Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 56 Take you home

As Li Yelai opened the cabinet, the glass that had been placed in the cabinet in advance crashed down.

The collision with the ground made a shattering sound, and the glass beads pouring out of the cup jumped back and forth on the ground, turning into a deadly melody. echoed in the quiet classroom.

When I saw this scene and heard this huge noise.

Everyone's expressions changed.

They also received text messages on their mobile phones, and were reminded by Huang Du to follow the rules in the text messages to avoid being harmed by the statue.

The first rule is, please don’t chase or shout in the museum, please keep quiet!

Therefore, even if some girls cry, they are suppressed and do not dare to make too much noise. Before, there was someone who did not believe in evil and spoke too loudly, and was attacked by the statue. He is still lying on the ground in shock.

But now, with Li Yelai's actions, a lot of noises were made.

This caused all the statues in the room to look back at Li Yelai, no longer bound by other rules, and suddenly came to life and rushed towards Li Yelai.

In the official analysis, there are also different rules and regulations. There are priorities.

The rule for these statues is that they cannot leave the viewing angle. Once they are no longer observed, they will quickly move to the nearest human being. Inflict damage.

This is their unique rule, but if a higher priority rule is violated first.

They will no longer be bound by this unique rule.

For example, rule number one, run fast and make loud noises.

For example, rule number two, make eye contact with them.

The two rules listed first have higher priority.

Therefore, when Li Yelai made a loud noise, they directly attacked Li Yelai.

In the end, Li Yelai underestimated the malice between people.

In Li Yelai's knowledge, he and the guy named Huang Du had only met a few times in school. The two had almost no interaction and no conflicts.

How could he have thought that the other party would use weird rules to trap him?

But in fact, Huang Du already had a grudge against Li Yelai on the first day.

In the eyes of the outside world, Li Yelai himself is handsome and tall, and he is wearing expensive and expensive clothes. His family background should be very good.

Perfectly fits the three characters of tall, rich and handsome.

This attracted the attention of many girls, and Huang Du heard girls talking about Li Yelai more than once.

What's more important is that Li Yelai is accompanied by a beautiful girl like Cheese.

This has long made Huang Du extremely jealous.

Especially after seeing from the notes that Cheese and Li Yelai entered the same room.

Every time I see Cheese's touching face, this grudge becomes more intense.

I can't wait to come in Li Ye's place immediately.

The reason why he chose those young and beautiful girls to enter the school was to attract their attention in the strange stories and finally achieve his goal.

Rather than letting this rich second generation pick up girls!

He believes that the reason why no one chooses him is entirely because they do not see their own advantages. Confused by money and looks.

As long as you show yourself well in the ghost stories and rescue these panicked girls, you will definitely win their hearts.

Whether it’s the suspension bridge effect or the hero saving the beauty.

Completely understands the rules of all ghost stories and how to deal with them, and even knows the secret rules that others don't know.

It can be said to be in an invincible position.

Now, after the strange story started, he had the trump card and directly planned to kill Li Yelai.

He had already designed a trap in the cabinet, and the person who opened the cabinet would undoubtedly be the target of the statue.

So, he hid his jealousy and hatred and coaxed Li Ye to open the cabinet.

What's the use of being handsome? Can you make the statue weird so it doesn't hit you?

What's the use of having money at home? Can I come to protect you now?

Even if everyone leaves Guitan in the end, this responsibility will not fall on him. He can only blame Li Yelai for his own misfortune.

Seeing the statue rushing towards Li Yelai, the students were extremely frightened, but they did not dare to scream and covered their mouths tightly.

Huang Du, on the other hand, smiled maliciously at Li Yelai from an angle that they couldn't see.

On the other side, Li Yelai came to his senses in shock.

His eyes quickly glanced at Huang Du, and he knew in his heart that he had been cheated.

The other party responded maliciously to him and believed that he had a chance to win, and even had no intention of continuing to hide.

Is this Huang Du the mastermind behind the scenes? Or one of the black hands?

I don’t know if this is the effect of encountering a strong enemy?

Li Yelai thought to himself, immediately turned around and quickly ran out of the classroom door behind him.

According to the rules, a safe passage with a green light is equivalent to a safe zone.

If he could run there, he wouldn't have to fight these guys. After all, he didn't know how strong the opponent was, so Li Yelai wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible.

The next second, four statues smashed into the seats blocking the way, rushed out of the classroom, and began to quickly pursue Li Yelai.

This made the smile on Huang Du's face even more ferocious.

"Now, you are even more finished!"

It’s not fun to run away in the ghost story of the museum. Otherwise it will lead to more weirdness.

It will even attract 'security guards' patrolling everywhere.

That is the most powerful weirdness of the museum. I saw more and more statues running past the door.

Huang Du laughed in his heart.

The rich second generation, who has everything he desires, suffers in front of himself.

What could be more exciting than this?

He was even imagining that when Li Yelai was seriously injured or even died.

You can find and rescue the short-haired girl trapped in the ghost story by yourself.

Maybe he could comfort her and take advantage of the situation.

"Aren't we going to save him?" A student asked with a frightened look on his face, obviously considering Huang Du as his backbone.

Huang Du sneered in his heart, with a look of regret on his face: "It's too late, let's take the opportunity to leave and not waste his sacrifice."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to help the female student beside him, looking concerned.

"What will they do?" Some students pointed to the wounded lying on the ground.

Huang Du shook his head again: "At present, it seems that those statues will not attack unconscious people. We can't take them away, so we can only leave them. We must leave the art gallery and leave this school now. There can be no burden."

After some hesitation, the students had no choice but to give up for safety reasons.

Follow Huang Du out of the classroom and walk towards the stairwell in the opposite direction to the safety passage.

On the other side, Li Yelai was very fast and quickly ran to the location of the safety exit.

But the moment Li Yelai approached.

The originally green warning light suddenly turned blood red!

Red lights shone all around, making the entire safe passage door look more ominous.

Art Museum Weird Tale No. 5: If there is a green light on the emergency exit door, you can pass through. If the light is red, please stay away!

Li Yelai stopped and immediately cursed angrily: "Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?"

He didn't know that he was just unlucky and happened to catch a red light. Someone still switched the colors intentionally.

In short, Li Yelai can't take the safe passage now.

So, Li Yelai turned around and looked behind him.

He was extremely fast and put some distance between himself and those statues. But as he ran, a large number of statues poured out of the room. By visual inspection, there are more than twenty.

At this moment, everything is approaching me quickly. There are stone statues and bronze statues among them.

Rushing at the front were two stone lions. As agile as a living lion, it showed its sharp fangs towards Li Yelai.

No, they are monsters scarier than living lions.

After all, lions are made of flesh and blood, and their entire bodies are made of hard stone. Invulnerable, even the sliding shovel is useless.

Since it is unavoidable, the last resort can only be used.

So, Li Yelai quickly stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face.

Turn on Xiang Yu's facial makeup, and the overlord's double pupils appear!

The next moment, he raised his foot and kicked the stone lion on the forehead.

With a 'click', the stone lion's head instantly shattered. That kick directly hit the weak spot, without exerting much force, and just smashed it into pieces.

After defeating the enemy with one move, Li Yelai's offensive continued unabated. He slashed with the molten ax and directly cut off another stone lion in half. Then, stepping on the headless body of the first stone lion, he jumped up and pounced on the nearest statue.

It was a humanoid statue with a strong body and a naked body. It seems to be some kind of David.

But it was too late to react. Then Li Yelai struck Huashan Mountain with the force of his axe, splitting it in half. Li Yelai grabbed half of it, rounded it up and hit the fourth statue on the head with extremely terrifying force.

The stone statues were broken into pieces and mud was scattered everywhere. The fourth statue had its head smashed and fell to the ground.

In an instant, four statues were destroyed, and the statues were all stunned.

The light above Li Yelai flashed, then exploded.

Darkness fell, sparks flew, and Li Yelai's figure was outlined.

But it also made the weird statues stop their progress.

Although they are just weird things derived from the Kaitan Notes, they are not without intelligence and instinct. ,

At this moment, for the first time since their birth, they felt fear!

All fear comes from lack of firepower!

Then Li Ye came with all his firepower!

On the other side, Huang Du and others were already approaching the stairwell.

Li Yelai attracted most of the statues, so that they did not encounter many dangers along the way.

Occasionally, I encountered several statues, but under Huang Du's command, I got through them safely.

This made some students cry with joy, thinking that they could finally escape from this hellish place.

Looking at Huang Du, his eyes became filled with admiration or admiration. Many women also subconsciously approached Huang Du.

This makes Huang Du very satisfied. He believes that he only needs to experience a few more dangers. Those girls will see him as a heroic figure. And let him ask for it.

However, at this moment.

A heavy object hit the ground not far away. Smashed tiles on the floor.

Everyone was stunned and looked towards the place where the sound came from in horror. Lest it attract other statues.

However, after seeing the object clearly, the bachelors' eyes widened, and Huang Du's smile suddenly stiffened.

Because what fell not far behind them was a broken statue head!

Everyone turned around in shock and saw a strange scene.

Those terrifying statues were running away quickly, as if there were some monsters behind them. In the corridor behind them, light bulbs popped off little by little.

Darkness gradually erodes the passage, but it also drives away the weirdness of the statues.

There are weird statues fighting back and hurtling into the darkness. But after a crisp sound, it never came out again.

‘Click’, ‘Bang’, ‘Pound’

Various strange sounds came from the darkness.

That was the sound of statues breaking, that was the sound of cutting metal.

That's a weird monster hunting!

Everyone watched helplessly as a humanoid stone statue suddenly knelt on its knees and kowtowed to the other side.

This made everyone's eyes widen in disbelief.

The statue that was so scary before is now kowtowing and begging for mercy?

What monster is chasing behind them?

The next second, they saw a figure holding an axe. Stepping out of the shadows, he stepped forward and crushed the statue's head.

Then, the lightbulb above his head suddenly aged and exploded, causing darkness to engulf the figure again.

The remaining statues became increasingly frightened and frantically approached the direction of the crowd.

Everyone was frightened, but the statues failed to get close to them.

The last humanoid statue is obviously the bronze statue of the Animated Thinker.

When it was still about ten meters away from everyone, it suddenly lost its left calf, and then slammed to the ground.

It seemed to let out a frightened but silent howl, scratching the ground frantically, trying to avoid the monster behind it.

Everyone could even see the pleading on its face.

But the darkness caught up with it, and a hand with sharp bones stretched out from the shadows, grabbed its right leg, and dragged it into the darkness.

The bronze statue of the Thinker struggled wildly, leaving several scratches on the ground, and then was swallowed by the darkness.

After a burst of sparks and the sound of metal cutting, there was no more sound.

Then, a figure walked out of the darkness.

It was Li Yelai.

He walked out of the darkness with a calm face, as if nothing happened.

But it made everyone feel a sense of oppression.

Huang Du's face turned pale. Among the strange stories, he was supposed to be invincible.

It was supposed to be like a god's palace where you could roam about the ghost story and use it to decide the life and death of everyone.

But what happened to the man in front of me?

Why have all the weirdos been eliminated? Why is this guy scarier than weird?

The endless fear drove Huang Du to want to escape from this place.

But Li Yelai was already standing in front of him.

"Wait, classmate! I didn't know there was one there." Huang Du quickly defended, he had never thought of such a situation.

There are actually human beings who have eliminated the monsters. This is a power that is simply incomprehensible! How come there is such power?

He must.

Before he could finish his thoughts, Li Yelai raised his hand and punched him in the face.

What Huang Du saw before he passed out were those flying teeth.

Some students looked at Li Yelai in astonishment and then looked at the deformed yellowness of his face.

But he didn't dare to make any accusations, but looked at Li Yelai nervously.

"Don't be afraid, I am an official, and this strange incident is related to him." Li Yelai gave a simple explanation and said to everyone: "This floor is safe now, go back and bring the wounded. I will take you home!" "

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