of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

They will lead their respective teams and carry special equipment to participate in tonight's battle.

The square in front of the Military Affairs Ministry was brightly lit.

A team of fifty-five imperial guards, five hundred elite defense forces, and one thousand law enforcers have been assembled.

"One-eyed dragon, how's it going?"

Keith had organized his team. When he saw Ya Rui coming out, he stepped forward and asked.

Ari stuffed the data pad into Keith's arms:

"Well, these are the guys we need to deal with. They are all extremely vicious evildoers!"

He opened his mouth and showed a ferocious smile: "You make the arrangements. Leave the toughest ideas to me. I can't wait to smash the buttholes of those scumbags!"

No matter where in the hive city, evildoers are the ones everyone can kill.

They are dangerous and disgusting.

The criminals like to kidnap women and children, torture them and then play with their bodies.

No one knows what kind of evil rituals they will use those corpses to perform, and what terrible demons they will summon.

In Ya Rui's view, evildoers are the most disgusting things in the world, even more disgusting than green-skinned farts!

The best way to deal with evildoers is to blow their buttholes to pieces, stuff a thermite bomb into their mouths, and send them to hell!

Not far away is a team of law enforcement officers. The bailiffs wear thick bulletproof armor and helmets.

They work in small teams.

The six-person team is a group, equipped with door breakers, automatic rifles, explosion-proof shields, steel batons, etc.

Inspector Claudy is nervously assigning tasks to his police sergeants.

This is the first time he has participated in a major operation since taking office.

It is said that the Governor personally led and commanded, so he must not make mistakes!

Otherwise, those bastards who are keeping an eye on his position will definitely seize this opportunity and take away the position of inspector!

"We must not let the criminals on the list escape, otherwise you damn bastards, get out of here and watch the streets!"

Claudie yelled at the Sheriffs.

The sergeants then repeated the same words to their team of bailiffs.

Under pressure from their superiors, the patrolmen of the judicial police team all deeply understood the significance of this operation.

This operation must go all out and no mistakes are allowed.

Otherwise, your job will be lost!

While other teams in the square were noisily conveying orders and formulating plans.

Fifty-five guards, headed by Carter, wiped their weapons and equipment in silence.

They are the most elite warriors in the Wangting District, and they have already engrained their respective goals in their minds.

In this cleaning operation, they have the heaviest task and bear all the hopes of the Governor.

No matter whether the other teams' combat missions are successful or not, if they fail, everything will be ruined!

When night falls, all teams wear night vision goggles.

They took their own vehicles and headed to their mission target location.

Viewed from the air, teams one after another, taking advantage of the cover of night, dispersed into residential areas that needed cleaning.

The teams arrived at their respective target locations and quietly waited for the order to attack.

In the combat command room of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Bayev was looking at the holographic map of the residential areas around the Sacred Square, and one red dot arrived at the designated location one after another.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, the evildoers were allowed to release the terrifying chaotic biological weapons in advance.

No one is allowed to act without permission.

They need to wait for the guards to launch a surprise operation before they can start their mission.

The Praetorians' plan of action was simple.

As a group of three, after arriving at the designated location, they will conduct a surprise attack on the target evildoer at the same time.

The principles of action are: execute the evildoers, find and prevent the release of chaotic biological weapons!

Bayev watched nervously as the red dots representing the guards reached their respective target positions.

They will attack simultaneously in five minutes.

"May the God-Emperor bless you"

He glanced at the time and murmured.

The plans have been laid out and the personnel are in place.

All he could do now was wait.


Drake large residential area.

Area C31 on the thirteenth floor.

The space here is complex and intertwined, with nearly ten thousand people living on this floor alone.

It was already late at night, and the workers who had worked hard all day were fast asleep.

It was quiet everywhere, not even a mouse.

There is simply no extra food to feed other small creatures.

Of course, there are still occasional gunshots and screams.

No idea which poor person or family was killed.

But no one dared to come out to see or help.

Recently, the security situation in Drake's residential area has become worse and worse, with robberies and murders occurring one after another.

Even law enforcement officers are reluctant to patrol here.

However, the corpse collection team from the Logistics Department arrived very quickly.

Because if you slow down a little, the precious body will disappear without a trace.

In short, in this world, no one dares to care about other people's misfortunes.

Everyone closes the door and seeks happiness for themselves.

In the corner of the rusty corridor, under the green light of the fluorescent light bar, the screams continued.

That was the voice of a young female worker who had been assaulted by thugs.

She called for help, but no one responded.

The surrounding doors were locked tightly.

"It's so noisy, damn bitch!"

The villain in her body swung his fist and beat her head to pieces.

The pain and fear almost suffocated her, and she didn't dare to put up any resistance.

Who can help me!

The female worker's tears fell silently and she thought desperately.

She thought of the Governor.

This morning the workers said that the great Governor-General was chosen and blessed by His Majesty the God-Emperor.

He will come and save everyone!

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, Lord Governor...everyone is fine, please come and save me..."

The female worker moaned feebly.

The villain sneered and punched her hard:

"Another crazy guy.

Do you think those high-ranking big shots will care about your life and death?

You take good care of me.

Now that I'm in a better mood, I might even consider sparing your life!


Bitch! "

After another punch, the female worker was speechless.

The villain seemed to be addicted to fighting and raised his fist again.

The female worker didn't even have the strength to block it. She closed her eyes and was completely desperate!


The expected punch did not come down, and the female worker opened her eyes.

She saw that the villain had a dagger stuck in his neck!

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